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.By the time I got done Oliver andEien were back.Oliver came into the kitchen andsat my coffee on the counter."I made food, will you tell theguys it's done," I told him.He nodded andstarted for the living room. "Oliver?" He stopped and lookedback at me."Thanks," I told him lifting mycoffee.He gave me a lopsided grin,causing me to suck scolding hot coffeedown my throat.I began coughing andgasping.He chuckled and left the kitchen.Quickly I stuck my head under the waterfaucet and gulped down cold water.Behind me was a rumble of feet.I doveout of the way to avoid the oncomingcrowd.Oliver was standing in thedoorway and nodded at me to go to mybedroom.Leading him to my bedroomwas like the longest walk ever.It was justacross the living room to my door but itfelt like forever to get to it.A million things were running through my headgiving me a headache and making mystomach tense.Once we were inside he closed thedoor.In one quick motion he turned andwrapped his arms around me pulling meinto his chest.His lips found mine; it waslustful but also gentle."Oliver?" I muttered against hislips pulling back quickly."Yeah," he pulled me back a littleto look down at me."Did we.?""You don't remember?" he askedslowly, his eyes glinted mischievously.I frowned and shook my head."Iwas so drunk.I." My shoulders sagged. Did this mean that I had?"Well, it was pretty intense," hecommented.I stared at him in horror."We.I." I slapped my handagainst my forehead."Don't feel bad, Ever.We wereboth drunk, it happens," he shrugged like itwas no big deal.Lifting my headslowly to glare at him, I surprised myselfby letting out a snarl."It happens?!" I yelled."How.what?" I shook my head trying tothink of the words anger boiling deepinside me."It doesn't just "happen", Oliver,"I snarled using air quotes.He stood therelooking quite amused with himself. "I was a virgin you fuckingidiot!" Placing my hands against his chestI shoved him roughly toward the door."Get the out!" How I could I everwant to be with this arrogant, self-centered jerk?!Oliver grabbed my hands to stopme from hitting him."Ever," he said softly smirking."What!""I never said we had sex," he toldme smugly."But, it's nice to know you area virgin."I stopped trying to hit himinstantly."We didn't?" I asked bewildered. He shook his head laughing."No."I dropped my hand falling into hischest.He wrapped his arms around mechuckling.There was a small knock on thedoor."Umm.Oliver? She didn't killyou did she?" Alex asked cautiously."No, everything is okay," Oliverlaughed.I couldn't stop from laughingeither.I can't even imagine what the guyswere thinking hearing me go off on Oliver."Better?" Oliver asked with hisface against my hair."Why didn't you stop me?""It was amusing," he grinned. "I was about to kill you.""I know.that is why I did stopyou.""So.what did we do?" I askedpulling away to look at him."This."Oliver cupped my face kissingme passionately.He bit my bottom lip andran his tongue over my lip.The kiss lastedonly a moment but when we pulled away Iwas panting.Placing his forehead to mineour noses touched."Drunk or not I have very goodjudgment.Unlike someone," he chuckled.Istuck my tongue out at him and he kissedme again.I pulled away."Stop that," I ordered half-heartedly.I was enjoyingkissing him more than I should though."You my teacher Oliver."He smiled and kissed my nosecausing me to blush."It's not illegal and sowhat if I lose my job," he shrugged.I gapped at him."What do youmean so what?"He smirked and planted one morekiss on my lips."Get dressed," he told meand swiftly swept out of my bedroom doorbefore I could protest.I dug around for something towear.After showering and putting on apair of tight black jeans and my favoriteblack halter top.The guys were wearingall black I'm sure it had to do with their gang stuff so I might as well fit in to.Iblow dried my hair and straitened it, thenapplied my makeup making it dark.Therewas a knock on my bathroom door.Opening, it I found Oliver again.He wasleaning against the door frame.He lookedup from the floor at me and froze his eyesgiving me a once over."It's going to be awful hardconcentrating on anything with you lookinglike that," Oliver spoke licking his lips.Iblushed and looked down at me feet.Hishand grabbed my chin and brought my faceup."Make sure that tonight one of theguys is with you at all times.Do youunderstand?" Oliver's voice wascompletely serious and a bit strained. "Okay," I nodded.I had no plansof being alone with the weirdo Jason orany of his gang, not after what Oliver saidabout them."I mean it, Ever.Jason's gangisn't going to be the only one there."My stomach knotted up."Oliver,if I'm going to be in that much danger,maybe I shouldn't go.""As long as you re with us, you'llbe fine," he reassured his lips pursed.Iwasn't unsure about this but nodded."Am I going to have to lay acrosspeoples laps again," I groaned.Oliver smirked."Nope."I raised an eyebrow at him. "You ready or what? Because,the tournament's not just about streetfighting.We got to get there early for otherstuff," He told me still smirking."What does that mean? Whatother stuff?" I asked cautiously [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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