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.She pulled open the door, turned around to say goodbye to Leah, and took one last look around.Was he really not going to say goodbye? “I’ll see you next week.Tell your dad I said hello.”“I’ll do it.”Allie walked out to her car, dumbfounded that Craig hadn’t gotten one last jab in before she left.She tossed her bag in the back seat and had just opened the driver’s side door when he came jogging toward her.His hair was wet and he was barefoot, wearing jeans and a long sleeved t-shirt.The muscles in her stomach clenched.“Allie,” he called and ran a hand through his hair as he rounded the car.He smelled like soap and pine.“You done already?”She nodded and eyed him suspiciously.He had an open and friendly expression on his face that had her hackles up.“Are we square on payment?” he asked.“Yes.Mark paid in advance before his honeymoon.”“Of course he did.He’s very responsible.”She nodded once again and watched as he shoved one hand into his pants pocket and grabbed the door with his other hand, encasing her against the car.“It was sort of nice to meet you, Craig.”He laughed, and Allie considered the way his face changed.Gone were the sharp angles and brooding expression, replaced by long dimples and straight, white teeth.“Right back at ya, Allie.Actually, I have a favor to ask of you.”“You want me to teach you how to play the piano?”“Funny.I’ve been looking over those online dating sites and I can’t make heads or tails of any of them.I was wondering if you’d be willing to help me choose one and get me set up?”“You want my help? With online dating?”He shrugged his shoulders and dared her to make fun.“Yeah.If you don’t mind.”“You’re serious?”“Well, of course I’m serious.Do you think I’d ask if I wasn’t?”“Well…”“Look,” he said.“It’s no big deal if you don’t want to.I just thought it would save me a step or two.I can figure it out on my own.”“No, no, I can help.I’d be happy to help.”“Good.Great.Thanks.” He dropped his hand from the door and shoved it in the other pocket.“So when did you want to do this?” she asked.He blew out a breath.“Mark gets back tomorrow night.How about Saturday?”Allie’s mind went blank and then she remembered the date she’d made.“I’m meeting someone for coffee on Saturday morning.I could do after.Around lunchtime.”“I was thinking later.I’m meeting a sub at the job and I won’t be back up here until around five.”“A sub?”“Sub-contractor.”“Oh.Well…” She hated to admit she didn’t have plans for Saturday night, but obviously neither did he.“Okay.Why don’t you call me when you’re back?”“Great.” He gave her that smile that made her suspicious again.“Should I come to you or do you want to come to me?”“Why don’t I come to you?” she said.“Your computer, your profile.”“Sure.I’m not far from here.You got a pen and I’ll give you the address?”“Just tell me when you call and I’ll plug it into Betty.”“Betty?” he asked.“My GPS.”“You named your GPS?”“She’s British.Queen Elizabeth.Betty.” Allie shrugged.“She’s helpful, so I gave her a name.”Allie could tell by the pinched look on his face that he wanted to say something nasty, but common sense prevailed and he only shook his head and said, “Of course you did.”“So, I’ll see you Saturday, then?” she asked.“Yep.” He stepped back.“I’ll call you.”“I’ll be waiting by the phone.”***Craig jogged down the stairs just as the doorbell rang and Blackjack started barking.He glanced at the clock on the mantle and shook his head.He’d asked for fifteen minutes when he’d called her from the truck and she’d given him fourteen and a half.“Are you always on time?” he asked as he opened the door.She rolled her eyes and sauntered past him into the foyer and he caught a whiff of yet another perfume.“You always smell good, too?”She turned around and scowled, but only until his dog started begging for her attention.She kneeled down and rubbed him behind the ears with both hands.“Are you bothered by promptness and good grooming?”“No.I’m just curious.”“I like to be on time.” She stood up.“My business demands it.I also have a thing for perfume.Sorry if it bothers you.”“It doesn’t.”“Craig,” she said and turned around in a circle.“Your house is amazing.I’ve driven past this neighborhood, but I’ve never been in here.”“Thanks.” He felt self-conscious about the home site Julie had found and insisted they build on in the executive neighborhood.“It’s not finished.”She tiptoed around the foyer, peeking her head inside the empty dining room.Her heels clicking on the marble sounded like gunshots in his head.Now that she was here, in the home he’d built for his wife, the home he could barely stand to be in, he wasn’t sure this was such a good idea.“It could use some furniture, but other than that…”“Come on in,” he said and offered to take her coat.She shimmied out of a bright orange wool jacket that made her hair shine like a flame.Her coat smelled like her, rich and exotic.He slung it over the stair banister and led her into the den.“Can I get you a drink?”She seemed to consider the question as if he’d asked if she wanted to take her clothes off.“Are you having a drink?”“I’m going to have a beer, but I can get you some wine if you’d prefer [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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