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."Won't you ride along with me? I'm driving around for the mail," hecalled after her."No," returned Lenore, shortly, and hurried on out of earshot.Theimpertinence of the fellow!"Mawnin', Miss Lenore!" drawled a cheery voice.The voice and the jingleof spurs behind her told Lenore of the presence of the best liked of allher father's men."Good morning, Jake! Where's my dad?""Wal, he's with Adams, an' I wouldn't be Adams for no money," repliedthe cowboy.Page 37 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html"Neither would I," laughed Lenore."Reckon you ain't ridin' this mawnin'.You sure look powerful fine, MissLenore, but you can't ride in thet dress.""Jake, nothing but an aeroplane would satisfy me to-day.""Want to fly, hey? Wal, excuse me from them birds.I seen one, an'thet's enough for me.An', changin' the subject, Miss Lenore, beggin'your pardon--you ain't ridin' in the car much these days.""No, Jake, I'm not," she replied, and looked at the cowboy.She wouldhave trusted Jake as she would her brother Jim.And now he lookedearnest."Wal, I'm sure glad.I heerd Nash call an' ask you to go with him.Iseen his eyes when he said it.Sure I know you'd never look at thelikes of him.But I want to tell you--he ain't no good.I've beenwatchin' him.Your dad's orders.He's mixed up with the I.W.W.'s.Butthet ain't what I mean.It's--He's--I--""Thank you, Jake," replied Lenore, as the cowboy floundered."Iappreciate your thought of me.But you needn't worry.""I was worryin' a little," he said."You see, I know men better 'n yourdad, an' I reckon this Nash would do anythin'.""What's father keeping him for?""Wal, Anderson wants to find out a lot about thet I.W.W., an' he ain'tabove takin' risks to do it, either."The stable-boys and men Lenore passed all had an eager good morning forher.She often boasted to her father that she could run "Many Waters" aswell as he.Sometimes there were difficulties that Lenore had no littlepart in smoothing over.The barns and corrals were familiar places toher, and she insisted upon petting every horse, in some instances toJake's manifest concern."Some of them bosses are bad," he insisted."To be sure they are--when wicked cowboys cuff and kick them," repliedLenore, laughingly."Wal, if I'm wicked, I'm a-goin' to war," said Jake, reflectively."ThemGermans bother me.""But, Jake, you don't come in the draft age, do you?""Jest how old do you think I am?""Sometimes about fourteen, Jake.""Much obliged.Wal, the fact is I'm over age, but I'll gamble I can packa gun an' shoot as straight an' eat as much as any young feller.""I'll bet so, too, Jake.But I hope you won't go.We absolutely couldnot run this ranch without you."Page 38 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html"Sure I knew thet.Wal then, I reckon I'll hang around till you'remarried, Miss Lenore," he drawled.Again the scarlet mantled Lenore's cheeks."Good.We'll have many harvests then, Jake, and many rides," shereplied."Aw, I don't know--" he began.But Lenore ran away so that she could hear no more."What's the matter with me that people--that Jake should--?" she began,and ended with a hand on each soft, hot cheek.There was somethingdifferent about her, that seemed certain.And if her eyes were as brightas the day, with its deep blue and white clouds and shining green andgolden fields, then any one might think what he liked and have proof forhis tormenting."But married! I? Not much.Do I want a husband getting shot?"The path Lenore trod so lightly led along a great peach and appleorchard where the trees were set far apart and the soil was cultivated,so that not a weed nor a blade of grass showed.The fragrance of fruitin the air, however, did not come from this orchard, for the trees wereyoung and the reddening fruit rare.Down the wide aisles she saw thethick and abundant green of the older orchards.At length Lenore reached the alfalfa-fields, and here among the moundsof newly cut hay that smelled so fresh and sweet she wanted to roll, andshe had to run [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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