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.His dark hair was long, thick, and the smile upon his face practically drew the camera to him and him alone,despite the fact several other people appeared in the frame.The Mancusi family erupted intoapplause.Santo hung his head embarrassed, shamed, or annoyed, Freddie couldn t tell.It wasobviously Santo s first screen appearance, and Freddie had to admit the kid was as good-lookingas they came, as though produced by the Hollywood Cute Kid Factory.Rudolpho was also in thescene, a bit of nepotism but still a fateful moment for Santo Mancusi. Ah, my Santo& so adorable, so special, Mama Mancusi said, clutching her heart. Mama, please, Santo said. God, I had forgotten that one, Santo, Patsy said.Freddie knew from an early age he was more attracted to boys than girls, and had he beenof like age as Santo, he might have come out even earlier.Mom, I m gay, I ve got a huge crushon this boy on television, and in twenty years I m going to be in Rome and meet him, and we llmeet and fall in love and have sex each and every night.A ludicrous fantasy for certain.Except itwas playing out now, their own fantasy, their own private movie.Freddie was here with Santo athis side, a smirking exchange between them as Santo s early screen appearance continued on thescreen.The scene suddenly changed, music filling the room through the television s speakers.Freddie heard a silly song, really more of a jingle, and he realized he recognized the familiartune, if not the words.The opening credits of The Exchange Student filled the wide screen, shortclips of scenes from the show interspersed with smiling, mugging shots of the program s stars.The dad, the mom, a young son, a teenage daughter, an older daughter, and finally, listed last asAnd Introducing Santo Mancusi as Rico, Santo s camera-capturing smile lighting up the screen.Freddie might have been paying further attention to Santo s first screen credit except he was too focused on a previous image.She was unmistakable, even with her hair curly and big, andwithout the assistance of the credit, Freddie would have recognized Patsy Abbott.He turned to her, his mouth gaping open. You were on the show? Sure, I thought you knew, Patsy said. How would I? You never said&  No big deal, Freddie.I was only one for one season.The producers wrote me out whenthey realized the money-making prize they had scored with Santo.Santo, Santo, Santo, even theactors who played the parents who were supposed to be the real stars ceded the show to him.He was the breakout star, the reason people tuned in.Isn t that right, Santo?Santo didn t answer.Beno, Gina, Sophia, Patsy, and Mama all stared in Freddie s direction, but he knew theyweren t looking at him.They were curious to hear Santo s reaction to seeing his young selfagain, thrust upon the screen.Except the joke, the night s biggest surprise, was on them.Theonly Santo who existed in the darkened room was the younger version, his beaming, innocent,million-dollar face captured for all eternity.Someone had pressed the pause button, locking himin time.Someone else must have pressed another button, one that made the real Santo disappear.Santo was gone. Chapter NineThe party was definitely over.Freddie excused himself from the group, pretending to retire upstairs to his room.Oncehe returned to the top level of the house, he slipped out the side door that led to an outer deck,then down the stairs toward the tennis courts he d noticed earlier.Santo had to be somewhere onthe grounds, and Freddie was determined to find him.To help him.He felt truly awful for Santo, for the trick his family had pulled on him.Ambush indeed,a tribute to their father suddenly becoming an audition of sorts for Santo.Like he needed anyreminders of his past life, who he had been and all he had eventually lost.How did a young boyrecover from such an early betrayal of trust, and how did a grown man deal with a family whowouldn t let him forget it?The night had grown quiet, cool air swirling over the Tuscan hills, moonlight and starshis guide as he ventured away from the house.Freddie had no idea where he might find Santo.At the shimmering waters of the pool, staring at his cursed reflection? Too close to the house, tooeasy for anyone to find him.The cabana? It had a lock and he could keep out anyone he wanted.Again, too obvious a choice.He tried to think like Santo, wondering just how well he knew thisnew man in his life.He was not inside the house, Freddie was certain of that.But would he takeone of the cars and drive off? They d heard no roar of an engine, no sound of the gate beingopened.No, Santo was still somewhere on the grounds.Perhaps he d gone to the side of thehouse, where Freddie had earlier noticed a hot tub.Was he letting off steam by immersing hisbody in additional heat? The idea was not without appeal.Freddie would happily join him, hold him, comfort him while bubbling heat swirled around sweaty bodies.But no, he doubted Santohad such desire, he was not about revealing himself, body or soul.He d run for the purpose ofhiding, knowing none of his family would come searching for him.They were used to hissensitive nature, and they would leave him alone to his thoughts.Not so Freddie: he was Santo sguest and his friend and his his what? Just how did Freddie define their relationship? Should heeven try?As he walked up the hill beyond the tennis courts, Freddie thought he detected a figure inthe distance, sitting upon a large exposed rock jutting out of the mountain s peak.Watching hisstep, not wanting to trip, Freddie was aided by the stars to find his way up the hill [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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