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.Ellis s head dropped back and his let his body do the workwhile he enjoyed the results.William s hand on the small of his back guided him,encouraged him to move faster, and Ellis did.Everything themaster wanted, he did.He didn t even care when William told him not to come.Hehadn t planned in it, anyway.William shouted and came inside448 AT HIS THROAT, A PROMISEEllis, who smiled and let his body relax.He was panting andcovered in a thin sheen of sweat, but he didn t mind.A moment later, William lifted Ellis off his cock and placedhim on the desk, pressing him back so he was lying down.Ellisshouted when his cock was engulfed by wet heat, William s mouthmatching the rhythm of the fingers he shoved into Ellis s come-slicked hole.Ellis couldn t hold back, and William told him not to hecame, filling William s mouth without even trying to pull awaythis time.Then William was leaning over him, kissing him, and whenEllis s lips parted, William pushed Ellis s own come into hismouth, trapping it there with his lips so Ellis had to swallow.He donly tasted himself on William and Harte s lips, never so fully.Hetasted much like Harte did, only not as good.Anything that made William s eyes go dark and his lips gotight as if he really wanted to say something dirty was notsomething Ellis was willing to deny. I thought collaring him was taking an awful long time.Harte s voice was amused and came from the doorway. Not that Idon t think he looks perfect like that. Come in, Harte, William said, still leaning over Ellis andkissing the sweat from his body.Harte came into view, smiling, fingers reaching out to touchEllis s collar.Feeling protective of it, Ellis put his own hand on thecollar, but Harte just continued to grin.His eyes fell on Ellis s lips,and he bent down, placing a sucking kiss on the corner of Ellis smouth. Missed some, he explained, licking his lips and kissingEllis on the mouth. Ellis, go clean up and meet us by the front door, William449 AT HIS THROAT, A PROMISEinstructed, bodily pulling Harte away, a soft smile on his lips.Peeling himself off the desk, Ellis used the hallway washroomto tidy himself up.His ass was sore and ached a little when hemoved, but the idea that he d have that feeling all day wassomething to treasure.He wondered if other slaves besides Harte,of course felt that way about their masters.Not that he couldeven really say how he felt& or thought he felt.Not when Alastairhad told him what happened to slaves or masters who admittedtheir feelings.He met them at the door as instructed.Even though Hartewasn t moving, excitement was a tangible thing on him, seemingto come off him in waves.William was holding his upper arm as ifto keep him in check.Ellis tied on his sandals, his finger running over the scar on hisfoot from his journey into the forest.William did have a habit ofsaving him. Into the car, and no sex of any kind, you two, Williamwarned, opening the door for them. But Master, Ellis got to  Ellis just got collared.Don t you remember when I collaredyou?Harte s eyes glazed over and he promptly forgot about theunfairness of the situation.Ellis didn t even need to ask; it wassurely a tale of carnal deviance, and the telling of it would just puthim in a physically uncomfortable position.William seemed to drive more slowly than usual, which madeEllis take a page from Harte s book and practically vibrate withanxiety.The only times William had ever taken them anywhere,they d had to stay in the car unless it was something like thecostume party at the Cohens.450 AT HIS THROAT, A PROMISETo his surprise, they didn t drive into downtown Spire, butinstead, turned west where they should have continued south.They drove through what seemed to be a village.Ellis wasshocked at the amount of slaves he saw.Slaves were usually keptat home, only showed off within specific circles or at places likethe Lounge.Here they were walking around freely, some withouteven masters or mistresses by their sides. It s like a town of slaves, Harte explained quietly, noticinghis consternation. People who are proud of their slaves or whowant their slaves to be comfortable come here.Master says it s nogood to keep slaves inside for four years.Slaves need to meet otherslaves and be members of society.Some slaves lose theirpersonality if they re kept inside too long. I should have brought you earlier, Ellis, but I confess I enjoykeeping you to myself. William s eyes were kind in the rearviewmirror, and Ellis ducked his head in pleasure.They pulled up in front of a quaint restaurant with an oldwooden sign announcing that it was called Wender s [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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