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.I made a mental note to install a step for her.I didn’t want her getting hurt.The moment she stepped away from the vehicle I closed the door behind her.She beamed up at me.“Thanks.”I quirked a brow.“For what part?”Her smile broadened.She moved into my space, wrapping her arms around my waist and angling her upper body to stare up at me.“All of it.For fighting to protect me and every other citizen in this country, for e-mailing me back that first time and every time after, for paying for my ticket to come here and meet you, for picking me up from the airport, for introducing me to your family, for being a perfect gentleman all evening; for just being you, Tay.You’re an amazing guy.” She pressed her lips to my chest, kissing me through my shirt.My chest compressed.She did things to me, things she didn’t even know she did.Everything she said and did seemed to rip me open, to destroy any walls I’d attempted to erect since our last interaction.Every soldier had a weakness; she was mine.Around three months into our e-mails, I realized that she was the one thing I would crack for.If I were ever to be taken hostage, a threat to her safety, to her existence, would break me in a second flat.I steeled myself, combatting the urge to drop her stuff and take her hard and fast against my truck.Her words directly affected my heart, and her body directly affected my cock.I released a breath, praying I didn’t lose control with her.Her presence was a temptation, and her sweet words only further tugged at my swiftly dwindling restraint.“As pretty as you are in the moonlight, I much prefer you inside my house, where I can kiss you without my brothers eavesdropping.”I didn’t doubt Trent or Tate, if not both, would poke around at some point tonight.I hoped they would be smart enough to wear their protective gear because I was only going to fire one warning shot.For five months an entire ocean and too many countries had separated Maddie and I, and I’d be damned if anyone or anything came between us this weekend.Chapter Twenty-OneMadelynTaylor’s house was small but comfortable on the inside.He strode ahead of me, depositing my luggage by the door and flipping on all of the lights, allowing me to explore it freely.I walked into a cozy entryway with scuffed hardwood floors, a standing coat rack and another one mounted on the wall.The walls were painted a cream color that kept the tight space airy.I took my time exploring each room, taking in each piece of it.Every wall in the home was the same cream color, yet it didn’t suit every room well.It especially clashed in the kitchen against the mustard yellow counter tops, lackluster white appliances and dark wood veneer cabinets.Each space was small, as compact as possible, and an inch shy of too small.No pictures hung on the walls, no accessories dotted the space, filling in the open canvases; it was bare-boned and yet retained an inviting feel.His home was the opposite of everything I usually liked in homes.It was tight, outdated and lacked style, yet, I loved it.There was something serene, almost freeing, about it.I wasn’t weighed down by excess here.There were no knick-knacks to dust or throw pillows to fluff regularly.It was a home meant to be enjoyed for its simplicity, and that’s exactly what I liked about it.I ran my fingers along the brick of the fireplace, feeling the granulated surface of it, as I turned around in the living room.I found Taylor leaning against the far wall, his hands stuffed into the pockets of his jeans.He’d been observing me as I took everything in.I couldn’t read him.He’d retreated behind a mask.And that’s how I knew he was uneasy.Whether we admit it or not, our home is a reflection of us.What Taylor’s home told me about him was that he was a simple man.He wasn’t fancy, but he was strong, sturdy, reliable, and would always be a safe haven.He didn’t care about impressing people.He didn’t try to hide who he was.He was a bit old fashioned, a bit outdated compared to many, but there was something charming about that.My apartment in Orlando was very different, yet I found myself drawn to this space far more.I considered what I would change and was surprised to find it wasn’t much.I would paint like crazy, change the curtains and hang large photos, probably of the farm, on the walls.I smiled wistfully.I was still in awe of how much I adored this place.I’d never considered moving away from Orlando, from my mother, from my book club friends and all I’d known.Taylor, and his home, had me considering a life outside of them for the first time [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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