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.He focused on the fact that Tater had confessed his love for him.Olsen held on to the confession with an iron fist.He glanced up whena short man with brown hair stepped into Olsen s bedroom. Is this him? the man asked as he nodded toward Tater.Olsen sdefenses immediately went up.He didn t know the stranger or thelarge wolf who had walked in behind him.He glanced over atMaverick, who was back to leaning against the wall. My name is Chey, and I m told I may be able to help someone.The man stepped a little closer, the wolf behind him doing the same. And this is Eagle. Chey pointed behind him to the glaring, blonde-haired man. How can you help him? Olsen asked.Chey moved around the bed until he was on the side Olsen wassitting on.The short man leaned close, dropping his voice to awhisper. Normally, I can heal those that are injured.But with yourmate going through a change unlike any other, I m not sure if it willwork.But if you would let me try, I can see if I can help him.Olsen knew he would let Chey try.He was lost as to what to dofor his mate.He was running out of options.No one seemed to knowwhat to do for Tater.He glanced at his pa, who was standing by the window, watchingeverything that was going on.When his pa dipped his head in a nod,Olsen swallowed around the lump in his throat and then looked backat Chey. Help him, please.Chey s jaw tightened as his expression went from compassionateto determined. You may want to move.I m not sure if he will thrasharound or not, and I don t want you to get hurt.This coming from a man half the size of Olsen. 96 Lynn HagenHe wanted to argue, to shout, to tell the man to get the hell awayfrom his mate, but this wasn t about him.It was about helping Tater.Olsen slid from the bed and walked over to his pa, needing hisfather s closeness for comfort.He glanced out of the window, feeling as if his entire world wasfalling apart around him.He noticed strangers standing there in thebackyard as if they were guarding something.Their stance was rigid. Who are they? he asked no one in particular. Men here to protect Chey, Eagle growled.Olsen looked over his shoulder, seeing the fierceness in the man seyes, and wondered if he was Chey s mate.He had to be.No onecould look that lethal about someone he was just watching over.Notin Olsen s opinion anyway.He wrapped his arms around his abdomen as he watched Cheyclimb up on the bed and then kneel at Tater s side.Nausea rolledthrough him as Chey laid his hands on Tater s bare chest, and then hismate began to scream.It was instantaneous.The moment Chey touched him, his mate began to thrash around.Olsen took a step toward the bed, desperate to give Tater some kindof comfort.His pa laid his hand on Olsen s arm, stopping him fromgoing to his mate. Let him work, son.Olsen s bear roared, standing up on its hind legs as it, along withOlsen, listened to the horrific screams coming from the bed.Olsen shead began to hurt, and his stomach began to cramp at the pain hismate was broadcasting.He wasn t sure if it was their bond or if it was empathy, but Olsenthought he was going to lose his mind as Tater traversed through ahell Olsen could only imagine. His body is confused.It doesn t know what to do, Chey said ashe pressed his hands harder onto Tater s chest. It s fighting the drug,but unsure if it should change Tater into a human or a vampire. Tater s Bear 97Olsen spun around to face the wall, slamming his fists into thedrywall as his mate s cries echoed throughout the room, throughoutOlsen s soul.Tears trickled down his face as helplessness washedover him. Which way should I go? Chey asked. Tell me, he cried outdesperately. Vampire, Olsen blurted out.If Tater s body was fighting this, fighting to figure out what to do,becoming a vampire was the safer route.He wasn t sure Tater shuman form would survive the chemical raging through his system.Liquid Wrath was deadly to humans.He had no choice.0He just prayed his mate didn t hate him for making the decisionfor him. Then get ready, Chey warned.Olsen spun around, watching in a detached disbelief, mesmerizedby the sight as Tater s body convulsed, his back arched, and then heroared so loud that the windows shook.The fangs that were too largefor his mate s mouth began to recede, stopping their retraction whenthey were the size of what a normal vampire would have.His blackened claws started to retract as well, normal fingernailsappearing.Olsen held his breath, waiting to see what else wouldhappen.Slowly, very slowly, Tater s normal coloring began to return.Hisskin didn t stop changing though.Not until it shimmered with apaleness that was utterly beautiful in Olsen s opinion.It was betterthan the pale green and more ethereal than his usual peachiness. What about his size? Olsen asked as he took a hesitant stepcloser, watching every single move his mate made.Chey shook his head as he rocked back on his heels. I m afraidthat will stay.There were compromises to make, and his size was oneof them.He is, for all intents and purposes, a full vampire now.Thedrug will always be in him, making him aggressive at times, but he 98 Lynn Hagenshould be okay.I would blacken out the windows before heawakens.Olsen, along with his pa, began to grab blankets and whatever elsethey could find to shield his mate from the harmful UV rays.Whenthey had sufficiently covered the windows, Olsen turned back toChey. Can I go to him now?Chey slid from the bed, his face marred with stress lines thathadn t been there before.He swayed slightly and then laid a hand onthe bed to steady himself.Eagle took a step forward, his hand extending, and then he pulledit away, taking a step back as if afraid to touch Chey.Olsen never stopped to think what helping his mate might do tothe small wolf. Can I do anything for you?The question made Eagle growl, but Olsen ignored the sound.Hewas worried about the healer. No, but thank you.I just need to go home and rest.Olsen knew there was more to it than that.But if Chey didn t wantany help, there was nothing he could do. Thank you& for everything.I owe you my mate s life.If there is anything I can ever do for you,all you have to do is ask.Chey gave Olsen a weak smile as he headed for the bedroom door.He turned as he reached it, staring over at Tater. He s going to needblood when he awakens.More than you have to give.Let your wombmates feed him as well.I m not sure how he will act since he is ahybrid.So be warned.Olsen nodded as he crossed the room, crawling onto the bed withTater as Chey and Eagle exited the room. I m going to head out, Maverick said as he pushed away fromthe wall. Let me know if there is anything you need. Thanks, Pa said as he walked out with the alpha, leaving Olsenalone with his mate.Olsen wasn t sure what was going to happen once his mate cameto.He held on to the fact that Tater was still alive and that was all that Tater s Bear 99mattered to him.He curled his body around the man that was twiceOlsen s size now and laid his head on Tater s massive chest.He found himself dozing as he listened to the steady beat of hismate s heart, something he prayed he would hear for a long time tocome. 100 Lynn HagenChapter TenHunger.Pain.Thirst.His mind whirled as he tried desperately to organize his thoughts.They were scattered, forming and then fleeing before he could makesense of them.A heartbeat.He could hear a heart beating so close that he swore he could tastethe blood in his mouth already.He inhaled deeply, taking in the scentsall around him [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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