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." Heleaned close, laying his ear against her chest."Breathe," he demanded.She gasped at the sharp image of his mouth closing on her suddenly tightnipples, then forced herself to take in a strong, steady breath.She waitedfor him to pull away, willing herself to keep her hands from guiding him toher breast."Again," he said, nestling his cheek closer.She obeyed, each breath anagony unrelated to illness.Her shoulders sagged in relief when he finally pulled away.She sprang from the bunk and crossed her arms over her chest."Well?"He stared at her, thoughtful."Your lungs sound clear.Your fever'sgone.You're only a little flushed."Krys knew what had caused the wash of rose across her cheeks, but sheheld her tongue as he continued, "If the dome weren't virus-free, I'd wonderif you'd caught some other bug.But no." He shook his head."That wouldmean you're immune to ODS anyway."Excitement exploded in his face in an unexpected, rakish grin."That'sit!" he cried.His brilliant smile burst inside her and she felt as if she could leapto the nearest bump point without her shuttle.Her mouth curved broadly inresponse."What's it?""You're the key, you must be! Fuzzy, we need a full medical on Krys.Complete genetic work-up  blood, tissue samples."He swung his feet to the floor and took three paces into the lab beforehis knees buckled, his body protesting the sudden movement.Krys grabbed him,grunting as she took his weight."What the heck do you think you're doing?You're still sick."He shook his head, his eyes showing the strain as he dragged in alungful of air."Sorry.you're right.I'll take it slow.Help me to mychair."They crossed the lab, Krys setting her lips against her own weakness,relieved to let him slide into his chair.Suddenly the sense of what he'dsaid dawned on her.Medical history.Genetic work-up.Tissue samples.Just need a little sample, sweetie, the doctor had said."Tissue samples?" she asked, trying to keep the trembling from hervoice.Ian, unaware of her discomfort, rattled out commands on his keyboard."Don't need much." He gestured to the device positioned near the laserscope."We can take a sample from your finger."Krys's gaze fixed on the device that had so terrified her that firstday.Now the slender silvery barrel of the thing took on a sinister aspect."My finger?" she quavered.He nodded absently."Fuzzy, will tell you what to do."Fuzzy's light panel flickered through a range of blues."Please insertyour index finger into the small silver cylinder."She took a half-dozen faltering steps to the machine."I have to put myfinger in there?" she squeaked."Unless you'd prefer to use the larger extractor," Fuzzy said."But itwould take a larger sample which might be a bit painful  ""That's okay! I'll just use." She edged up to the device, fearclosing her throat.You're being ridiculous, she scolded herself.Ianwouldn't hurt you.Yet she couldn't shake those old memories, the horrifyingbuzz, the acrid burnt smell.She squeezed her eyes shut and slipped her trembling right index fingerinto the barrel.Swallowing hard, she asked, "Will it hurt?""Done," Fuzzy answered.She snatched her finger back in surprise."What?""I've extracted the sample.Blood and tissue both.""But." Cradling her finger in her left hand, she studied it.A tinycircle of pink stained her fingertip.If she focused very hard, she couldfeel a tingling."Oh," she said, feeling foolish, but at the same time, veryrelieved.Ian fingered another command sequence into his keyboard."Fuzzy,display the med history checklist for Krys."Fuzzy's panel glowed innocent blue."Shall I add this data to herQuickCheck?"Krys's head bobbed up in surprise."What QuickCheck?" She turned toIan."You QuickChecked me?"Ian had the grace to blush."When you first arrived," he admitted. Fuzzy's panel shimmered a blithe blue."He even requested specialhandling for your QuickCheck image."Krys felt chagrin as she remembered the image she'd scanned into theidentity database.It'd been after a two-day shuttle run on little sleep; herhair had been untamable and her eyes half-lidded from exhaustion."I'm surprised you let me stay after seeing that picture," she said toIan.He slanted her an odd look, black fire smoldering in his eyes."I toldFuzzy to purge it."A twinge of hurt tightened around her heart."It was pretty hideous."Ian shook his head, the fire burning brighter."Hideous is not the wordI would use to describe you."She flushed with heat as his gaze grew as palpable as a touch.Hercoverall suddenly seemed too constricting, and she gripped her hands intofists to keep from loosening the fastening at her throat.Then a jag of coughing shook Ian, breaking the moment.She hurried tothe food station for a drink of water, handing it to him.As he took the cup,he scraped in a breath, annoyance at the discomfort written across his face [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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