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.THE SECOND CONDITIONALTHE SECOND CONDITIONALMatch:a) What would you do if you saw an elephant sleeping in your bed?b) If you had five cakes and the boy next to you took three, what would you have?c) Hugo, if you had ten euros and you gave five to your sister, what would you have?d) If you had 100 dollars in one pocket and 50 dollars in the other pocket, what would you have?e) If you saw something with two mouths, three noses and four eyes, what would you call it?1 Very very ugly,2 Ten euros.1don't have a sister,3 Sleep somewhere else.4 1would have the wrong clothes on.5 A big fight.Supply the correct tense of the verb in brackets:If he listened more carefully, he ____________ (not make) so many mistakes.Do you think we would speak better if we ____________ (go) to England?If you explained your problem to the manager, he ____________ (be able) to help you.Perhaps he ____________(take) a different view, if you spoke to him yourself.I'm sure he would take the job on if they ____________(agree) to pay him a bit more.If he ____________(be) in your shoes, he would have the courage to tell everything.If I ____________(be) you, I wouldn't smoke so much.He _____________ (help) her if he __________ (have) more time.If I _________ (be) younger, I___________ (get) that job.My life ____________ (be) totally different if I ___________ (can) turn back time._____________ (you, come) to me today if I _________ (ask) you really kindly?If I ________ (be) you, I __________ (never, buy) this CD.Tom ____________ (ask) her for a dance if he ___________ (know) how to dance.She___________ (have) more friends if she _____________ (not, be) so aloof.If they _____________ (not, smoke) so much, they ______________ (not, spend) so much money.______________ (she, go) to Canada if she ___________ (have) such a chance?Write sentences in the second conditional.How honest are you?points:1 = Yes, I would.2 = Maybe, it depends.3 = No, I wouldn't.1.If you __________ (find) an expensive piece of jewellery in the street, ___________ (you, keep) it?2.___________ (you, lie) to your parents if you _________ (get) a bad mark at school?3.If you __________ (find) your best friend's personal diary, _____________ (you, read) it?4._______________ (you, travel) on a bus or train if you _______________ (not, have) a ticket?5.If a shop assistant ______________ (give) you too much change, _____________ (you, keep) it?6.If you ____________ (want) to impress someone, ____________ (you, tell) lies about yourself?7.________________ (you, cheat) in an exam, if you _____________ (think) no one would find out?8.If you ______________ (not, like) your friend's new hairstyle, ______________ (you, say) so?21 - 24 points: You are an extremely honest person but be careful you don't upset people with your opinions.15 - 20 points: You are generally honest.9 - 14 points: Maybe you are getting into bad habits?0 - 8 points: Oh, dear, honesty is not your strong point, isn't it?Choose four situations from the quiz and say what you would do.If a shop assistant gave me too much change, I'd give it back.If I were you…Give these people advice.1.I found a wallet in the street.2.I don't like my sister's boyfriend.3.I never have enough money.4.I've had a row with my mother.5.My neighbours make a lot of noise.6.I really need to do more exercise [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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