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.It s very depressing.You can t talk to each other.You can t laugh.You can t even look at each other.Your mind has to be totally on the LostWorld.Totally. He waved a hand in rejection. Not for me.I m a scholar andI want the whole world open to me. Good,  said Seldon, seeing an opening. We feel that way too.We arePage 119 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlscholars also, Dors and myself. I know,  said Mycelium Seventy-Two. You know? How do you know? You d have to be.The only tribespeople allowed in Mycogen are Imperialofficials and diplomats, important traders, and scholars --and to me you havethe look of scholars.That s what interested me in you.Scholars together. Hesmiled delightedly. So we are.I am a mathematician.Dors is a historian.And you? I specialize in.culture.I ve read all the great works of literature ofthe tribespeople: Lissauer, Mentone, Novigor-- And we have read the great works of your people.I ve read the Book, forinstance.-About theLost World.Mycelium Seventy-Two s eyes opened wide in surprise.His olive complexionseemed to fade a little. You have? How? Where? At our University we have copies that we can read if we have permission. Copies of the Book? Yes. I wonder if the Elders know this?Seldon said,  And I ve read about robots. Robots? Yes.That is why I would like to be able to enter the Sacratorium.I wouldlike to see the robot.(Dors kicked lightly at Seldon s ankle, but he ignored her.)Mycelium Seventy-Two said uneasily,  I don t believe in such things.Scholarlypeople don t.But he looked about as though he was afraid of being overheard.Seldon said,  I ve read that a robot still exists in the Sacratorium.Mycelium Seventy-Two said,  I don t want to talk about such nonsense.Seldon persisted. Where would it be if it was in the Sacratorium? Even if one was there, I couldn t tell you.I haven t been in there since Iwas a child. Would you know if there was a special place, a hidden place? There s the Elders aerie.Only Elders go there, but there s nothing there. Have you ever been there? No, of course not. Then how do you know? I don t know that there s no pomegranate tree there.I don t know thatthere s no laser-organ there.I don t know that there s no item of a milliondifferent kinds there.Does my lack of knowledge of their absence show theyare all present?For the moment, Seldon had nothing to say.A ghost of a smile broke through Mycelium Seventy-Two s look of concern.Hesaid,  That s scholars reasoning.I m not an easy man to tackle, you see.Just the same, I wouldn t advise you to try to get up into the Elders aerie.I don t think you d like what would happen if they found a tribesman inside.-Well.Best of the Dawn to you. And he rose suddenly-without warning--andhurried away.Seldon looked after him, rather surprised. What made him rush off like that? I think,  said Dors,  it s because someone is approaching.And someone was.A tall man in an elaborate white kirtle, crossed by an evenmore elaborateand subtly glittering red sash, glided solemnly toward them.He had theunmistakable look of a man with authority and the even more unmistakable lookof one who is not pleased.53.Hari Seldon rose as the new Mycogenian approached.He hadn t the slightestPage 120 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlidea whether that was the appropriate polite behavior, but he had the distinctfeeling it would do no harm.Dors Venabili rose with him and carefully kepther eyes lowered.The other stood before them.He too was an old man, but more subtly aged thanMyceliumSeventy-Two.Age seemed to lend distinction to his still-handsome face.Hisbald head was beautifully round and his eyes were a startling blue,contrasting sharply with the bright all--but glowing red of his sash.The newcomer said,  I see you are tribespeople. His voice was morehigh-pitched than Seldon had expected, but he spoke slowly, as thoughconscious of the weight of authority in every word he uttered. So we are,  said Seldon politely but firmly.He saw no reason not to deferto the other s position, but he did not intend to abandon his own. Your names? I am Hari Seldon of Helicon.My companion is Dors Venabili of Cinna.Andyours, man ofMycogen?The eyes narrowed in displeasure, but he too could recognize an air ofauthority when he felt it. I am Skystrip Two,  he said, lifting his head higher,  an Elder of theSacratorium.And your position, tribesman? We,  said Seldon, emphasizing the pronoun,  are scholars of StreelingUniversity.I am a mathematician and my companion is a historian and we arehere to study the ways of Mycogen. By whose authority? By that of Sunmaster Fourteen, who greeted us on our arrival.Skystrip Two fell silent for a moment and then a small smile appeared on hisface and he took on an air that was almost benign.He said,  The High Elder.Iknow him well. And so you should,  said Seldon blandly. Is there anything else, Elder? Yes. The Elder strove to regain the high ground [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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