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.Deeper.Intimately close, the heat of the evening and the heat of their bodiesmaking them slick.All the while his fingers worked with hers. Her climax came between one breath and the next, flashing through and shaking her,squeezing her around his cock as she cried out.Gabe stilled, their bodies sealed, tight and intimate.His cock impossibly hard insideher.He groaned, the low aching hum brushing past her ear and caressing her entire body.She did that to him.Made him sound like that.Made him needy and hard and hers.Atleast for now.His cock jerked, and she felt him release.Felt his hands tremble as he lost control andspent.They stayed there, locked together for a couple more seconds.Gabe lowered them tothe mattress, still spooning her, his cock lodged in her core.She clutched his hand where his palm pressed over her belly. Don t let go.He rocked lightly, the additional stroke of pleasure making her moan. You got it.Allison closed her eyes and luxuriated in his possession.In his caring. Can we do thatagain? What, have sex? His laugher rumbled against her body. I m pretty sure we canarrange that.She reached up and caressed his cheek. That too, but I meant the talking.Telling eachother what s really happening.I need that, Gabe.Because in spite of living under his roof for the past couple of months, she felt she dbarely scratched the surface.This feeling between them? It was big and powerful, but itwas just the beginning.He turned her then, leaving for a moment before coming back to lay her flat out on themattress, their legs twined together.He stroked the hair off her face and gazed downwith those star-filled eyes, and she fell a little further without even trying. We can do that.We ve got all the time in the world. His deep voice so sure andconfident.Then he touched their lips together, and she pulled him over her, and they started allover again.In spite of the hurtful words by the fire, and dealing with painful memories, it hadturned out to be a magical night. Chapter TwentyTime was the one thing it turned out they didn t have.The phone call came at four inthe morning not even three days later.Elle s weeping could be heard over the line, andseeing the colour drain from Allison s face made his heart break.They d known this was coming, known it was probably soon.But you still hoped forlonger than you got. Is Maisey& gone? he asked softly.Allison shook her head. Elle called the ambulance.They re taking her to the hospitalin Red Deer. I ll drive you out.We can pick up Elle if she waits for us. Paul s driving her.Gabe caught Allison against him and squeezed her tight. Shower quick.I ll make thecalls.He pushed her toward the bathroom, and she walked willingly but in a daze.Gaberealized this was only the start of the day s pain.The hour and a half drive to the hospital was quiet.Allison laid her head on hisshoulder and he held her against him.It wasn t about saving her anymore; it was aboutbeing there and being a part of every bit of her life.He d been so afraid to tell her how he d felt.Typical male, but letting her know hadbeen exactly what they needed.The little smiles, the intimate glances they d shared overthe past days.All of it felt different.They were together in a more solid way, which wasexactly what she needed right now.Exactly what he d hoped for, in spite of promising togo slow.She stopped outside her mom s room and took a big breath.Gabe squeezed her fingers. Maisey loves you.Allison turned her face toward him.In spite of the dark lines under her eyes, she waseven more beautiful than usual. That makes it all worthwhile, right? Everything.Every ache, every sorrow.They walked in together.Maisey was in bed, the headboard raised so she could lean against the support.Herskin looked paper thin, her body so fragile. If you d wanted to come to Red Deer to go shopping you should have just told me,Mom.I would have let you take a few days off from the restaurant. Allison stepped tothe side of the bed and caught her mom s hand.She had to reach around an IV tube andanother monitor, but she found a way.Maisey smiled, and the expression transformed her face to something striking andageless.Joy had that ability. You know me.Slacking off any time I can.Gabe held on to Allison, his arm draped around her waist as the ladies talked.Paul andElle hurried in about an hour later, and Gabe pretty much just listened.SupportedAllison and watched as this family who had so much love and togetherness in themwatched as they prepared to say goodbye. Sharing with Allison the other night had been like letting go the plug on a barrel.Hehadn t realized exactly how tightly wrapped he d kept parts of himself.She was right, though.He d always been like this.Always wanted to save people.Onlyhis tragedies had taken him over and he d started doing more to save others.He dforgotten he was allowed to save himself as well.To accept a little saving from her.When Maisey s eyes closed in fatigue, he tugged Allison to him.Whispered in her ear. Come on.I m going to feed you and give you coffee. But Mom  Will be okay for a while without you. The nurse who was checking the room noddedat his soft-spoken words. You need to eat or you re going to collapse, and then Maiseywill get out of that bed and kick my butt for not taking care of you.Even as he said it he knew they both wished Maisey would do exactly that.The small cafeteria was busy with people grabbing coffees and late breakfast.Gabemoved quickly through the line to return to where Allison sat, her head cradled in herarms.He slipped onto the bench seat beside her and nudged her. Eat.She nodded, sucking back the coffee first.They were quiet, the low buzz of voicesaround them so similar to the familiar noises of the barns.Even in sadness, home calledto him.Something had been running through his brain all morning.He wasn t sure how itwould go over, but she d said to talk to her.Gabe took her fingers into his. Allison, this may sound like a crazy idea, but hear meout.She lifted her head, her tired gaze meeting his. Crazy idea? What you got plannednow, Angel Boy?He smiled. Damn, I left my halo at home.His quip tugged a smile to her lips. Tell me your crazy idea. We should get married.Right now.In front of your mom.She bit her bottom lip and her eyes welled with tears. Why not? Why not make someone who you love very happy?Allison squeezed his fingers. You still trying to rescue people, Gabe Coleman?He shook his head. Caring isn t rescuing.We started this entire thing for your mom ssake [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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