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.Where are we, Dow?'Dow squinted across the fire, mouth wide open, like he was looking atPage 227 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlsomething far away.'Middle o' fucking nowhere,' he said, waving the pipearound.He started cackling, grabbed hold of Threetrees' boot and shook it.'Where else would we be? You want this, Furious?' He thrust the pipe up atWest.'Alright.' He sucked on the stem, felt the smoke biting in his lungs.Hecoughed brown steam out into the frosty air, and sucked again.'Give me that,' said Threetrees, sitting up and snatching the pipe off him.Tul's great rumbling voice came floating up out of the darkness, horribly outof tune.'He swung his axe like& what is it? He swung his axe like& shit.No.Hold on& ''Do you know where Cathil is?' asked West.Dow leered up at him.'Oh, she's around.' He waved his hand toward a clusterof tents higher up the slope.'Up that way, I reckon.''Around,' echoed Threetrees, chuckling softly.'Around.''He was& the Bloody& Niiiiine!' came gurgling from the trees.West followed footprints off up the slope, towards the tents.The smoke wasalready having an effect on him.His head felt light, his feet moved easily.His nose didn't feel cold any more, just pleasantly tingling.He heard awoman's voice, laughing softly.He grinned, took a few more crunching stepsthrough the snow towards the tents.Warm light spilled out from one, through anarrow gap in the cloth.The laughter grew louder.'Uh& uh& uh& 'West frowned.That didn't sound like laughter.He came closer, doing his bestto be quiet.Another sound wandered into his fuzzy mind.An intermittentgrowling, like some kind of animal.He edged closer still, bending down topeer through the gap, hardly daring even to breathe.'Uh& uh& uh& 'He saw a woman's bare back, squirming up and down.A thin back, he could seethe sinews bunching as she moved, the knobbles of her backbone shifting underher skin.Closer still, and he could see her hair, shaggy brown and messy.Cathil.A pair of sinewy legs stuck out from under her towards West, one footalmost close enough for him to touch, its thick toes wriggling.'Uh& uh& uh& 'A hand slid up under her armpit, another round behind one knee.There was alow growl and the lovers, if you could call them that, rolled smoothly over soshe was underneath.West's mouth dropped open.He could see the side of theman's head, and he stared at it.There was no mistaking the sharp, stubbly jawline.The Dogman.His arse was sticking up towards West, moving in and out.Cathil's hand clutched at one hairy buttock, squeezing at it in time to themovement.'Uh& Uh& Uh!'West clamped one hand over his mouth, eyes bulging, half-horrified, halfstrangely aroused.He was caught hopelessly between wanting to watch, andwanting to run, and came down on the latter without thinking.He took a stepback, his heel caught a tent peg and he went sprawling over with a stifledcry.'What the fuck?' he heard from inside the tent.He scrambled up and turnedaway, started to flounder through the snow in the darkness as he heard theflap thrown back.'Which of you is it, you bastards?' came Dogman's voice fromabove, bellowing in Northern.'That you, Dow? I'll fucking kill you!'The High Places« ^ »'The Broken Mountains,' breathed Brother Longfoot, his voice hushed with awe.'Truly, a magnificent sight.''I think I'd like it better if I didn't have to climb 'em,' grunted Logen.Jezal by no means disagreed.The character of the land they rode through hadbeen changing day by day, from softly sloping grassland, to gently rollingplains, to buckled hills spattered with bare rocks and sullen groups ofstunted trees.Always in the distance had been the dim grey rumours of thePage 228 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlmountain peaks, growing larger and more distinct with each morning until theyseemed to pierce the brooding clouds themselves.Now they sat in their very shadow.The long valley they had been followingwith its waving trees and winding stream ended at a maze of broken walls.Beyond it lay a steep rise into the rugged foothills, beyond them the firsttrue outlier of the mountains rose, a stark oudine of jagged rock, proud andmagnificent, smeared at the distant top with white snow.A child's vertiginousnotion of what a mountain should be.Bayaz swept the ruined foundations with his hard green eyes.'There was astrong fortress here.It marked the western limits of the Empire, beforepioneers crossed the pass and settled the valleys on the far side.' The placewas nothing more now than a home for stinging weeds and scratching brambles.The Magus clambered from the cart and squatted down, stretching out his backand working his legs, grimacing all the while.He still looked old and ill,but a great deal of both flesh and colour had returned to his face since theyleft Aulcus behind.'Here ends my rest,' he sighed.'This cart has served uswell, and the beasts too, but the pass will be too steep for horses.'Jezal saw the track now, switching back and forth as it climbed, a faint linethrough the piles of wild grass and steep rock, lost over a ridge high above.'It looks a long way.'Bayaz snorted.'But the first ascent of many we will make today, and therewill be many more beyond them.We will be a week at least in the mountains, myboy, if all goes well.' Jezal hardly dared ask what might happen if thingswent badly.'We must travel light.We have a long, steep road to follow.Waterand all the food we have left.Warm clothes, for it will be bitter cold amongthe peaks.''The birth of spring is perhaps not the best time to cross a mountain range,'observed Longfoot under his breath.Bayaz looked sharply sideways.'Some would say the best time to cross anobstacle is when one finds oneself on the wrong side of it! Or do you suggestwe wait for summer?' The Navigator chose, wisely in Jezal's opinion, not toreply.'The pass is well-sheltered in the main, the weather should be far fromour most pressing worry.We will need ropes, though.The road was good, in theOld Time, if narrow, but that was long ago.It might have been washed away inplaces, or tumbled into deep valleys, who knows? We may have some toughclimbing ahead of us.''I can hardly wait,' muttered Jezal.'Then there is this.' The Magus pulled one of the nearly empty fodder sacksopen, pushed the hay out of the way with his bony hands.The box they hadtaken from the House of the Maker lay in its bottom, a block of darkness amongthe pale, dry grass.'And who gets the joy of carrying that bastard?' Logen looked up from underhis brows.'How about we draw lots? No?' No one said anything.The Northmangrunted as he hooked his hands under it and dragged it off the cart towardshim, its edge squealing against the wood.'Reckon it's me, then,' he said,thick veins standing out from his neck as he hauled the weighty thing onto ablanket.Jezal did not at all enjoy looking at it.It reminded him too much of thesuffocating hallways of the Maker's House.Of Bayaz' dark stories about magic,and demons, and the Other Side.Of the fact that there was a purpose to thisjourney that he did not understand, but definitely did not like the sound of.He was glad when Logen finally had it wrapped up in blankets and stowed in apack.Out of sight, at least, if not entirely out of mind.They all had plenty to carry.Jezal took his steels, of course, sheathed athis belt [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]
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