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. Not like my fuzzy ones?Adam knew Michael wouldn t be offended or jealous, so he nodded. The colorsare amazing, the pictures so perfect. He moved to point out the window that led tothe balcony. He showed me the mountains, the trees. Adam s knew hisenthusiasm was a little over the top, but he also knew Michael would understand.Michael hugged him again. What does Luke think about it? He was a little shocked at first, but then we both were.Now he wants to showme as much as he can, hence the magazines.He was going to use the pictures inthere. Was?Trust Michael to pick up on that. We got distracted, Adam admitted, hopingthe heat he felt in his cheeks wasn t showing.Michael s chuckle was devious in the extreme. I noticed.Adam groaned and shook his head. It was bad enough you stayed.You didn thave to look. Couldn t help it.You like him, don t you? I told you I did. No, I mean, you really like him. Michael sounded hopeful.Adam sighed. Yeah. Why am I getting an impression there s a but?Adam gritted his teeth.Why was Michael so perceptive? The problem was,they both were, and it had always been something that tied them together evenwhen their link had ended.However, it was not something Adam appreciated now. Adam? Luke s leaving. The admission was painful, and Adam felt sick with thepossibility of losing him. He told you? Yes. Before or after you& did stuff? What has that got to do with anything?Michael stood there, his silence condemning.Adam inwardly cringed, knowingwhat he was thinking. Before, he admitted, also knowing that Michael would getthe answer out of him one way or the other. 98 Penny Brandon Then why did you? The question was expected.Michael knew him all toowell.Adam shrugged, not sure what to say.He didn t want to admit how desperatehe d been to experience a man s touch, a man s love, but he never kept anythingfrom his brother.They were too close. It was either that or nothing. He turned toMichael, hoping he would understand, hoping he would accept his decision. Oh, Adam. Michael drew him into his arms and hugged him. Don t get hurt,okay? I don t want to see you hurt. I won t. The lie didn t come easily; he was already hurting because Lukewasn t here giving him the comforting hug he desperately needed. Hey. Michael put him at arm s length. What about the link between you? Idon t think he ll just walk away from that.He seems a pretty decent guy. He is, but I won t use it as leverage to force him to stay.If Luke stays, itshould only be because he wants to be with me, not because of some perceivedobligation. He d already told Luke he didn t want him to feel obligated, but howwould he know if that was the only thing keeping Luke here? How would he know ifLuke did want to be with him and wasn t just staying because of their link? Why don t you just tell him how you feel?Adam shook his head. He s not ready.Hell, I m not ready.I need to know if hefeels something for me too, and I don t, not yet.Michael squeezed his shoulder. He will.After being with you for a while, hewon t be able to help it.He ll change his mind about leaving, Adam.You ll see.Michael sounded hopeful again, and Adam nodded in response. Yeah, maybe. But something was hurting Luke, something painful enough tomake him run away, and Adam knew if he wanted any chance with him, he wasgoing to have to find out what it was but where did he start? Where did anyonestart trying to find out what was hiding in a man s heart?* * *That night, hands shaking, Adam picked up his phone and dialed Luke snumber from memory.He sat back on his bed while it rang and wondered if Lukewould mind.Maybe he shouldn t have rung tonight.Maybe he should have justwaited until tomorrow, but before he had a chance to rethink his actions and hangup, Luke answered. Hello?That one simple word was enough for Adam to know why he hadn t been ableto wait.He d missed the sound of Luke s voice.He missed talking to him.He missedbeing with him. Luke. Adam! Hi.Luke s pleasure was a boost to Adam s ego, and he smiled. Hi.I hope you don tmind me ringing, but I just wanted to hear your voice and say sorry. Blind Passion 99 I told you, you don t need to be sorry.You need to spend time with yourbrother, Adam.Family is important.There it was again.Not that Adam didn t disagree, but Luke s insistenceseemed curious. Do you have any family? Until then it hadn t occurred to him thatLuke might have anyone, as Luke hadn t mentioned any other than his parents.When Luke didn t immediately answer, Adam began to worry he d said somethingwrong.Then Luke sighed. Yes, two sisters. Really, do you see them often? No. Luke s tone was flat, and Adam quickly realized this was a touchysubject, but he thought it safe enough to ask the obvious question. Why not?Luke s subsequent silence was excruciating.Maybe he shouldn t have asked.Maybe he should just learn to keep his mouth shut and not keep trying to pushLuke for answers, but this seemed important.This might be one of the reasonsLuke was hurting.Adam waited, wishing he could touch Luke, comfort him.On theverge of breaking the silence, he heard Luke sigh again, as if coming to a decision. I don t know where they are.I haven t seen them since I was nine years old. My God, they separated you? Adam sat up, all former thoughts of why he drung Luke in the first place forgotten. Yeah. Have you tried to find them? As soon as he asked the question, he knew theanswer.Of course Luke would try to find them. I ve been looking for the past two years, but every time I get through one loadof bureaucratic crap, I hit another pile. The despondency in Luke s tone wrenchedat Adam s heart.He knew what it was like to lose his parents as Luke had, but ifhe d lost Michael as well& He didn t even want to think about that possibility.Michael was his lifeline to the world outside his blindness. Is there anything I can do to help? I doubt it.The rejection was quick and immediate, and Adam couldn t help gasping at thehurt Luke s words evoked. Shit, I m sorry, Adam, I didn t mean it that way.It s just that it s frustrating.Knowing they re out there and not being able to find them, it s killing me. Oh, Luke.Why didn t you tell me about this before? Why on earth would youwant to keep that bottled up? Was this the reason Luke kept himself at anemotional distance? Could it be one of the reasons he had for leaving? To spend timesearching for them? I m not going to burden you with my problems, Adam.I can handle them onmy own. 100 Penny BrandonAdam tightened his grip on the phone as he heard Luke s anger even thoughLuke tried to disguise it. It wouldn t be a burden, Luke.And I m not saying youcan t handle it.It s just that even though I know I can t do anything to help, I can atleast give you my support. Why?Why? Because I m falling in love with you and I don t want to see you hurt [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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