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.Tastes good.There was no refuting that.More and more, Lucien could feel Cronus's anger radiating down at him.It was a burn in his gut, a churning in his soul.The king would not wait much longer, would surely curse him soon if he failed to act.Or curse his friends.Yet just the thought of seeing Anya again lit an inexorable fire inside him, overshadowing the thought of both her death and his punishment.Since that fight with the Hunters two days ago, he hadn't gone to her and she hadn't appeared to him.He'd missed her as she'd once claimed to miss him.Lucien searched the Temple of the All Gods for some physical sign of her.He saw moss-covered columns, mounds of crumbled stone and pools of crystal water.No Anya.So many times he'd pictured her here.In his mind, the pillars were gleaming white with lush emerald ivy and provided the perfect frame for her exotic beauty.In his mind, the puddles were bubbling pools and she liked to frolic.Naked.“Anya,” he said.She didn't respond.He waited several minutes, then called her name again.Again, nothing.“I know you're here.”Nothing.What game did she play now?Trying not to frown, he bent over a sand pile and sifted through the grains.If he couldn't coax her out of hiding, at least he could begin looking for evidence of the four artifacts' existence.Something soft brushed his shoulder blades and the scent of strawberries became stronger, filling his nostrils, tantalizing him; he didn't turn, didn't acknowledge the sensation.Not outwardly, at least.Inside, he shook.“Whatcha doing?” she asked.Finally she materialized.Stomach tightening with arousal, Lucien focused on her.Dear gods.Her clothes…He gulped.She leaned against one of the towering white columns.Crumbling rock and Parisian marble walls stretched around her, intricate patterns framing her perfect pixie face.Wisps of hair caressed her, and he experienced a momentary burst of jealousy.He wanted hisfingers to caress her, and nothing else.She wore a transparent white gown—did she have an endless supply?—that draped one shoulder and bared the other's sun-kissed glory.A braided gold belt wrapped around her waist, hugging her curves.A slit rode the entire length of her thigh, revealing inch after inch of smooth, creamy skin, as well as a hint of snow-white panties.Suddenly Lucien had trouble breathing.With the sun hitting just behind her, he could see the outline of her strawberry nipples.Strawberry.A word he would forever associate with Anya.Make her leave.She's a distraction you cannot afford.Want her to stay!the demon growled.If only.“Not many more hours of light, so…” His voice was hoarse.Hurt glimmered in the blue depths of her eyes.“So get lost? Is that what you're saying?”“Yes.” He turned away from her—for the best, you know it—and scooped another handful of dirt.Kiss her.Kisskisskiss.He clenched his jaw.A moment passed in silence.Then, “Tsk.Tsk.Tsk.Not wise, giving me your back.”“The other warriors are nearby.” They were spread out over the island, close enough to hear but not close enough to kill an immediate threat.“I'll let them worry about my back,” he lied.He just, well, he couldn't face her again.She stirred all kinds of emotions inside him.Emotions he was better off without.“Well, then.Aren't you going to rush me or something? I'm, like, at the top of your destruction list.”“Later.Right now, I'm busy.” He heard her shift, heard a rock fall.Wanted to look.Didn't.One more glance at her, and he might never look away.He might rush her as she'd asked, but he wouldn't hurt her.He would kiss her, just as Death craved.Again and again.Until their clothes were shed and he was pumping inside her.In that instant, his body was so hard he thought he might burst.“Lucien,” Paris called from beyond the far temple wall, his voice tense.He straightened.Still he did not face Anya.“Yes.”“I smell female.Your female.”“Stay where you are.” He didn't want the others to see her like this.“All of you.Keep looking for something to point us in the right direction.”Paris grumbled something under his breath.Strider shouted, “You lucky son of a bitch.” Amun and Gideon did not reply.“Guess they won't have your back, after all,” Anya said, her tone strangely devoid of emotion.He didn't like it when she became so unreadable.He was afraid she was doing so to protect herself from pain.Pain he caused.“So you guys are looking for artifacts, hmm?”“Do not pretend ignorance.You sent us here.” He crouched down once more and rolled a large silver stone aside, spotting pebbles and a dead clam underneath.He gritted his teeth, feeling impatient and like a fool.What kind of warrior played in the sand?“This temple had been buried under the sea for thousands of years,” Anya said.“The salt water probably washed all evidence of the past away.”“Perhaps something remains.” He had to believe it was so.“I thought your precious Ashlyn told you the box was guarded by Hydra,” Anya said, and this time she spoke with a sneer.Yes, Ashlyn had heard something about Hydra in her travels with the World Institute of Parapsychology.But why had Anya sneered? She had once aided Ashlyn, had seemed to like her.Doesn't matter.According to numerous sources, Hydra had multiple heads and poisonous breath.Hercules was said to have defeated her at Lake Lerna.But Ashlyn claimed there had been a few sightings over the years.Always in a different location—the Arctic, Egypt, Africa, Scotland and even the States.Humans called her Nessie, Big Foot and all other manner of names.Leave it to mortals not to know what was right under their noses.Part of Lucien wanted to abandon this temple and search in one of those locations.For if he could find Hydra, maybe he could find the box.Maybe he could destroy it at last and prevent Hunters—and even the gods—from trapping the demons and killing him and the other Lords.Curiosity, however, held him here.The Titans had resurrected this temple for a reason.Yes, they planned to bring humans back to the days of worship and sacrifice.But there was something here.Had to be.Why else would the Hunters have been looking so diligently?“I love treasure hunts,” Anya said, reclaiming his attention.“They're so exciting.”“You are not helping us.”A pause.Then, suddenly, she was standing beside him, strands of her hair brushing his bare arm.He'd removed his shirt an hour ago, the sun too bright and too hot.Sweat trickled along the ropes of his stomach, causing that hair to plaster against his skin.He had to grind his molars at the headiness of being connected to her, even in so small a way.“Why can't I help?” Anya asked, and there was a catch in her raspy voice.A pout.Gods, he loved the sound of that pout.“I've proven myself invaluable so far.”Foolish him, he finally dared a glance up at her.He saw her panties first and had to swallow a wave of need.He forced his gaze to continue its upward slide, not stopping until their eyes locked.So pretty.He pushed to his feet, damned legs shaking.Her gaze immediately dropped to his chest.To the black butterfly tattooed over his torso and shoulder [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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