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.Jessewhimpered and took Noah in his mouth.For a few minutes, Kade was content watching thetwo men suck each other's cocks.They were so damn hot.Sweat glistening on their bodies, their muscles twitching.His nostrils flared at the intoxicating smell of sex.Thesmall moans coming from their throats made him shudder.77 Kade and the Captives Gale StanleyHis blood pumped hot and thick straight to his cock,making him moan along with them.When it became too painful to hold off any longer,he went into the bathroom and thankfully found a bottle oflube.He coated his shaft and moved up behind Noah,sliding a finger inside him, then another.Noah tensed at theinvasion and whimpered around Jesse's cock.Fucking Noah with his fingers made Kade evenmore anxious to bury his raging hard-on deep inside Noah'sass.The fingers came out and, guiding his cock to Noah'sentrance, he pushed inside, then stopped to let Noah adjustto his size.The slow penetration was torture, and he wasrelieved when Noah grunted to let him know he wantedmore.Being together felt right and a tidal wave ofemotions swept over Kade pleasure, belonging, love.Belonging was a fundamental need for a pack animal like awolf, but this went above and beyond.He needed to makeNoah his, and he moved inside him with a combination ofpassionate force and sweet tenderness.His lovers picked uphis rhythm.Panting beneath him, Noah reached back andtried to pull himself closer.Kade spread his fingers over Noah's stomach,anchoring him to his body, kissing his neck, capturing anearlobe, whispering hot and dirty into his ear.Noah78 Kade and the Captives Gale Stanleywrithed, nearly frantic with need.He tensed, let go, andKade felt Noah's orgasm as if it were his own.Noah'srelease must have set off Jesse's, and his garbled animalnoises took Kade higher, to the point of no return.Onemore thrust and he felt the ball-tightening spasm thatsignaled a climax fast approaching.About to explode, hethrew himself over Noah's back and sank his teeth into thesoft flesh of his shoulder, marking him again.79 Kade and the Captives Gale StanleyCHAPTER TENKade's head dropped back.All he could do wasgasp in sweet agony.Spent for the moment, he knew he'dbe ready for round two shortly, but right now he was in nohurry to move.Everything he wanted was here: Noah onone side, Jesse on the other.It felt right.Their bodiescomplemented his as if they'd been made for him.Of course, his human lovers might not feel thesame.He frowned.Maybe they were done with him.Maybe this gift had been nothing more than a way tosatisfy Jesse's curiosity.That would hurt, for sure.Thisdeep sense of connection was still new to him, but he likedthe feeling, more than he was ready to admit.Kade hadenjoyed plenty of sex in his life, and this wasn't about sexat all.When he held Noah and Jesse, made love to themand watched their faces, he knew it was so much more.They were mate material, not playmates.He had it badalready.He just hoped that he wasn't headed for a lot ofheartache.Only time would tell.* * * *Jesse was satisfied for now, but he intended to have80 Kade and the Captives Gale StanleyKade inside him before the night was over.He wasn'timmune to the man's animal magnetism; he just didn't wantto lose his lover to him.His jealousy had dissolved whenNoah assured him that if anything, his love for Jesse hadonly increased.Having a threesome was not a new idea for them.He and Noah loved each other, but they never wanted tobox themselves into a rigid situation.Another partner wasalways a possibility, but communication was key.ThinkingNoah intended to deceive him made Jesse suspicious andfearful of being replaced by a rival.Then there was the fearfactor.Kade was, after all, not human.But Jesse couldn't hold that against him, not aftereverything they'd been through.It wasn't Kade's fault thatNoah had showed up at the Wolf Den, but he'd gone all outfor them, even giving up his pack.Not to mention the manwas a sex god.What guy wouldn't be blown over by Kade?Jesse regretted not having more faith in Noah.If hehadn't backed down and listened to reason, he might havelost him and Kade, too.Yeah, he was more than willing togive this thing with Kade a shot.And just to prove his point, he leaned over andpressed his mouth down over Kade's, kissing him deeply,then pulling his lower lip between his teeth.Kade rewardedhim with a moan.81 Kade and the Captives Gale Stanley"Are you really okay with this?" Kade whispered inhis ear.Jesse took Kade's hand and placed it over his cock,hot and hard again."What do you think?"Kade groaned."I think you and Noah are going todo me in.""Yeah, right.Like I believe that."Kade chuckled."I'm not complaining.I can't thinkof a better way to go."* * * *Well fucked and drowsy with pleasure, Noahstretched, enjoying the comforting presence of Kade's bigbody next to his, their legs tangled together.Kade radiatedwarmth like a big, cuddly teddy bear and the banterbetween him and Jesse made Noah happy.There wasn't adoubt in his mind; he wanted both of them in his life.IfJesse hadn't decided to accept Kade, it would have beenover, because Noah would have honored his commitmentto Jesse, but he would have been miserable, completelycrushed."What do you think?" Kade nudged him and eyedhim with a heated look of invitation.Noah must havemissed something.82 Kade and the Captives Gale Stanley"About what?""About doing me? In?" His lips curved in one ofthose predatory smiles that never failed to make Noahshiver.Momentarily taken aback by the man's smolderinggood looks, Noah was rendered speechless.He buried hisface against Kade's chest and Kade ran a hand lazilythrough his hair."You okay, baby?""Yes," he mumbled."I don't want you and Jesse to worry too much.TheKindred will be good to you."Noah picked his head up."What about you?""I don't intend to be here very long.I want to talk tothe other Lycans, find out what's really going on, and thenI'll take off."Noah's heart twisted."You can't leave us."Kade got a sad look in his eyes."I don't want to, butI can't stay here.""We'll go with you." Kade looked doubtful andsuddenly Noah needed Kade to know what he meant tohim.I think I love you.He sensed that Kade's emotions ranas deep as his own, but he didn't know if Kade was ready tohear the "L" word."I really care about you, Kade.Webelong together, the three of us."Kade's expression changed.His self-assuredness83 Kade and the Captives Gale Stanleygave way to a vulnerability that made Noah's heart ache."Do you really believe that, Noah?""With all my heart.""Jesse?""I do, Kade."For a minute, Kade seemed unable to speak; then hegathered them close."Maybe we should give it a try, then.See if we can make us work."* * * *Mine.A fierce possessiveness came over Kade andhe hugged his lovers tight against his body [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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