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. Alien, ancient eyes studied me a moment. Darroc sspecial diversion was playing with human women for a long, cruel time, before destroying them.An image of Alina s body as it had looked lying on the morgue table rose up in my mind. Have I toldyou how much I hate him? I hissed.For a moment I couldn t say any more, couldn t even think past himhurting my sister and leaving her to die.I breathed deep and slow, then said,  So, what, you threw himout of Faery and dumped him on us? When the queen uncovered his treason, she stripped him of his power and immortality, and banishedhim to your realm, condemning him to suffer the brevity and humiliation of a mortal life, and die thecruelest sentence for a Fae, crueler even than ceasing to exist by immortal weapon, or.simplyvanishing the way some of us do.To die was insult to injury.Mortal indignity is the greatest indignity ofall.He wasso arrogant. Was he a prince? A death-by-sex Fae like V lane? Was that how he d seducedmy sister? No.But he was old among our kind.Powerful. How can you know that, if you ve drunk from the cauldron? I pointed out an obvious bit of illogic.Aside effect of extreme longevity, V lane had told me, was eventual madness.They dealt with it bydrinking from the Seelie Hallow, the cauldron.The sacred drink wiped their memories clean, and let themstart over with a brand-new Fae life, and no memory of who they d once been. The cauldron is not without flaws, MacKayla.Memory is.how did one of your artists sayit? persistent.It was fashioned to ease the onus of eternity, not leave us blank.When we drink from it,we emerge speaking the first language we knew.Darroc s is mine: the ancient one, from the dawn of ourrace.In such a way, we know things about each other, despite the divestiture of memories.Someattempt to plant information about themselves for their next incarnation to find.The Fae Court is anunpleasant place to be, stripped of ability to discern friend from foe.We prolong drinking as long aspossible.Tatters from earlier times sometimes remain.Some must drink twice, three times, to becleansed. How can I find Darroc? I asked.Now that I knew his name, I would never call him anything but that, Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.htmlor a mocking  LM again. You cannot.He is hiding where even we have been unable to track him.He slips in and out of Unseeliethrough portals unknown to us.We are hunting him, the other Seelie princes and I. How can a mere human elude you and move in and out of Fae realms? I goaded.I was angry.They dmade this mess.They d dumped Darroc into our realm because they d been having problems, and it wasmy world that was suffering, my sister who d been killed because of it.The least they could do was cleanup after themselves, and fast. My queen did not strip his knowledge from him, an oversight she now regrets.She believed he woulddie quickly.It is why we did not suspect him of being the one behind the trouble in your realm.Oncehuman, Darroc had no immunity against the many illnesses that plague your kind, and those who live asgods tend to underestimate the brutality of the herd when they walk among it. He s not the only one who underestimated something, I said frostily.Herd, my petunia.With so muchinhuman power at their fingertips, they certainly were humanly fallible, and we humans were the onespaying for it.V lane ignored the jibe. We believed if he did not contract a mortal illness, he would anger a humanwith his arrogance, and become one of your violent crime statistics.Contrary to our expectations, sinceDarroc has been mortal, he has acquired immense power.He knew where to look, and how to get it,and he has always had allies among the Royal Hunters.He promises them freedom from the Unseelieprison where they are stabled; a promise no other Fae would make.Hunters cannot be trusted. And other Fae can? I said dryly. Hunters go beyond all bounds. Here V lane momentarily flickered, as if struggling not to revert toanother form. They have taught Darroc to eat the flesh of Fae to steal Fae power! He paused, and fora fleeting moment, the temperature plunged so sharply that I couldn t draw a breath and the ocean, as faras I could see it, iced.Abruptly, all was normal again. He will die very slowly when we find him.Thequeen may make him suffer immortally for it.We do not savage our own.I looked away hurriedly and stared out at the sea, owning the same sin, feeling it flashing in incriminatingneon letters on my forehead: FAE EATER.Darroc had taught Mallucé, Mallucé had taught me, and I dtaught Jayne.I had no desire to suffer immortally, or otherwise. What can I do to help? Leave it to us to find Darroc, V lane said. You must do as the queen has charged you and find theBook.The walls between our realms are dangerously thin.If Darroc succeeds in bringing them down, theUnseelie will escape their prison.Without theSinsar Dubh, we are as powerless to reimprison our darkbrethren as you.Once loose, they will consume your world and destroy your race.He paused before adding grimly,  And, quite possibly, mine.NINE Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.htmlAt quarter to ten, I was waiting for Barrons to arrive, and my Voice lessons to begin.We d set astanding engagement, and although I knew he was probably still angry with me, I expected him to show.I didn t mind hopping.He could make me squawk like a chicken, for all I cared.If he made me feelstupid enough, I d figure out how to resist him.Christian had been right.If the walls came down, all the Unseelie would be freed.And I d been right,too: the Seelie couldn t reimprison them without theSinsar Dubh.Despite the grimness of our situation, Iwas once again focused, determined Mac.I d stolen some sun real human sun, not Faery stuff like lasttime with V lane and stashed it away, solar energy for my cells.A junkie, I d gotten my fix.Thumbing my nose at the chilly weather outside, which I had no intention of venturing into, I was wearingmy favorite short white skirt, pretty sandals, and a lime-gold sleeveless top that tinted the green of myeyes a lighter, more intense shade.My skin was burnished gold from my hours in the sun.I looked andfelt great.After showering, and doing my makeup and hair, I d talked to Dad for a while.In Ashford, itwas suppertime, and it had been 88 degrees today.In Dublin it was 38, but knowing Cancún was a mere sift away made it a lot easier to handle.In my refreshed state of mind, I d decided to divulge some information to Barrons.Try fishing with abaited hook instead of demanding answers, do things his way.I was going to show him the page from mysister s journal that I d received today.V lane had slipped.Surely every now and then Barrons did, too.Maybe his face would betray something.Maybe he knew what the five were.Maybe he d have someidea who had Alina s journal.I didn t believehe did.I couldn t see any reason he would choose thosespecific entries to send to me.Then again, I couldn t see any reasonanyone would choose them, butsomeone had.If I shared something with him, maybe he d return the favor.Perhaps he felt the answers were innocuousenough that they didn t matter.Sunny Mac felt it was worth a try.The bell above the door tinkled.Barrons stepped in.He swept a gaze from my head to my feet, slowly.His face tightened, then heworked his way back up, just as slowly.I guess he didn t like my clothes.He rarely does.Left to myown devices, I dress too happy to suit his tastes.Ms.Rainbow and Mr.Night.That s what we look likewalking around together [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]
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