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.Finally the pair called a truce and went inside to warm themselves.Randa suggested Denise shower first while she assisted Sarawith her morning routine and got her dressed.Denise agreed and turned for the stairs."While you re in the shower, you might want to wash this off," said Randa as she deftly removed snow from her pocket, slipped it down the back of DJ ssweater and took off for the safety of Sara s room.Denise was hot on her heels as the nurse burst into Sara s room and shrieked "Save me!"Sara took in the sight of the two happy and playful women and exploded in laughter.Soon all three women were laughing and Christmas day in theJennings household was underway.***True to her word, Denise had arranged the day to provide Sara with the best Christmas she could.No expense had been spared, no detail overlooked.There were fresh imported fruits and flowers.There were treats of every variety imaginable, both traditional and exotic.If Denise could remember Sarasaying she had ever liked something at Christmas, it made an appearance in the house during the day.Then there were the friends.Randa and DJ hadarranged a schedule for the visits of Sara s dear friends from the town and surrounding area.The pair made sure Sara had enough time between gueststo rest and preserve her fragile strength.Finally the door closed on the last visitor and it was just the three of them again.Sara and Denise sat at the table waiting for Randa before starting on the mouth-watering turkey dinner DJ had prepared."DJ, I want you to know I appreciate all the work you and Randa did to make this Christmas so special for me.I ll remember it for as long& well, let s say I ll never forget it." She raised her hand toward her niece who grasped it in her own.Sara s grip was weak but full of the love she had for the youngerwoman.Denise knew from the look on her aunt s face that it had been worth every ounce of the work.Randa came into the room in time to observe the tender moment between Denise and Sara.She felt privileged to have been able to see it.She blinkedback tears and smiled brightly at the women."How is your mum, dear?" asked Sara.Her voice was a little thick with emotion yet."She s fine and on her way to spend the day with my father s sister in the San Francisco Bay area.They re both widowed now and try to spend holidaystogether.It was good to talk to her.She said to thank you for the hospitality to me and wish you a Merry Christmas from her.""It s no chore to provide hospitality to you, Randa." She took Randa s hand with her free one."We love having you here, don t we, DJ?"Denise looked deeply at the shining green eyes across from her and simply said "Definitely."Sara cleared her throat and said, "Shall we?" She indicated the two younger women should join hands as well.In a weak but clear voice Sara gave theblessing."Lord, we thank you for your bounty which has placed food on this table and for your blessing which has placed friendship and love in this house.Amen."Randa and Denise looked up at the same time and echoed the "Amen." Randa gave Denise s hand a squeeze and released it to assist Sara with hermeal.She missed the look on DJ s face, but Sara didn t.She looked at her niece, gave a little wink then turned to her dinner***The women were settled in the living room around the tree.Christmas music played softly in the background from the system Denise had installed there.The three had agreed to wait until the end of the day to exchange their gifts.Sara had received a new television with a built-in DVD player and extensivecollection of her favorite movies from Denise.No one acknowledged the fact that this gift was in anticipation of the time when Sara s disease wouldprogress to the point that mobility would be very difficult.Denise opened the box from Randa for herself and Sara.Sara was delighted with the shawl and Denise laughed at the bear.When the poet opened thesmall box containing the locket and read the accompanying card she was touched at the thoughtfulness of the nurse."I found it in an estate sale.An Englishwoman who had emigrated with her husband brought it to California in the 1800 s.It just seemed right that it shouldcome full circle back to England.Now for a picture for the inside.You told me you were both a little camera shy but for now I m telling you to get over it."Saying that, Randa produced a disposable camera and took several pictures of Sara and then Denise and Sara together.At Randa s request, Saraagreed to a picture with the nurse as well.Sara gave Randa a nod and the blonde left the room and brought back a large flat package."This one is for you from Sara, Denise." The brunette removed the bright wrapping paper and looked at the portrait in astonishment.There in the picturewere the two Jennings women as they had been twenty-two years before [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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