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. Still, Redemptionist though I am, I wish the best formy friends here at Morningswake. Strange that the Aos know nothing about the shrine, said Gerd Jemasze. I ve checked the map; it s onAo tribal land. It s also next to the Retent, said Kelse. The Garganche might know about it. Aha! cried Schaine. All is clear.Jorjol has learned of the shrine; he wants to build a hotel; and that swhy he wants to kick us out of Morningswake! I wouldn t put anything past Jorjol, said Kelse. You wrong poor Muffin, said Schaine. He s really very simple, very straightforward, very open.Iunderstand him completely. Then you re the only one, said Kelse. I also disagree, said Elvo. Jorjol is a very complex person.He has no choice.Let s view him from thestandpoint of the psychologist.He s an Outker and an Uldra at the same time: two sets of ideas work inhis one brain.He can t have a thought without finding an instant contradiction.It s a wonder he s aseffective as he is!file:///C|/3278%20Sci-Fi%20and%20Fantasy%.ck%20Vance%20-%20The%20Gray%20Prince.html (109 of 132) [1/11/2005 11:52:19 PM] THEGRAYPRINCE No puzzle there, said Kelse. Outker or Uldra, first and last, backward and forward, Jorjol is an egotist.He switches back and forth between roles as it suits him.At this moment he s a Garganche bucko: theswashbuckling Gray Prince.Do you know, it s quite likely that he drove the sky-shark that shot downFather, and the Apex as well!Schaine produced an indignant refutal. What utter nonsense! You know Jorjol better than that! He sproud and gallant! A ruthless assassin? Never!Kelse was not convinced. By Garganche theories, ruthless assassination is equivalent to pride andgallantry. You re not at all fair to Jorjol, said Schaine. His  pride and gallantry , or however you want to put it,saved your life.He deserves at least credit for bravery. I ll concede him that, said Kelse. Still, I don t think much of his loyalty.Schaine laughed. Loyalty to whom? To what? I never had reason to complain. Naturally not; you were in love with him.Schaine heaved a patient sigh. I d prefer to call it infatuation. Father, it would seem, is now vindicated.With an effort Schaine decided not to quarrel with Kelse.She responded quietly and, she hoped,rationally. Father meant well.He gave Muffin a great deal, up to a carefully defined limit.Muffinnaturally resented the limit more than he appreciated the generosity.And why not? Put yourself in hisplace: half part of the family, half a Blue ragamuffin who ate his meals in the kitchen.He was allowed tolook at the cake and even taste it, but never eat any of it.Elvo Glissam ventured a facetious quip:  And you were the cake? I hope not!Schaine raised her eyebrows and looked away with pointed coolness.The remark seemed in poortaste especially in view of the fact that immediately following Jorjol s rescue of Kelse, she had allowedJorjol considerably more than a taste.The discovery of the affair had provoked a wrathful explosion inUther Madduc, which had sent Jorjol flying in one direction and Schaine thirty-two light years in another.Schaine said evenly:  Those times are quite remote. She rose to her feet. The conversation is becomingdull.Chapter 12file:///C|/3278%20Sci-Fi%20and%20Fantasy%.ck%20Vance%20-%20The%20Gray%20Prince.html (110 of 132) [1/11/2005 11:52:19 PM] THEGRAYPRINCEGerd Jemasze, with his younger brother Adare, two cousins and a nephew, flew the Standard utility up tothe Palga across to where the sarai broke against the Volwode foothills.They found the land-yawlundisturbed.Gerd and Adare Jemasze and the nephew sailed the yawl east, while the cousins flewoverhead in the sky-car.A day s brisk sail brought them to No.2 Depot.Jemasze paid rent for the use of the land-yawl andexamined the Dacy sky-boat, which Moffamides fiaps had kept inviolate.A new priest was on hand, athin young man with burning eyes and a thin quivering mouth, who watched intently but spoke not aword.Jemasze wondered if Moffamides had gone to sit high in the Aluban, but forbore to question theyoung priest, who stood glowering at them from across the compound.No sooner had Gerd Jemasze returned to Suaniset than news arrived from Morningswake of anextraordinary incursion from the Retent.The raiders numbered over four hundred elite warriors, mixedHunge, Garganche, Aulk and Zeffir: an amazing circumstance in itself to discover traditional enemiesacting in concert.A few Ao scouts skirmished with the outriders, then fell back before the main force,which proceeded to Lake Dor where three Ao kachembas were discovered and defiled.Kelse immediately broadcast a call for assistance, and the Order of Uaia found itself required to fightbefore it had fully defined itself as an entity.A heterogeneous and rather casual assortment of utilityflyers, passenger saloons, sky-cars, runabouts and inspection drifters, to the number of sixty, each with acomplement of from two to eight armed men, assembled at Morningswake, then flew down to Lake Dor,to discover that the Uldra raiders were already retreating across the rocky barrens west of the lake.Theaircraft from the domains attacked with guns and energy-projectors; the Uldras dispersed in all directions [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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