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.” Priest watched closely to gauge his reaction.Would he leave…or try to find a way to stay until his true agenda was fulfilled?And what, exactly, did he want?she wondered.He pursed his lips, which were dry and cracked but somehow still oddly appealing, and averted his gaze.“I would stay with you for a time, if I may, to repay you for your kindness.”Oddly enough, she’d anticipated this answer.But that didn’t mean she liked hearing it.Priest snorted.“It was no kindness I offered, but practicality.We would have done battle if I had not offered you food and drink, but I have no patience for such a nuisance just now, so I gave you what I have.And now I ask you again to leave.”Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.htmlIs he bothering you?Bishop’s voice took her off-guard, but she was careful not to let her face betray it.I could kill him for you, if you like.Shut up, Bishop.Stay out of this.And blessedly, he was silent.Priest focused intently on Jhon once more.“Did you not hear me?” she fumed.“I said leave.”He sighed heavily.“I beg your mercy, Killer.”He spoke with such genuine respect and deference that she felt a measure of doubt and hesitation about pushing him this way.It was obvious that this man was weak, starving, and ill.It seemed clear that he was no real threat, for all that he’d been able to sneak up on her as she’d slept—no mean feat for a mere human—he was, quite simply, a man who needed her help.She was not such a monster that she would not do what she could to help him.But she would watch him.And closely.“What would you have of me?” she asked, effecting a patient manner, as best she could.“I would travel with you.Grow strong again.I would do whatever you asked of me, to repay your kindness and leniency, until I am well enough to leave on my own again.”Don’t do it, Bishop’s voice growled the warning in her mind.We had a deal, you and I, and you can’t break it for this…this human.Priest heard the derision in Bishop’s voice when he uttered the word human, and that, more than anything, made the decision for her.“A few days with me, no more,” she offered, already wondering if her own stubbornness towards Bishop would have this end in disaster.Jhon reached out before she could draw away, capturing her hand and pressing his lips to the back of it with fervent thanks.“You are truly honorable.”Priest regretted her decision immediately.She’d never been good with people, especially men.The next few days would be a strain, no matter how well-behaved Jhon proved he could be.Priest, you fool, Bishop’s voice chided, an echo of her own thoughts.Let me think in peace, vampire.“You have to do what I say, when I say, or we part ways.Do you understand?” she asked irritably.“Of course.” Jhon’s voice was silky and very masculine and Priest’s misgivings rose twofold.“Whatever my Lady Killer commands.”“We’ll break camp now and journey on,” she said offhandedly.She didn’t have any idea what to do besides continue onward.Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html“Where do we go? The same direction we’ve been headed?”“Yes.For now.”Stupid woman, he’s hiding something.Shut up, Bishop.“Are you on the trail of a kiss, or just wandering in search of work?”Would he never cease with his questions? “Wandering,” she lied easily.“As we all do.”“There is a settlement but ten leagues from here.I would have stopped there for food had I not found you first.Perhaps they will have need of two Killers’ services in exchange for supplies.”“Perhaps,” she murmured vaguely, scanning their surroundings for Bishop, but he was nowhere to be found.It was good that he kept hidden.Smart.Why then, did she feel so hopelessly alone?Priest knew she should feel anything but alone.In the past two weeks she’d had more company than in all the years leading up to it.She should feel positively crowded by now.Nevertheless, she reached for Bishop in her mind, seeking comfort from his presence, however intangible it was.But he was long gone.Good riddance to the vampire, she harrumphed silently.At least she wouldn’t have to explain her alliance with one of the undead to this Killer.She had a reputation to maintain, after all.It was almost too easy to ignore the aching pain of separation in her heart.Curses.Who was she kidding anyway? The pain lingered.And lingered long.And there was nothing she could do about it.* * * * *Bishop fed ravenously from the torn throat of the bison [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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