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.Butsomething had stopped him.Morals? Scruples? Standards? Sincewhen in the hell did he possess any of those? He had done somethings in his human life he hadn t been proud of.So why hadn t heblown the man s head off when he was clearly a threat to Shelby?Pushing the door open, Jacob saw Shelby and Mango waiting forhim in the front room. Do you want to go to the club? Shelby asked. For the Rest of Eternity 111Jacob should.Maybe dancing or fighting someone would dispelall of this agitated energy flowing through him.It was worth a shot anyway.After feeding and giving Mango his water, Jacob left for the clubwith Shelby.The all-too-familiar scents hit him as soon as theywalked into the club, leather, body sweat, and alcohol.He hadn t beena fan of it when he was a human, and Jacob still wasn t a fan of theodors now.The club was jam-packed with half-naked dancers.Jacob grabbed Shelby, twirling him onto his dance floor as theenergy inside of him flowed and ebbed, making Jacob feel as thoughhe could conquer the world.Shelby twirled, danced, and laughed asJacob spun his little vampire around.His new lease on life wasfabulous.He wasn t even winded after the third song.Shelby s face litup as if a candle had been lit behind his skin.It was glowing. I love you, Jacob said as he cupped the small man s face andkissed him. I love everything about you, Shelby. He loved Shelbyso much his chest ached. I love you, too, Shelby whispered against his lips.Eli brought Jacob a glass of water, and with complete joy, Jacobshook his head. I don t need it, but thanks anyway.Eli cocked his brow, and Jacob showed off his fangs proudly.Elichuckled and headed away.Life was good.After about five songs, Jacob excused himself and went outsidefor some fresh air.He may have the stamina to dance the night away,but he still became sweaty in the thick crowd.He nodded at thebouncer, Harley, as he walked outside.Jacob tilted his head back andsmiled up at the stars.They were simply stunning. I see you re back for more.Jacob lowered his head to see Taras standing over by a car.Déjàvu hit him as he smiled to himself.This time the little shit was goingto learn a lesson in bullying people. I have no idea what you mean.Taras had a smug smile on his face as he turned toward Jacob, hisstance casual as if he planned on putting Jacob on his ass once more. 112 Lynn HagenNot going to happen. I told you Shelby was going to pay for what he did to me. And what about what you did to him? Jacob inquired as hewalked closer. Or have you forgotten that you tried to force him? No, I didn t.He is just a big-ass cry baby.I only wanted to havea little fun. Taras shrugged. It s not my fault the man can t handle alittle bondage.Jacob hid his fangs, although they were aching to tear this littlepunk s throat out.Taras was smiling at him, but his eyes heldsomething more serious in them.As if he were planning on reallyhurting Jacob this time.He would never understand men like Taras.They took and took,never thinking of anyone but themselves.And when someone stoodup to them, they felt as if the other person was in the wrong.The man would never learn.And that was truly sad. No means no, Taras. You sound like those damn antirape commercials.It means yes ifI want it, whatever it may be at the time. Are you really that self-inflated, insensitive, and self-serving?Taras chuckled and gave a one-sided shrug. That s me.It pissed Jacob off that Taras was so proud of those facts.He trulywas a monster in a compact body.They must come in all sizes.Pint size for Taras. I m warning you to leave him alone. Just because Jacob was avampire now, he wasn t looking to prove himself.He was still thesame man, only stronger, faster& okay, so he had changed in someways, but not in his personality. And if I choose not to? Taras challenged, his eyes sparkling atthe thought of a fight.Jacob could just tell the man was salivating forone.People like Taras always were. I ll tear your nads off and shove them down your goddamnthroat. For the Rest of Eternity 113Taras laughed, and it slid over Jacob like an itchy blanket.Theman was really asking for it.And wouldn t the little shit be surprisedwhen he found out Jacob was a vampire.The man should have beenable to smell the change in Jacob.Shelby told him that vampirescould distinguish between beings.The man must not have had hissniffer activated.He was too busy priding himself on bullying whathe thought was a human.Jacob actually pitied the man.It had to be a cold, lonely life topush everyone away the way Taras was doing.Instead of makingfriends, he found comfort in enemies.If he hadn t done what he haddone to Shelby, Jacob just might have tried to chip away at the icearound the man s heart.Too bad Taras had tried, and was still trying, to hurt Shelby.Thatwas a deal breaker in his book. Go make a friend somewhere, Taras.I m not in the mood.My night has been going great so far. He knewhe had struck a chord when Taras s eyes became inflamed.The mansnarled as he flew at Jacob with that preternatural speed only avampire possessed.Jacob easily dodged the man, stepping aside at the last second.Hereally didn t want to fight the man.He just wanted Taras to leave himand Shelby alone. How? Taras looked stunned as he spun around.Jacob grinned, showing off his new dental work.Taras s eyesgrew round, and then they narrowed as he came after Jacob again.Itwas as if it were a personal insult to the man for Jacob to be avampire.When Taras s arm slung out, claws exposed, Jacob grabbedTaras s arm and swung it behind the man s back, twisting it painfully. Stop this. What s going on? Harley asked as he walked over to them.Theman was a few inches taller than Jacob, brawny, with black hairbrushing his shoulders.Why did all vampires seem to have black hair 114 Lynn Hagenand eyes? Only Harley s hair was pulled back with a leather thong torest on his back. We were just discussing Taras never coming back here again.Weren t we? Jacob asked as he yanked the man s arm up anotherinch, just enough to inflict pain, but not enough to break the damnthing. Taras, I don t think Christian is going to be happy you re comingaround here starting shit, Harley said as he tapped the small devicewrapped around his ear.Jacob released Taras, pushing the man away from him [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]
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