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.Nagualism consists of a group of techniques designed to alter our everyday perception,producing psychic and physical phenomena of extraordinary interest.For example, theMexican tradition claims that a nagual is able to transform himself into an animal, because hehas learned how to dream himself in a different form than that of a human being.Behind thispopular belief is the fact that sorcerers explore their subconscious with the purpose ofthrowing light on unknown aspects of our being.Nagualism was a socially accepted practice for thousands of years, comparable to our religionor science.In time, its postulates grew in abstraction and synthesis, becoming a kind ofphilosophical proposition, the practitioners of which took the name Toltecs. The Toltecs were not what we ordinarily think of as 'sorcerers', that is, individuals who usesupernatural forces to damage others, but rather extremely disciplined men and women whowere interested in complex aspects of consciousness.In his books, Carlos made a talented effort to adapt the knowledge of naguals to our time,lifting it out of its rural atmosphere and making it accessible to people with a Westernbackground.Starting from Don Juan's teachings, he defined the premises of the path of thewarrior, or the path of impeccable behavior, consistent in control, discipline, and sustainedeffort.Once internalized, these principles carry the practitioner to other more complextechniques whose object is to perceive the world in a new way.Having achieved this, the student is in a position to move in a voluntary and conscious way inthe environment of dreams, in just the same way as he moves in his daily life.This techniqueis supplemented with what Don Juan called 'the art of stalking', or the art of knowing oneself,and with a daily exercise called'recapitulation' because it consists of reviewing events of our personal history to find theirhidden plot.Dreaming and recapitulation together make it possible to create what is called 'the energeticdouble', a practically indestructible entity, able to act on its own accord.One of the most significant discoveries of the Toltec seers was that human beings possess aluminous configuration, or energy field, around the physical body.They also saw that somewere equipped with a special configuration, divided into two parts.These were called naguals,that is, 'duplicated people'.Because of their particular configuration, a nagual has greaterresources than most people.They also saw that, because of their double and exceptionalenergy, they are natural leaders.Starting from these discoveries, it was inevitable that seers would settle down according to thecommands of energy, organizing harmonious groups whose participants complemented eachother.Warriors of these groups were committed to the search for new levels of awareness.Intime, they began to realize that behind their practices and organizational forms, there was animpersonal Rule.In their sense of the word, the Rule is the description of the design and the means by whichvarious luminous configurations of the human species can become united, eventually tointegrate into a single organism called 'the party of the nagual'.The goal of these groups istotal freedom; the evolution of awareness to the point of enabling them to travel through theocean of cosmic energy, perceiving all that is accessible to us.There is a special section of the Rule that describes how generations of warriors areintertwined, forming lineages, and how these lineages are renewed every once in a while.The fate of Carlos was to live through one of those stages of renewal.However, he did notunderstand what that meant before he received a message which guided him towards thepopularization of the teachings.When I met him, he still had great reservations about the public domain and tried to keep hisdistance from people.Our relationship was mainly through talks he gave to small groups, andprivate conversations. He demanded that I should pass unnoticed among the others, so that I would keep mypersonal history under a measure of control.Later, he admitted that this request also had adeeper motive: I had a commitment to the spirit, and should execute my task four years afterCarlos' departure.When I asked him why, he told me that he knew that his work would be obstructed bydetractors who would try to frustrate the plan designed by Don Juan for a revolution ofawareness.My function would be to give testimony of the message that I had received.The OmenOne time, after giving a talk in the private dining room of a restaurant where he invited all ofus to dine, Carlos asked me to come with him to another place.Minutes later, we both left,while the others were still in the middle of a lively conversation.On the way, we had to cross a large avenue.To gel ahead of the cars, 1 ran towards atriangular traffic island in the middle of the street, believing that Carlos was right behind me.But when I got there, I realized that he was still waiting on the other side.Then something unexpected happened; a great gust of wind came rushing down the avenue,so strong that I had to hold on to the metal post of a traffic sign.Before I had time to protectmyself, a cloud of dust got into my eyes and throat, making me cough and leaving me blindfor a moment.When I recovered, Carlos was at my side, looking at me with a radiantly happy face.Hepatted my back and made a very strange comment:"I know what to do with you!"I looked questioningly at him, and he explained:"That was the same wind, it is after you."His words made me remember the moment we met, when an autumn wind had forced us tohastily close the windows of the room where a group of friends were waiting for him."On that occasion, you saw it as a strong wind, but I knew that it was the spirit making whirlsover your head.It was a sign, and now I know why it pointed you out."I asked him to explain this enigmatic statement, but his answer was even more obscure:"I am heir to certain information.It is an aspect of the teachings that concerns me so deeplythat I can't explain it to the others.It should be said through a messenger.While I waswatching how the spirit danced with you on the edge of the avenue, I knew that the messengeris you [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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