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.”She laughed.“But where’s my ring?”“Lem said you always played pretend with your grandma’s engagement ring, passed down to your mother.”“I’d be honored to use it!”Lem swiped tears.“Nothing would make me happier.Except a passel of great-grandbabies wreaking havoc in my cornfields.”Mitch grinned at Lauren.“We could oblige.”Lem chuckled, dug in his overall pocket and brandished the heirloom ring.Mitch slipped it onto Lauren’s trembling finger.She held it to sunlight, then to her heart.“I hoped and it came true,” she breathed.Then hugged Mitch so hard she punted air from his chest.“I love you.”“I love you, too, my favorite nurse and future wife.To heaven and back.”“To heaven and back.” Lauren laughed.“But thankfully not to Texas.”* * * * *Keep reading for an excerpt of The Promise of Home by Kathryn Springer!Dear Reader,During the writing of this book, I not only lost my grandmother, my husband was involved in a tragic head-on collision that killed the other driver, whose car skidded into my husband’s lane on an icy curve.The accident happened just down the road from our home.I heard several ambulances and had the thought to call my husband.When he answered severely shaken and out of breath, he said, “It was me, but I’m okay.” I couldn’t comprehend at first what he meant.Being the nurse that I am, I rushed to the scene to realize that the precise moment I was speaking to my husband on the phone, another young wife was losing hers.My children have their daddy, but that day, other little ones lost theirs.This same family lost their home and all possessions to a house fire two months before.I don’t understand why tragedy comes in relentless waves at times, but I trust in God’s goodness in bad times as well as good.Please keep the Watson family in your prayers.If you are overwhelmed by hardship, I would love to pray for you.Feel free to write me at my publisher: Love Inspired Books, 233 Broadway, Suite 1001, New York, NY 10279.Or email me at cheryl@cherylwyatt.com.I’m active on Facebook.If you’d like to connect and keep up with book news, “Like” my author page at https://www.facebook.com/CherylWyattAuthor.I give away goodies at intervals there.I also provide book updates and extras to my newsletter subscribers.If you’d like to be a part of the community of readers I love so much, visit my Web site at www.cherylwyatt.com and sign up for my newsletter.We’d love to get to know you!If you’re an aspiring writer, visit a fifteen-author mentoring community at www.seekerville.net.Also, joining www.acfw.com is a helpful thing to do as well as frequent the writing articles and community at www.harlequin.comThe Lord turn His face toward you and give you peace!Blessings,Cheryl WyattQuestions for DiscussionGrandpa Lem was afraid of turning seventy because his father and grandfather died in their seventieth year.Could you understand his fear? Why do you think Lem’s outlook on aging and health improved after Lauren came to visit?Why do you think Mitch kept the rejected engagement ring in his glove box?Lauren learned that we will often have opposition when we try to pursue our dreams.Have you experienced this? If so, how? Likewise, what dreams have you realized?Lauren’s dream of becoming a nurse was inspired by a traumatic event in her childhood.What people or events in your own life influenced your career or other life choice/s?Mitch also lost his parents in a traumatic way.His dad’s death inspired his choice of location for the trauma center.Have you experienced a traumatic event in your life that inspired you to reach out to others or your community in some way?Mitch struggled with opening his heart to Lauren when he saw his best friend going through a painful divorce.Have you had a difficult time seeing someone you love experience difficulty or disappointment?What person/s and/or event/s in the book do you think most helped Mitch turn the corner as far as being willing to plan a future with Lauren despite the possibility of her having to return to Texas?Can you understand Lauren’s fear of hoping for good things in her future? Have you experienced loss that made it hard to hope? Please discuss.Between Mitch and Lauren, who do you think compromised the most to make the relationship work? In what ways do you feel they met in the middle?In what ways do you think Lauren’s life would have turned out differently had she lived with Lem full-time after the death of her parents?Do you think Mitch’s life would have been drastically different had he not experienced the loss of his father and mother? If so, how? Do you think the trauma center still would have been opened?At what point in the book could you begin to sympathize with Mara? If this were a real teen, do you think her telling her story to other teens would prevent them from texting while driving?Mitch and Lauren grew close as a result of getting to know one another through Lem’s stories.Is there someone in your life who you got to know through a story before meeting them in person? Please discuss.We hope you enjoyed this Harlequin Love Inspired story.You believe hearts can heal.Love Inspired stories show that faith, forgiveness and hope have the power to lift spirits and change lives—always.Visit Harlequin.com to find your next great read.We like you—why not like us on Facebook: Facebook.com/HarlequinBooksFollow us on Twitter: Twitter.com/HarlequinBooksRead our blog for all the latest news on our authors and books: HarlequinBlog [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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