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.Hehissed when Nija drew blood, looked up at him, and then gave Jimmythat devastating smile. Sorry.I got a little carried away.Jimmy grinned down at the gorgeous man making him feel like hewas a king. Forgiven.Nija chuckled as he kissed the hurt away. Better? I m not sure.Do it again.Nija grinned widely as he kissed Jimmy s sternum.He kissedfrom one nipple to the other, letting his tongue trail as he began hisdescent. Better? Nope, Jimmy teased as Nija crawled back up his body. I think I know what will make my Jimmy feel better. Nijawiggled his brows as he grabbed the lube from the side drawer.Jimmy quirked a brow as Nija lubed his fingers. Trust me.It sthe cure-all for someone suffering from cock-in-ass-itis.Jimmy burst out laughing as Nija chuckled.The man wasdevastating when he smiled.He was so glad that he had given Nija a Nija s Temptation 83chance and not let his insecurities overrule him.He groaned as Nijainserted a finger. You know who you are now, don t you, love?He nodded. The fangs were a dead giveaway. Although he wasjoking about everything at the moment, Jimmy still felt like his worldhad turned upside down.He didn t understand anything that wasgoing on.He tilted his head back as Nija began to kiss him onceagain.There was nothing in the world that felt better than Nija s softlips on his skin.Jimmy wrapped his arms around Nija, pulling the man closer.Heneeded the comfort in a world that had gone mad.Nija was his rock.Jimmy inhaled sharply when he felt Nija enter him.A deep feeling ofpeace entered his body as Nija began to slowly rock in and out of him. You re safe, baby.Jimmy wasn t too sure about that, but he refused to dwell onanything negative right now.Nija was giving him everything heneeded at the moment.His head spun with ecstasy as Nija pulled hislegs up and over his shoulders, grabbing Jimmy s hips and rockingback on his heels. Nija, Jimmy cried out as he clawed at the soft skin of hisvampire.Nija was not only making him forget, but he was makingJimmy fall deeper in love with him from the gentle way he washandling Jimmy.He placed his hands on a solid chest as Nija gazeddown at him.He smiled seductively at Jimmy, making his heart skip abeat. Your ass is so damn tight. Nija winked at him. I m glad you think so. Jimmy grinned as he arched his back,hitching his ass higher for his lover.Nija growled as he began to fuck Jimmy properly.Jimmy s headthrashed from side to side as Nija s cock claimed him.He could feel itgrazing his prostate, and the sensation was pushing Jimmy close tothe edge. 84 Lynn HagenHe cried out as his orgasm ripped through him, sending himspiraling out of control as Nija hammered into him.Jimmy reached upand yanked Nija toward him, sinking his fangs into his lover. Yes, Nija hissed and then sank his teeth into the side of Jimmy sneck as he grunted out his release.Jimmy wasn t sure what was goingto happen to him now, but he knew he wouldn t be able to do itwithout Nija at his side.* * * *Jersey cocked his head to the side as he watched the strange wayYasuko danced.Usually the small man was like a flowing river,smooth, flawless.But he was very jerky right now. Hey, Jersey, Nija called out as he approached with his mate.Jersey was glad everything worked out for the two men.There wasnothing worse than losing a mate.He didn t know how that feltpersonally, but he d watched a man or two suffer through it, and itwasn t a pretty sight. This is my mate, Jimmy, Nija said proudly as he introduced hismate to Jersey.Fuckin A.Fate had smiled down on Nija.Jersey hadseen him when he was a bloody mess, but cleaned up, the man wasgorgeous.He had caught a brief glimpse of Jimmy when they had theceremony the other night, but he had been too busy watching Yasukothen. Nice to meet you. Jersey winked at Jimmy as he took his hand. Back the fuck off, Nija warned.Jersey chuckled as he kissed the back of Jimmy s hand. Get yourpanties out of a ruffle.I can appreciate beauty when I see it.Jimmy snorted as he pulled his hand free.Jersey wanted to growl. I highly doubt that.You must need glasses.Jersey pulled his brows together at Jimmy before looking over atNija. Is he serious? Nija s Temptation 85Nija took a step back as he crossed his arms over his chest.  Fraid so.How the hell could a hot ass guy like this think he was anythingbut? It made no sense to  Oh shit! Jersey shot onto the dance floorand picked Yasuko up into his arms as he ran to the back office whereChristian was holding a meeting.He kicked the door open as herushed in, not caring in the least that he didn t knock [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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