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.Given her family history, Ted knew, it was quite understandable.But morally.it would cause all sorts of problems.“You are a Prince of Great Britain,” Ted said, tartly.“You may, depending on which way the lawmakers actually jump, be the Heir to the British Throne.Like it or not, anyone you wind up dating is going to draw attention from the media.”“No one knows I’m here,” Henry said.Captain Fitzwilliam stepped forward.“Do you think that will last?”Henry’s face darkened.“Sir?”Fitzwilliam looked oddly grim.“If you cover yourself in glory, and you have done very well in a quite stressful situation, the Royal Family will take advantage of your success to prove that it is sharing the burden of the war,” he said.“They have faced far too many charges of sending young men and women to war while staying behind in safety themselves.Your success will become their success.And, once they start bragging, they will have to provide details of your false identity to convince the media that they’re actually telling the truth.”He was right, Ted knew.The media sometimes took what they were told on faith, but in the long term fact-checkers and researchers inspected every story, just to avoid the embarrassment of discovering that they’d been made fools by someone’s PR department.If they knew that Charles Augustus and Prince Henry were the same person, they’d pick apart every last part of his career, looking for signs of favouritism or anything else that would reflect badly on the Prince.And, somewhere along the line, they’d discover that he’d started an affair with the Admiral’s Flag Lieutenant.Lopez hadn't known to be discreet, Ted suspected, even though she was a naturally careful person.Someone might well have noticed her and ‘Charles Augustus’ sharing time together, particularly when they weren't in the same section, without any actual reason to spend time together.That person might tip off the media, once the reporters started handing out money and other rewards for useful insights into the Prince’s life.And Lopez’s life would be completely ruined.Ted had no intention of penalising her for a honest mistake; hell, he wasn't even sure it was a mistake.If the Prince genuinely cared for her, she could do worse; if it was just a fling on both of their parts, it didn't infringe any regulation.But the media would penalise her, in the guise of making her famous.Her entire life would be dissected, anyone close to her would be tapped as a source of information and she wouldn't be able to go anywhere without being surrounded by a howling mob of reporters.It wouldn't fade away either, Ted suspected, even if she did nothing to encourage it.The media would make her their puppet for years to come.And they’d tear her life apart, he thought.Poor girl.“You don’t have to provide any details,” Henry said.“The details will come out,” Ted snapped.He remembered reading one article about his alcoholism that had quoted officers he’d served with before his assignment to Ark Royal.If he hadn’t been a big hero, with the media aware that the public didn't want to read bad news about him, it would have been a great deal worse.“And her life will be destroyed.”The Prince wilted.Ted felt a moment of relief.He did care for her.The cynic in him wondered just how far they would have gone, even if Charles Augustus had been a real person; relationships forged in fire rarely stood the test of time.But the media wouldn't give a shit.They’d tear her life apart, looking for salacious detail they could cram into the tabloids, the more compromising the better.And if she’d taken any.interesting photographs as a young girl, she could expect to see them blasted across the datanet.“I’m sorry,” Henry muttered.“Glad to hear it,” Ted snapped.Part of him wished the Prince was his son, so he could disperse some fatherly advice.The rest of him was adamant that he’d better disperse some advice anyway.“You have some choices to make, young man.”The Prince looked up, surprised.No one who knew who he actually was, Ted suspected, had spoken to him in that tone of voice.But then, it was always difficult to discipline a Prince, particularly when the media was always watching.If Prince Henry had been sent to bed without supper, the media would have started howling about child abuse.But then, what was the endless observation from the media? Beatings would definitely have been kinder.“If you’re serious about her, and you certainly seem to be, you need to tell her the truth,” Ted said.“Tell her before we get home, before the media starts scouring the ship for ribald stories about your service.She has to know what she’s getting into before she actually gets a very nasty surprise.And if she decides, knowing what happened to some of your other girlfriends, that she doesn't want to stay with you, I suggest you let her go and respect her privacy.”Henry flushed, again.Ted didn't blame him.Anyone, male or female, whose name was romantically linked with one of the Royal Family had the unwanted attentions of the media, tearing his or her life apart.Princess Elizabeth had actually lost a boyfriend after the media uncovered more than a few uncomfortable facts about his past behaviour, back when he’d been a young boy.No one deserved that level of scrutiny just because they might be dating the wrong person.“Yes, sir,” Henry said.“I didn't mean to cause problems.”Ted allowed his anger to show on his face.“You’re a Prince,” he snapped.“You knew, perfectly well, what happens to people who date someone from the Royal Family.At best, you acted in a very poor manner, one that I find despicable.You want to be normal, you want to be common, but you will never be either.I think you could have destroyed her life and career, just by not telling her the truth.“It’s not fair, I know it isn't fair, but it’s what you’ve got.Deal with it!”He met the Prince’s eyes.“I respect what you’re trying to do,” he said.“I respect your desire to earn awards and plaudits for your achievements, not for an accident of birth.And you’re doing very well.But you cannot get away from your birth, Your Highness.And anyone involved with you will become an object of scrutiny when the truth finally comes out.Because it will!”“I know, sir,” the Prince said, lowering his eyes.“But.”Ted sighed.The Prince seemed to range between mature behaviour and an immaturity that was shocking, at least in someone who was meant to be a responsible naval officer.But it was understandable, Ted knew [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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