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. While this exchange is happening all I canthink is,  Pick me.Pick Us.Pick ourfamily!Shooting me another angry glare, he turnshis back on me and walks away with thetwo men. No! I scream, as he walks out the door,leaving me behind.I really shouldn t be surprised by himleaving.He walked away from us once,why wouldn t he do it againI fall to the floor on my knees, placing myhand on my belly and whisper,  He didn tpick us. My lower lip starts to trembleand I can feel the tears prick in my eyes.Ryder chose them.Even though he lovesus, he loves them more. I crawl over to Devon and see that he sstill breathing.Thank god, he s not dead.With the fierceness of Ryder s attack, Ithought he had killed him. Wake up, Devon.We need to get out ofhere, I choke out.He doesn t respond to me.What am Igoing to do? And where s this task forcehe was talking about? I have to get out ofhere, if not for Ryder, then for our baby.All of a sudden, I hear a roaring soundfrom outside.I wipe the tears from myeyes and rush out the door withoutthinking.I am shocked at the scene that Iam witnessing.Ryder is facing the duo he chose over meand our baby.He pulls out a gun tuckedinto the waistband of his jeans.  You fuckin did this to her, didn t you?he spits out at them. Ryder, man.We re brothers.Mayhem isyour family.Do you really think we d doshit like that! Axels yells back. You.Are.Not.My.Family! Ella is myfuckin family.Ella and our baby, theywill be my family! he shouts.Even withthe craziness of the situation, a small thrillgoes through me when I hear those words. Ryder, you and I, we have history.We ve had each other s back since wewere fourteen years old and in foster care.That s a long fuckin time, bro.This chickis leading you around by your dick.You re thinkin with the wrong head, man.You re not gonna tell me that you repicking this piece of pussy over us.You can get pussy anywhere! he snarls. Leave her here and let s go! You re dead to me.Mayhem is fuckindead to me.Back the fuck up and let us go,or I swear to Christ that I will blow yourfuckin heads off and let you bleed out onthe ground! he lashes out.He looks back, noticing me and motionsfor me to come over to him.When I reachhim, he puts his hand on my hip andpushes me behind him in a protectivestance and we walk away quickly.When we make it to his motorcycle aseries of events happen almostsimultaneously.I hear a gunshot ring out, turning around Isee Axel has a gun pointed in ourdirection.Diesel pulls out a gun and aims it at Axel, yelling,  Police! Drop theweapon!Axel ignores Diesel s order and pulls thetrigger again.Diesel sees this andresponds by firing his own weapon, takingAxel down, but it s too late.At right aboutthe same time I see Ryder jump in front ofme.His body bucks and crumples to theground face down.I kneel down by him, turning him over andthat s when I see it, the deep red liquidspreading across his chest.Ryder s takena bullet and his eyes are closed and hedoesn t respond to my screams. Oh God! Baby, wake up! Stay with me!Please don t die!Nothing.No response.  Ryder, please open your eyes for me, Ibeg again.My lips press against his,willing him to open his eyes, but he stilldoesn t respond. I love you so much,baby.Please don t leave us, Ryder!With all my strength I pull his lifelessbody against mine, laying my ear againsthis chest.I don t hear or feel the familiarsound of his heart beating.I break downinto hysterics.He s gone and there snothing I can do about it.Ryder took abullet to save me and the baby.What am Igoing to do without him?Not ready to accept his death, I grasp thesides of his leather jacket, trying to shakehim awake.I see something fall from hispocket onto the ground.What s that? I leanover and pick up the little blue box and look at it.When I open it up my bodystarts shaking and sobbing even more forwhat should have been one of the happiestmoments of our lives.It is a beautifulplatinum solitaire engagement ring.I takethe ring out of the box with shaky fingersand place it on my left ring finger.Iwhisper  Forever in his ear.That s when I feel a pair of arms wraparound my waist, ripping me away fromRyder s body.I struggle trying to breakfree and glance down and see the lifeforce spilling out of his body.His blood iseverywhere, covering his body, theground, my clothes, hair and hands. Oh God! Ryder s dead! I scream.Thearms holding me turn me around and I findmyself looking into Diesel s eyes.I put my face into his chest and continue to cryuncontrollably.Speaking quietly into my ear, Diesel says Shit! I shouldn t have called him toinform him where to find you.If I hadn tthis wouldn t have happened.He didn tknow what he was walkin in to.Pleaseforgive me, Ella. It wasn t your fault.You did not kill him,his brother did, I say as sobs continue torack my body.He holds me tighter forsupport.While Diesel is holding me, other policeofficers arrive at the scene and about fiveminutes later an ambulance arrives.Iwatch the EMTs cut open Ryder s shirtand place a stethoscope to his chest.Theybegin to move frantically, preparing the defibrillator and applying pads to hischest.They shock him.Nothing happens.Then they repeat theprocess.Again, no response.My whole body shudders and I collapse tothe ground surrounded by Diesel s arms.The sounds of my anguished cries drownout all other sounds going on around me.Ryder Wilde.The love of my life, the manwho thought he wouldn t make a goodfather or husband, gave the ultimatesacrifice for his family.His life. Chapter 29RememberingFour months later& & &Looking out over the lake at the back ofthe house through the bedroom window, Ican t help but remember the first nightRyder brought me here.Of how much Iwanted him, but was so scared of him atthe same time.Raising my left hand, I gaze at the ring thatI pledged to Ryder I would wear forever.It wasn t so much the ring I was pledgingforever, but that I would be his forever.God I miss him.My head dips and my eyes tear up whenthey fall on my very pregnant belly.My hands instantly caress my baby bump.Ididn t think I could be any more shockedthan I was when I found out I waspregnant, but finding out I was pregnantwith twins was a double shocker.The need to go outside is immense [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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