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.He d never had to figure this out before.And maybe that s what he needed to say. Cassidy, it s not easy to explain what I need.Pain feels good.It soothes something inside, but it snot like I want candle-wax dripped on me, or razor blades cutting my skin.Fighting has alwaysworked.Cassidy let out a sigh as he nodded. Still& that can be dangerous. Fighting? Travis thought it over. Yeah.It could be, and Ashley was right when she told me Ishould quit.But the alternative is&  Fuck. Why is saying this outright so damn hard? Because it s fucking impossible to hear it as well.Tell me, dammit.Travis s pulse picked up. You know how hard it is to say to you that I want you to take your beltand whip me? Or maybe grab a crop and smack my legs and ass? Because while I want the pain, Iwant to be in control, and the few times I asked someone to help me His hands were shaking, and he couldn t look Cassidy in the eye.Boots moved closer, stopping inches away.Cassidy paused. It turns you on, doesn t it? Fuck.Cassidy caught him by the chin and lifted his head, dropping his hand away immediately, but therewas no reason for him to hold anymore.Travis was trapped by those damn hypnotic eyes.  While you crave the pain, you get off on it as well.Like sexually get off.Is that right? Cassidypushed again. Yes. The word snapped out.Cassidy sucked in a deep breath. That s the other thing I wanted to talk to you about.God, they were both nervous as hell.Hope stirred, but not too hard. When you kissed me last summer I told you no.And I meant it.I didn t want to be anything butyour friend.Travis wanted to hold his breath, but he could hardly speak if he did that. And now?Cassidy pressed a hand to Travis s shoulder. If it s something that you need to deal with yourpain issue, I can t& deny you help.The statement was insane enough to drag a burst of laughter from him. Oh, so this would be asympathy fuck you re talking about? Jesus, Travis. Cassidy jerked upright and stepped away.Travis grabbed him by the shoulder and spun him before Cassidy could cover even two paces. No& see, that s where this conversation went wrong before, and it s not going wrong this time.Itold you I wanted you, and you know what? You never answered me.Let s start there and worryabout the rest later.The bits about if you beat on me before we fool around, or if you beat on mewhile we fool around none of that really matters until I hear you admit the truth.He closed the distance between them.Cassidy s eyes hardened. You need me to say that I want you too? Yes, damn it.Cassidy didn t answer.He shoved Travis to the wall, easing their bodies together.Their groinsmade contact, and Travis s cock tightened.Cassidy planted his hands on either side of Travis s head.They were both breathing hard, nearly panting, heat pressing between them.When Cassidy finally spoke the words rumbled out like a curse. I want you.More than I should.More than I want to want you, you bastard.He brought their mouths in contact.Travis was going to die right there and then.All the sexual aggression that usually burst free whenhe was turned on slid off explosive and down to a simmering high manageable though ready to flare.He was turned on like crazy but at this moment totally focused on tasting Cassidy.Tension tightened every one of Cassidy s muscles, yet his touch remained gentle as he fleetinglyslid his tongue over Travis s lips.Travis reached around Cassidy s back, pulling the other man closer as their breathing raced.Heresisted yanking Cassidy s T-shirt off, choosing instead to wedge his fingers under Cassidy s belt andhold on for dear life.Already this was enough to make his head spin.The pressure of a hard torso against his.An eagermouth working his.Cassidy s cock pressing into the rock that had sprung up in his own jeans.Travisrubbed their hips together, and Cassidy groaned into his mouth.The sound pulled a trigger, and they both lost it.Not in terms of going wild, but things got waymore intense damn fast.The pressure went up, and the heat went up further, and Travis found himselfbeing kissed senseless.They ground together as if they were craving each other.It wasn t going to take long, not with the tension building as fast as it was.The familiar ache at thebase of his cock as his balls tightened made him clutch Cassidy that much harder.Crazy, wild sensations whirled through him, and when Cassidy jammed his hands into Travis s hair to jerk theirmouths apart, the sharp stings sliced like a set of fingernails down his spine. Fuck&  He was a kid again about to lose control.Cassidy kissed him, rocking his hips rapidly until there was no chance of stopping this runawaytrain.Travis blew his load, abdomen muscles clenching as the climax stripped away what little wasleft of his mind.A couple thrusts later Cassidy hissed yes, his fingers digging into Travis s shoulders as he shook.They rolled apart and semi-collapsed against the wall next to each other, shoulders still touching.Their uneven breaths rattled into the air as dust motes floated by peacefully in the stream of sunshinefalling from the window to the dirt floor. God. Travis closed his eyes and sucked for air as hard as possible.Dry fucking Cassidy wasone of the hottest things he d ever experienced while still fully clothed [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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