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.“Good advice.”“Hey.” Clare sat up, hurt.“Are you really taking that away?”“You won’t be watering my plants anymore.” He turned his back on her to rummage through a dresser drawer.Then he disappeared into the bathroom again, reemerging moments later wearing a pair of buttery Levi’s.“First off,” she said, watching him cover up his impressively chiseled chest with a ratty T-shirt, “you’ve never had any plants.But if you did, why wouldn’t I be watering them anymore?”“Clare.You’re getting married in less than a month.” He said it as if she was the kind of stupid girl who got her tent zipper stuck and then cried until she could be rescued by him.Of course, she was that girl.“I have no idea what my wedding has to do with me and you.” That was a lie, of course, since the whole reason she’d ambushed him tonight had everything to do with her marriage and Gil.He looked at her through inscrutable eyes.Dark-lashed, dark brown eyes that had made females swoon since he was five years old.Girls used to chase him around the kindergarten recess yard begging for kisses.Clare had pushed more than one of them down before Gil confessed he sort of liked it, proving that they’d always been there for each other—and that they’d always told each other the truth, too.“Why have you been avoiding me?” she asked.“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”But see, now Gil had started lying to her, too.Clare ignored the way her stomach curled inward at the thought of that.Pasting on a little smile, she patted the mattress beside her.“Then come over here.”“I don’t think that’s a good idea.”Now it was her turn to stare at him.They’d been two peas in a pod during childhood.Remained close friends in high school.Had been sharing their lives throughout their twenties.Last summer, they’d even spooned on a couch three nights straight, when they’d taken a road trip to visit one of her college friends.“I won’t bite.”He let out a mirthless laugh, and then with a shrug of his broad shoulders threw himself down onto the mattress beside her.Shoving a pillow beneath his head, he crossed his legs at the ankles and his arms over his chest.“What is it you want, Clare?”She frowned at him.He was going to be difficult about this, she’d known that from the start, but even before she’d voiced her request he was acting uncooperative.“Why are you so crabby?”He glanced at her, glanced away, then released a sigh.“It was a long day, okay? The lousy economy means everybody wants to keep the scruffiest of vehicles in working order and they don’t want to go more than a day without their wheels.” When he pushed his black hair off his forehead, she noticed the knuckles on his right hand were split open.She grabbed his palm to inspect the wounds, holding tight when he tried to tug it away.“What happened?”“Banged ’em on an engine block.Occupational hazard.”Her gaze lifted to his face.“It looks like you punched a wall.”He went all inscrutable again.“Banged ’em on an engine block.Occupational hazard,” he repeated.Her huff of impatience didn’t move him, so she tried a different tack.Rolling closer to his tall form, she cupped her hands over his shoulder and propped her chin on her fingers.He stiffened, tensing beneath her touch.He’d been so darn tense around her lately.“Gil,” she said, keeping her voice soft.He smelled like the generic shampoo she knew he bought at the local big box store along with the matching brand of shaving cream and mega-packs of Hungry Man dinners.They often shopped there together, and last month, when she’d tossed a jumbo box of condoms into his cart as a joke, she’d thought he’d developed a sudden allergy.His face had turned that red.Which looked really funny on a man who was six foot five, twice her weight, and who’d been nicknamed the Italian Stallion at twelve years old due to his daily need of a shave.From what she’d observed in the years following, when it came to women he actually lived up to the nickname.He was looking a little red-faced now, too, strangely enough.“Gil.” she started again, feeling more uncertain than before.The red face, the distance, the desire to have his house key back! What was that all about.?“It’s a woman!” she blurt out, the light dawning.“You found someone with an expiration date longer than your gallon of low-fat.” She tweaked him about that all the time—that he lost interest in a woman faster than it took for his milk to turn into cottage cheese.One minute she was looking into his tanned, almost-too-handsome face and the next he was presenting her with his back.He’d swung his legs over the side of the bed and now sat on its edge, his elbows on his knees, his head in his hands.Clare gaped, unsure how to take the abrupt move.“Gil?” She scooted closer so that she could stroke her hand down the back of his shirt.When her palm ran over the bare skin revealed by a rent in the cotton fabric, he twitched like she’d burned him.“Maybe you should go now, Clare.”And leave her best friend feeling.what? “Doesn’t she.is it that the woman you’re interested in isn’t interested back?” Though that didn’t make any sense.No one could deny that Gil was flat-out gorgeous and by any standard other than her mother’s, a business success as well.That he hadn’t gone to college and yet made a good living for himself and his employees by working with his hands shouldn’t put off any female worthy enough to catch Gil’s eye.“Who is she?” Clare demanded, and the little green around the edges she was starting to feel was surely due to the fact that this woman was causing Gil—Clare’s best friend—heartache.He groaned.“Clare, just leave it alone.”“I won’t.” She kneed across the mattress in order to sit beside him.“If she doesn’t appreciate you, I’m going to slap her silly.”Shaking his head, he let out another of those mirthless laughs.“Not a good idea.She doesn’t deserve it, not at all.”“Huh.So she does like you back?”“Yeah.She likes me fine.”Funny, how that didn’t really make her feel a whole lot better.“I think I better meet this person.”“Clare—”“Jordan will be in town on Friday night.We’ll double date.”“Clare—”“You know how stubborn I can be.”He sighed, then turned his head to send her a look.“That’s how I ended up with a broken arm, if I recall.”“So not my fault! I wanted to retrieve those abandoned birds’ eggs.No one made you climb the tree to get them instead of me.”“You couldn’t climb a tree worth a damn [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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