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.The two matrons were almost invisible in their corner of the box;Michael and Emily were far enough away for private conversation. You look fully recovered Lord Althorpe, Emily said shyly. Just the occasional twinge in my neck, Michael said. The announcementshould be coming out in tomorrow s Times and with all that has passed between us,we should be able to speak our given names. I am sorry to have put you in this position L-Michael, she said. I put myself in this position; I should have remembered the little girl whowasn t such a little girl when seen so charmingly undressed for a swim.Emily felt as if her whole body was aflame with embarrassment. You sawme bathing at the pond on my father s estate, she said in a shocked whisper. A charming sight it was too, he smiled wickedly, waggling his eyebrows. Before I realized that the lovely nymph cavorting in the water was the child I hadplayed cribbage with the night before, I thought to join you.Emily felt her face flush even pinker,  I was just a child then. Yes, and when I realized that it was you, I was overcome with guilt anddisgust.89© 2006 by The Dark Castle Lords.All rights reserved Naked Visions Silver Blue Dreams Veronica Towers Disgust, she breathed with dawning horror, withdrawing her hand fromhis and shrinking into her chair.Michael was alarmed by her reaction realizing too late the impression hegave her.He hurriedly added,  & at myself for finding a child so alluring. Emilyappeared so mortified that she did not hear him.Michael was mentally berating himself for his poor choice of words as heand Emily both stood she looking like she would take flight and he looking toblock her.The two older gentlemen returned to the box with a servant baring a trayof punch.Michael said,  I am going to escort Emily to the withdrawing room andsee what is taking my sister so long. He handed Emily a glass of punch and tookone for himself and escorted Emily out of the box.He asked the porter who had carried the refreshments into the box where hecould find a small alcove where he could continue his conversation in private withhis fiancé.After being slipped a generous tip, the porter pointed them to a smallcleaning area.Before they attained the privacy of the storage closet, they wereconfronted by the woman who attempted an introduction to Emily at the ball thenight before Clarisse Dubonnet, Michael s former Mistress. So this cow is why you gave moi zee conge? she hissed.Michael stepped in between the two women with his back to his formermistress.She was enraged,  After all we were together you will settle for thisbrood mare.Emily was jarred out of her contemplative state by the appearance of thethin small breasted older woman whose bodice was so brief that even the woman stiny breasts were in danger of exposure.The woman reached around Michael andgrabbed Emily s arm,  Once you are breeding  e will be back to moi.Emily s eyes sparked with rage.She stepped around Michael fully andthrew her punch into the woman s face.She did not hesitate as she stepped up tothe woman s dripping, furious face and said,  What Michael had with you wascommerce. Emily looked around the hallway at all of the pruriently curiouspeople,  Do you have an escort tonight or are you perhaps trolling for business?90© 2006 by The Dark Castle Lords.All rights reserved Naked Visions Silver Blue Dreams Veronica TowersClarisse Dubonnet s mouth worked with outrage, she was beside herself.The woman swung her hand at Emily intending to strike her.Michael quicklyreached over and blocked the blow.Unfortunately, that was the hand in which hispunch resided and, for the second time that evening, Clarice Dubonnet was dowsedwith sticky sweet punch.The porters having heard the commotion finally arrivedand took charge of sputtering woman. Look at me, she shrieked as she wasescorted back to her box. You will pay for this!Michael, taking his cue from Emily, said coolly,  I believe I already have.Emily was still seething when she went back to the box,  If you so much asgo near that woman again, I will rip out every strand of hair on her head and then Iwill go out and spend a large amount of your blunt. she said with a final glare atMichael as she focused her attention on the stage.Then the bell sounding theinterval rang and the actor resumed the stage.In another box in the theater another low voiced argument was taking place. You little fool, a shadowy figure in the box said as Clarisse Dubonnet came backto gather her things. We have not worked so hard for so long to let my plans go upin smoke, just for you to indulge in a bit of drama. Why, I do not know what you mean, she said, attempting a nonchalanttone, difficult to pull off when one is sticky with punch. Stow the phony French accent, I know you are really Clara Dunbar fromBillingsgate, the figure said. You were to make her jealous not cause a scene! I will cast doubt in her mind when we meet at zee Chalk Farm tomorrow,she said, continuing in the same accent. Are you sure she will be there? the person in the shadow questioned. You should have had a reply sent to you. Bah! This chienne sans doute reads novels all of the time and lives with herhead in the clouds, they all do, she said contemptuously. I must leave now; monensemble is ruined. My servant will see you to your carriage, I must hurry back to the box or Iwill be missed.91© 2006 by The Dark Castle Lords.All rights reserved Naked Visions Silver Blue Dreams Veronica TowersEmily remained in stony silence throughout the rest of the performance.Michael did not quite blame her what woman would wish to be confronted with agentleman s former lover at any time, much less in a public place.He could not lether continue in this mood.He wondered what he could do to get her alone to talk toher.Wolcott and Jenks were trailing them everywhere so he supposed it could besafe enough to go on a moonlight carriage ride.His sister and brother in law couldcome along to chaperone but he could drop them off at their residence instead.Heremembered all of the times when he was a young lad when James would call onLynette when they were betrothed and James would give him a coin or allow him toride his horse when he was supposed to be keeping them company. Sir Horace, Lady Minerva, he said hesitantly,  I wonder if you wouldallow me, with my sister s chaperonage that is, to take Emily on a moonlightcarriage ride?Lady Minerva looked suspiciously at him,  What about all of the strangehappenings? I would take Wolcott and Jenks with us, of course.Lady Minerva looked searchingly at Lynette and James,  Are you sure youwould not mind chaperoning these two?Michael sent his sister a look that promised pay back at a later date if shedidn t acquiesce to his plan.His sister returned the look and said  I was justthinking that this would be a lovely evening for a carriage ride don t you think so,James? and poked her husband. Oh yes, I remember the rides we would take when we were courting,James said hurriedly [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]
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