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. That s the thing, Vince said staring ahead still trying to get over what she d done to him so easilywithout even trying. Most of those boy bands probably have pretty good songs, but then they go cheese itup with their stupid dance moves and shit.If another artist gets a hold of the same song and does it somejustice by toning the cheese down and just working the music, it would probably be better.In fact, I veactually seen it done; this song, for example, could probably be badass. It already is badass, she insisted.Vince decided to just let it go.The song was over anyway, and something better was playing now.He d meant to tease her for his own amusement; instead he d rattled the shit out of himself.Withoutknowing it Vince was letting Rose way under his skin, and that scared him a little.They never actually talked about it, nor did the subject of what their relationship was now ever arise.Vince liked it that way.Talking about it would be admitting that what was happening was the very thingGrace was afraid of things were getting serious.Yet Vince made it a point to look her deep in the eyeswhen he played with her fingers during any of their comfortable moments of silence.He wanted her to seehe was feeling much more for her than just friendship.The few times she d brought up other guy  friends,Vince tried not to, but his remarks always came across a little pissy until the day he d nearly snapped.They were at Sal s house.Nervous every time he saw Grace eye them suspiciously, he often askedRose if his days here were numbered.Usually she d laugh at his paranoia.This time she went a stepfurther to convince him that everything was just fine.She turned to Grace, who d just walked back inside,as they sat in the shallow end of the pool on the stairs.Grace had brought out some snacks, but when shesaw them giggling so closely in the pool, she d seemed unnerved. Grace knows we re just friends.Just like some of my other guy friends; she s got nothing to worryabout.Vince slipped his hand into hers underwater and stared at her. What other guy friends?She turned to him, and Vince saw the effort she made to hide her surprise to his question. I& I have afew friends in school. Friends like me? He squeezed her hand now. Because I don t have any friends like you, Rose,none.You re the only one. Well. She licked her lips looking away. They re just guys I talk to.But no& not like with you. Good. He took a few steps off the stairs, pulling her with him in the water. Just so you know, hesaid as he dipped his head back into the deeper water.When he popped back up she was still holding hishand and still staring at him, looking a bit bewildered. I don t need any more friends around.I m finewith it being just you and me all summer. He tugged her hand, pulling her a little closer to him but not tooclose in case someone peeked out at them. If any of these guys show up when I m around, I won t be veryfriendly. He lifted the corner of his lip, as Rose began to get what he was saying. Don t get me kickedout of La Jolla, Rosie.Because that s probably what ll happen.As the back door slid open, he let go of her hand and dove into the deep end.When he popped up onthe other end of the pool, Rose popped up next to him.They both held on to the side as Grace walkedback into the house again.She d brought out lemonade for them. Vincent? Vince brought his attention back to Rose.He d been busy making sure Grace closed the door all the way. I don t have any other friends like you either.You re the only one.Feeling the onset of one of biggest goofiest smiles to date, Vince cursed the fact that he was in Sal sbackyard, or he would ve attacked her with a million kisses.Instead he reached for her hand andsqueezed. Good.That s exactly what I was waiting to hear.***The end of summer was creeping up on them, and Vince had stuck to his promise of remaining nothingmore than friends with her: friends with the understanding he was so glad now that he d made perfectlyclear.They of course still held hands every chance they got.Some things were just too hard to fight.Salseemed more worried about Grace stressing out than Vince doing anything to disrespect Rose.So if heever caught Vince holding Rose s hand, he d have to cut him some slack [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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