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.But Herme found the only way out for the family—they had to scale down the rocky side of a sheer drop.Initially the family was frightened to do what he said, but as the flamesCHRISTOPHER PIKE closed in they changed their minds.Herme had a rope and other climbing gear and he helped the woman and children down hrst.It was when he was coming back up for the man that he ran into trouble.The wind had changed and the hre was precariously close.It reached his rope, and when Herme was halfway up the cliff it started to smoke.He could see the rope burning above him and tried to grab on to the rocky cliffside for support.But it wasn't enough, and when the rope burned through he fell a hundred feet to the ground.He landed on a boulder and his back was broken."He didn't regain consciousness for a couple of days, and by then he was in a hospital in Denver.Debra was by his side, and he learned that the man on the hill had not survived the fire.He also learned that he was to be paralyzed from the waist down for the rest of his life.Herme took the news badly because one of his greatest joys as a mortal was in being able to move around and feel the earth, something he had been denied as an angel.Debra was devoted—she promised to stay with him no matter what.Yet Herme didn't feel a crippled husband was something she should have to live with.Although it broke his heart to do so, he refused to see her.She would call and write to him during his convalescence, but he continued to ignore her.In time she gave up, and once more Herme was alone."He was down but not out.In time he was discharged from the hospital and able to get aroundTHE MIDNIGHT CLUB in a wheelchair.The staff at the hospital had left a lasting impression on him, and he decided he would like to be a doctor.It was a momentous decision because he was older and as a paraplegic his life expectancy was shorter than ordinary.Plus he had to start his schooling from the beginning.He had to attend college for four years before he could apply to medical school.Fortunately, during all this time, he received money from the state because he had been injured on the job."But Herme was determined, and after nine years of struggle he was officially a doctor.He had massive debts from medical school but he immediately began to work in a free chnic, which offered services to the poor and homeless.By this time he was living in Los Angeles, in a crummy apartment with a broken-down elevator that could hardly carry his wheelchair to the top floor.But he was content, maybe not as happy as he had been during the days inmiediately after he left the Louvre, but satisfied that he was performing a service to humanity.His main difficulty was his health.People in wheelchairs often have trouble with their kidneys, and Herme had not been working many years as a doctor when his began to fail.Part of the problem was his own laziness.He was so busy taking care of others that he failed to watch his diet and drink enough fluids.In time he had to go onto dialysis, and this slowed him down some.Yet he continued to work long hours, even as his hair turned white and began to fall out.As an ex-angel he was notCHRISTOPHER PIKE afraid of death, yet he feh if he were to die soon, it would be with regret.But he didn't know why.He had done the best he could with his life."He was ready to leave the clinic one night when a woman, close to death, was brought in.It seemed she had been living on the streets and had a severe case of pneumonia.She was literally drowning from the congestion in her chest.Herme examined her and drew a blood sample.She was clothed in rags and covered with dirt.For those reasons, and also because she was completely emaciated with numerous sores on her face, he didn't recognize her.But after the nurses cleaned her up he saw that it was Teresa."He was overjoyed to be with her again, yet saddened because she was obviously very ill and he could tell her life had not been easy.She was half delirious, and he immediately started her on medication.Fortunately the pneumonia responded to the drugs, and within a day her temperature was down.But it didn't go away, and after more tests he knew she had a full-blown case of AIDS.Her pneumonia was not bacterial, but a parasitic type that is common in AIDS patients.He realized she was going to die and that there was nothing he could do to save her."While working in the clinic he wore a nametag, but it only had his last name, which he had invented, so she had no idea who he was.Herme was both saddened and relieved by her lack of recognition.He was sad because he had neverTHE MTONIGHT CLUB forgotten her, and felt he must not have mattered much to her since he had passed out of her memory.Of course, he knew he didn't look like the young man who had walked so boldly from the Louvre.At the same time he was relieved she didn't know him because he didn't know what he would have said to her as the great love of his past.They had not parted under ideal circumstances."He continued to take care of her, though, often staying after his shift was through to do special things for her: rub her back and bring her the paper, and buy her books and bring her tapes to listen to.With her fever down, she became talkative again, and was always pleasant to him.But it was obvious that she was in a great deal of pain, and also suffering from depression.As the days passed he was able to get her to open up and talk about her life.He learned that she had been married twice and had two children, but that both her marriages had ended badly and that one of her children had been killed in a car accident.It seemed that the death of the child had started her on a downward spiral from which she had never been able to escape.She had become addicted to alcohol and lost her job and then her house, and then everything, and had ended up on the streets.Herme almost wept as she talked, thinking how it could have been if they had stayed together, especially when she mentioned someone special from her youth [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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