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.Therefore, since going back to Bragg in it was the highestpriority, it should be saved for that purpose.They would no longer use it totake Ursula home each night from the NCO club.He would ride with her on thePage 163 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlbus, and then come back out to the post.The very first night that Karl-Heinz rode into Columbus on the bus withUrsula, the engine of the Volkswagen failed.It took Geoff fifteen minutes tofind the engine oil drain plug on the bottom of the engine, and another fiveminutes and skinned knuckles to get the damned thing out.But only five lapsaround the parking lot before the engine seized.He'd tell Karl-Heinz it wasvibration that did it.Master Sergeant Martinez, the ex first sergeant from the First Division (who,although neither of them suspected it, had been told by Sergeant Major Taylorto keep an eye on PFC Wagner and Private Craig), kindly dragged the Volkswageninto Columbus behind his Buick station wagon.While Geoff had been on KP, Karl-Heinz had been installing a rebuilt enginefrom Sears, Roebuck.He had determined that exchanging the failed engine for arebuilt one would be cheaper than rebuilding the one that had failed.Karl-Heinz was charging Geoff ninety percent of what Sears, Roebuck wanted forinsta fling the rebuilt engine, and was honest enough to tell Geoff that hewas glad to have the work.He knew that Ursula was buying him a littleChristmas present, and now he could buy her one.She was probably going togive Geoff a present, too, Karl-Heinz said.Geoff had spent more time in the PX, selecting a present for Ursula, than hehad ever previously spent selecting presents.He finally settled on aone-of-a-kind portable FM radio.That way she could listen to good music.Itcost $119.95.He also bought a "$10.95 reduced from $29.95, slightly damaged"electric can opener.He took both back to Building T-2007 where he spenttwenty careful minutes with a razor blade and a can of lighter fluid movingthe "$10.95 reduced from $29.95, slightly damaged" price sticker from the canopener to place on the radio where she would find it.He had thrown the canopener away.In the morning, at 1115 hours, Karl-Heinz and Ursula Wagner would motor to thepost to the mighty purr of the replacement engine.They would take Christmasdinner in the mess, where for eighty cents they would be served the army'sritual fourteen-course Christmas banquet literally everything from soup tonuts, via roast turkey and baked ham.They would then take Private Craig intoColumbus with them for "coffee and cake." There he would give Ursula the$10.95 FM radio and Karl-Heinz a Swiss army knife he had admired; and Ursulawould give him whatever she was going to give him; and just maybe, carriedaway with the Christmas spirit, she might actually let him kiss her.Dressed in clean underwear, smelling of Lifebuoy, Private Craig took theblanket off his pillow and slipped between the sheets.He rearranged hispillow and the blanket so that it would support his head and began to readTime magazine.He sensed, a few minutes later, that somebody important, a cad reman or evenan officer, had come to the second floor of Building T-2207.The conversationsin the three small knots of people in the almost deserted squad bay died.There was an expectant, almost frightened hush.It had to be a cad reman Geoffdecided.No one had called "Attention." What did the sadistic sonofabitch wanton Christmas Eve?The visitor, wearing a camel's hair overcoat over his shoulders like an actorand a green Tyrolean hat with what looked like a shaving brush stuck in itsband, looked around the room, found Geoff and sat down on the bunk beside him.Page 164 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html"Hello, there, young man," he said cheerfully."Jumped out of any goodairplanes lately?"Geoff chuckled."I haven't yet; that's next week.""In bed a bit early, aren't you?""I've been on"So I have been informed.""Am I supposed to leap to my feet under the circumstances?""No, just kissing my ring will suffice.""And what do I call you, under these circumstances?""The circumstances being Christmas Eve, which has apparently escaped you, youmay call me Cousin Craig.""How did you know I was here?""I just spoke to your mother; my annual Christmas Eve next of-kin telephonecall.When I asked where you were, she said, tears choking her voice, that notonly had the beastly army refused to let you off for Christmas, but it wasdenying her baby access to a telephone.""Christ, I didn't call!" Geoff remembered."So I have been led to understand," Lowell said."Put your clothes on; we'llget you on the horn."Geoff pulled his legs out from under the blankets and started to put onfatigues."Have you got civilian clothes?" Lowell asked."It's permitted, you know," Lowell said."There hasn't been time to get any from home or to buy any here," Geoff said."Well, then, Class A's," Lowell said."Why, where are we going?""I thought I would take you away from all this," Lowell said dryly."After wegot to my motel and call your mother, we'll go down to Rucker.I can't offer aChristmas tree and roast turkey, but I thought you might settle for steaks andbooze.""I can't do that," Geoff said."Yes you can," Lowell said."I've fixed it with the army.""That's not what I mean," Geoff said."I've made other plans."Lowell looked at him and smiled."You say that with such determination that there must be a female involved,"he said.Page 165 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html"Yes," Geoff said [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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