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.Charlotte shook her head, uncharacteristically solemn. What s going on with you guysanyway? Something seems off.Something was off all right.She wanted to spill everything to Charlotte, but one of thesecrets wasn t hers to tell.Tears welled in Maggie s eyes again, and she angrily swiped themaway.She hadn t cried this much since their mom died. Is this about the kiss in the diner? her sister asked.A watery laugh escaped Maggie. Or about the open box of condoms on your dresser that looks suspiciously familiar?When Maggie didn t respond, Charlotte added,  So& is it Lucas or Quinn?Maggie sighed.She might as well just get this over with. What would you say if I toldyou both? Charlotte s mouth fell open, and her eyes bulged. At the same time? she choked out.Maggie nodded, unable to meet her sister s gaze. Is it as fantastic as you d think it would be?This time, she looked at her sister.Slowly, she nodded. Better, actually. I don t know whether to be scandalized or jealous. After a pause, she said,  But I mleaning toward jealous.Maggie snorted then leaned her head on her sister s shoulder. I think I love them.Bothof them.Charlotte took a deep breath. Look, I m not saying it s conventional, and it s not alwaysgoing to be easy, but these guys have been crazy about you since you were teenagers.I think youowe it to yourself& and to them& to see if it s worth pursuing. You wouldn t think I was a slut and a half? I m your sister.I ll always have your back.No matter what. Charlotte brushed a straycurl from Maggie s eyes. I want you to be happy.If Lucas and Quinn make you happy and youmake them happy, then it doesn t matter what anyone else thinks or says. I love you, she said, hugging Charlotte as best she could.She really did have the bestsister in the world.It took four more days before she could work up the courage to go see Lucas and Quinn.They d been by several times, but despite her sister s cajoling, she hadn t answered the door orher phone.She d made a tentative kind of peace with the idea of being in a threesome, but shestill needed to come to terms with the shape-shifter aspect of said relationship.And after somethought, she could only come up with one way to accomplish that.Checking her appearance, she straightened her skirt and smoothed her hair.The bandagecovering her right arm sort of ruined the look, but at least, she d been able to shower.If she dhad to take one more sponge bath, she would have lost her mind.Charlotte looked up from the couch where she was reading. I ll look after Bailey untilyou get back. Her sister smiled. Give me a call in a few days after you surface.A flush stole across Maggie s cheeks. Thanks, she murmured. For everything. Go get  em, girly. Maggie scratched Bailey behind the ears then swallowed her nerves and drove into thewoods where Quinn and Lucas had built a cabin.When she d started the trip, she d been full ofnervous anticipation.Now that she was pulling onto the dirt two-track that led to their house, ithad deteriorated to plain old nervousness.What if they d changed their minds? What if they d decided that she wasn t worth thetrouble? What if they d realized that they were mistaken about how they felt about her? For abrief moment, she considered turning the car around and going home, but she forced herself togo on.She half expected them to be standing in the driveway waiting for her, but the only thingshe heard was the steady thunk of an ax against wood.Pulling her nerves around her like afrayed cape, she walked around the back of the house where the wood pile was.By the time sherounded the corner, the chopping had stopped and both men were heading toward her.On the drive over, she d played this scene in her head a hundred times and not one ofthem ended with Lucas and Quinn staring at her while she struggled to think of somethinganything to say. I hope this is the right spot, she finally choked out.Quinn s lips quirked. The right spot for what?She glanced at Lucas, but he didn t seem particularly inclined to help her out. The rightspot to admit that I m an idiot and that I was scared.I m still scared, she amended. But Irealized I was afraid of the wrong thing. Absently, she twisted her ring around her finger. What were you afraid of? Lucas finally asked.Stomach in knots, she met his gaze then Quinn s. I m not afraid of you guys.Bear or nobear, I know that you would never hurt me.I just want you both to know that before this goesany further.Lucas expression softened as he waited for her to continue.She tried to swallow past the sudden lump in her throat. Growing up, you guys knewthis was a possibility.They both nodded. I didn t even know it was possible, she said. And it s taken me a little time to get usedto the idea, but I m trying.I d actually like to see it again you know, sometime when I m notbeing gnawed on. Lucas eyes brightened with amusement, but he didn t say anything, instead, he tucked aflyaway curl behind her ear. We can show you now, Quinn offered.Butterflies the size of bombers careenedthrough her stomach, but she nodded anyway.Both men toed off their boots and stripped out of their clothes, revealing their tightlycorded muscles and smooth golden skin [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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