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.19.Suellen Hoy provides a good overview of the emigration of Irish sisters tothe United States in  The Journey Out: The Recruitment and Emigration of IrishReligious Women to the United States, 1812 1914. Hoy identifies two major wavesof emigration, the first lasting from 1812 to 1881.The second wave overlapped thefirst during the 1870s, and continued into the twentieth century.In Sacramentothe recruitment of Irish sisters continued well into the 1970s.20.An older account of the life of Mother Baptist Russell is Mary AureliaMcArdle s California s Pioneer Sister of Mercy: Mother Mary Baptist Russell (18291898).A more updated account is Mary Katherine Doyle s Like a Tree by RunningWater: The Story of Mary Baptist Russell, California s First Sister of Mercy.Doyle saccount includes a biographical overview of Russell s life and also an annotatedselection of her letters.21.McArdle, Pioneer Sister of Mercy, 26 32; M.K.Doyle, Like a Tree, 52 60.Both accounts retell the story of the original eight Mercy Sisters recruited for Cal-ifornia, who missed passage aboard the ill-fated Arctic, which later collided withanother vessel in the Atlantic fog and sank on the way to the United States.n o t e s t o p a g e s 7 4  7 6 293 22.One story that appeared on the pages of the Sacramento Daily Unionrelated:  We are informed [that] the Sisters of Notre Dame of San Jose have pur-chased a lot in this city, and contemplate erecting an institution thereon, probablyduring the present year. However, the journal concluded,  Of the particulars ofthe purchase the location of the lot, etc. we are not advised ( Sisters of NotreDame, February 29, 1856, 2).23.Citations in Archbishop Alemany s diary suggest that he had been in con-tact with Mother Etienne Hall, general superior of the Daughters of Charity inEmmitsburg, Maryland, for sisters to come to the Sacramento mission.However,various difficulties intervened, and at the urging of the convent chaplain, FatherBurlando, the sisters withdrew their offer to come.See Alemany Diary (n.d.),aasf.24.Citation from Presentation  Annals, reconstructed in 1907 by M.Jose-phine Hagarty, protégé of M.Teresa Comerford, 16 17.Provided to the author bySister M.Catherine Curry.25.Philos [Dr.Gregory Phelan],  Our California Correspondence, Sacra-mento, Cal., January 4, 1858, Freeman s Journal, February 6, 1858, 5.26.Gian Ackermans,  The History of the Congregation in the NineteenthCentury, 1 13.27.Mary Urban Archer, O.S.F., A History of the Holy Name Province of theSisters of Saint Francis of Penance and Christian Charity, Stella Niagara, New York,63, 4.28.Hartfield,  Sisters of Mercy.29. Catholic Orphan Asylum, Daily Bee, October 9, 1857, 3; Philos,  OurCalifornia Correspondence, January 4, 1858.30.[M.M.Clare Lunney],  Annals From St.Joseph s Convent.31.Sister M.Evangelist Morgan, Mercy Generation to Generation, 91 93.32.M.K.Doyle, Like a Tree, 145.33.[Lunney],  Annals, 6.34.Ibid., 7.35.A copy of this letter dated April 16, 1872, is found in  Annals of This Con-vent of the Religious Called Sisters of Mercy of Providence, San Francisco, Cali-fornia.36.Morgan, Mercy Generation to Generation, 121 22;  Annals of This Con-vent (emphasis added).37.Sister M.Gertrude King,  Early History of Sisters of Mercy in Sacramento,1905 1911, n.p.38. Annals of This Convent.39.Notes by Sister Mary Gabriel Spadier,  About the Early Mercy Commu-nity, 3.294 n o t e s t o p a g e s 7 7  8 4 40.Mary Katherine Doyle gives some idea of the challenges and problemsfaced by local superiors in admitting women to the congregation about whomthey had misgivings.The case of a Miss Dalton of Grass Valley, a sister of thelocal priest, Thomas Dalton, was illustrative.See Mother Baptist Russell to BishopEugene O Connell, August 15, 1864, in Doyle, Like a Tree, 221 24.41. Sister Mary Gertrude King Passes in Mercy Hospital, Superior CaliforniaRegister, November 12, 1944, 3.42. Mother Carmel Naughton, Mercy Sister, Dies at 72, Superior CaliforniaCatholic Herald, December 5, 1957, 1.43.Marilyn K.Demas,  Ungraded School No.2 Colored: The African-Ameri-can Struggle for Education in Victorian Sacramento.44.Richard C.Rogers, The First One Hundred Years of the Sacramento CitySchools, 1854 1954, 4.45.Philos [Dr.Gregory Phelan],  Our California Correspondence, October15, 1853, Freeman s Journal, November 19, 1853.46.Philos [Phelan],  Our California Correspondence, July 14, 1851, ibid.,August 30, 1851;  Our California Correspondence, October 31, 1851, ibid., Decem-ber 6, 1851;  Our California Correspondence, November 14, 1851, ibid., December27, 1851 [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]
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