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.I'm writing a virus that'll disrupt many of the systems throughout the facility.Hopefully, it'll supply us with a distraction.At minimum, it'll stop the cameras from working properly."My heart raced."Isn't that risky? What if one of Tsedaka's goons finds you there?" The idea of him being caught, then taken away from me or punished by some other means was terrifying."That's why Amelia's playing lookout," he assured, filling my head with emotions of peacefulness."Quit spazzing, girlie, we'll rejoin you in less than ten minutes."Rapidly realizing that I couldn't do a thing to help them, I centered my awareness on the silky water and embraced its calmness.Clearly, we'd be putting ourselves in much more danger during our departure, so I'd better start getting used to them risking their lives for me.Acquiescing, I ultimately sent him a surge of love and a, "Please be careful.""We will.Now I must go.Communicating mind to mind is using strength you'll need later.Also, it's a little distracting; I'm trying to write code at the same time."And with that, our conversation ended.I hurried through my shower, dressing in a pair of black jeans, a long-sleeved black t-shirt, cotton bikini panties, and set of thick white socks that'd been folded nicely for me on the bathroom counter.Probably Amelia, bless her sweet soul.In a flash, I'd pulled my hair into a ponytail and was strolling across the living room to scratch up some nourishment from the bar.And, surprise, surprise, I spotted Petrus, stationed as my inside guard.Greeting him with a smile, I automatically willed myself to concentrate on the fridge and my gurgling stomach instead of our impending escape.I'd just popped open a can of Dew when the lock to the main door disengaged, allowing Lucien and Amelia entry.They pushed in a cart with a large flat screen TV, a Blue Ray player, and a stack of DVDs."We retrieved what you wanted, Luna!" a humanesque Lucien announced boisterously."We can have that movie marathon!""Yep, we got all the vamp films in the kings collection! We can begin with Dracula!" Amelia gushed, executing her part flawlessly as they rolled their spoils into my bedroom."There's no finer way to learn how to be a vampire!" She paused, several high pitched giggles escaping her lips."Okay, well, maybe not.But, it'll surely be lots of laughs!""Awesome! I've so been missing my TV fix!" I fibbed jovially, stopping momentarily to glance at Petrus before closing the door behind us.He was staring ahead impassively, clueless to our plans.Perfect.Neither of my cohorts spoke a word as they set up the entertainment system.Amelia put in a movie and proceeded to crank the volume to the point that it almost hurt my ears, making it virtually impossible for Petrus to listen in.Shortly thereafter, we all situated ourselves in a circle on the bed."I figured it'd be a good idea to act as though we're stickin' around for a bit," Lucien grinned, apparently pleased with himself."Besides," Amelia added."The storage room for electronics is next door to the main security office.An excellent reason for us to be in the area.""When I saw that no guards were manning the computer terminal, I had to act quickly.You never know if a chance like that'll present itself again." Lucien hesitated, looking me up and down intently."I perceived your condition improving as you slept.Nonetheless, I'm unaccustomed to our connection.And, honestly, in spite of my education regarding the change, my abilities are still mind-blowing.Sight, strength, telepathy.So, I guess what I'm saying is, uh, I'd feel better hearing it from you.""I can totally relate and, yeah, I'm recuperating," I affirmed, immediately sympathizing with his adjustment to vamp life."I'm not a hundred percent but I'll be able to run.And it sounds as if we've been gifted with a golden opportunity, one we shouldn't pass on.""Definitely," he agreed with a vigorous nod of his head."The trojan will take about an hour to fully integrate within their computer systems.Until then, we must finish preparing.""So, what's our plan?" I asked, baffled by the amount they'd already accomplished."Nothing too fancy," Amelia replied playfully."Basically, we'll type in the codes and run like mad."There's no way it'd be that easy."How are we gonna get past Petrus and whoever else is posted on the outside of my rooms?""Well, that's where the virus comes in," she explained in a more candid tone."It'll wreak havoc around here which means that the majority of the guards will be summoned to other areas of the facility [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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