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." Turk pulled himclose, despite the disapproving looks from passersby."Ex-Altairian fleet.This might not be the most welcoming placefor you."Isaac rested his head on that hard chest, giving in toa long exhale of relief.Of course, Turk was worried forhim.What other reason would there be to want Isaac to go?"It wouldn't be so bad, hon.It's not like there are openhostilities anymore.The enlisted might scuffle in the barssometimes, but that doesn't affect me.I could find a job.102 Gravitational Attraction Angel MartinezSettle in while you're here.""If& " Turk trailed off to gaze over Isaac's head,obviously processing.He came back to Isaac with a tight-lipped smile."We'll talk more tonight, all right? Seventeenhundred at The Heliotrope?""Good.Perfect.I'll see you then."Isaac watched him stride away, his confidence andeasy-predator grace clearing a path for him through thecrowd that he seemed to take for granted.The uneasinessand uncertainty rushed back when he turned the corner.Turk's sudden change of mood at the mention of Isaacstaying set off all his social alarm bells.He couldn't helpfeeling he had made a terrible mistake, simply blurting outthe thought like that.Too late to take back now.* * * *The temptation Isaac laid at his feet was enormous.To have his atenis close, perhaps even put in a request forcohabitative quarters, to wake every morning to find Isaacbeside him, was a heady, thoroughly distracting thought.Intwo years, his time with the huchtik would be finished.Hewould take Isaac away and explain everything, take himhome and register their completion formally.Then nothingwould separate them short of death&103 Gravitational Attraction Angel MartinezOr certain ESTO officers.The thought stopped himcold.Humans often puzzled him, but he understood enoughto know Isaac could be threatened, even harmed, to gainTurk's compliance.If the wrong faction arrived on station,if they gained any foothold in the project and discoveredTurk's attachment, Isaac would be in danger.But only if hestayed.He would make his position clear that evening.While he dearly longed to keep Isaac by his side, he wouldexplain that much of the situation, which would break nooaths.The Hermes would leave with Isaac aboard, safeamid trustworthy, loyal crewmates.With Isaac safe, itwould no longer matter what the ESTO wanted from him.The next meeting on his schedule was with the labstaff here.More new faces, more people he had to struggleto decipher.He paused in his tiny bachelor's quarters, nomore than a bunk and a comm station, to write his overduereport.Every month, the agreement between his people andESTO stipulated, he was to message home.His firstmessages had been regular holo vids, but the ESTOcommunications staff, who did not report to AdmiralUchechi, informed him they weren't getting through.Theyadvised switching to text and politely suggested he send inStandard rather than in his native T'tson'ae, easier for thefilters to deal with, they claimed.104 Gravitational Attraction Angel MartinezTurk was no one's fool.Text was easier to edit thanholo.He strongly suspected ESTO dissected his messagesfor classified information, hidden messages, possible codes,and then censored and sent them on.Still, if he did notreport, his homeworld would assume the worst.The Corzinhad fought no wars of their own for several centuries.Hedidn't wish to be a catalyst of change in that regard.Every message began, Sil'ke'dra, a'hat'kau'tsae,which he assured them was the proper form of address tohis matriarch.A true literal translation, however, wouldhave been "Sil'ke'dra, these words may have been twistedupon their tails."Tangled thoughts of Isaac and home pulled at hisattention so thoroughly, he missed the odd silence of HQ'scorridors until he reached the conference room.By then,the door had hissed open and his worst fears bled intoreality.Admiral Ranulf occupied the center chair, hisexpression all too clear for Turk to read.Gloating predatorshad that universal expression in common.His instincts told him to pummel this man into thedecking.His purpose, however, was largely diplomatic.Inthat regard, pummeling superiors would becounterproductive.Instead, he stood at parade rest and gavethe man a polite nod."Admiral.""Turk, sit, please.We hear you've been through a105 Gravitational Attraction Angel Martinezterrible ordeal." The clipped phrasing undercut any effort atsolicitousness.Cold eyes followed him with hungry fire."Good to see you safe.""Thank you, sir." Turk eased into the nearest chair,taking in the room's occupants.The aides and adjutants oneither side of the admiral were familiar, but he couldn'tname them.The only other man he recognized was AdmiralUchechi, who paced along the back wall."I'm sorry, son." Admiral Uchechi's words cut terseand sharp across the room."There's nothing I can do at thispoint.I will file protest with the Board, though." Thesewords were flung at Ranulf."Count on it.""Do you dispute the transfer order?" Ranulf asked,too calm, too sure."Are there points of irregularity thatshould come to my attention?""No." Uchechi snapped."The documents areairtight.You know it.I'm sure you had your legal swamp-rats swarming all over them.""Admiral, there's no need for unpleasantness.If youfeel all is in order, I'd appreciate your cooperation infinalizing the transfer."Admiral Uchechi stalked around the table, snatchedthe stylus from the aide unlucky enough to be holding thetablet, and signed his name with unabashed ferocity."Turk,your project has now been transferred to Admiral Ranulf by106 Gravitational Attraction Angel Martinezorder of the Board of the ESTO Coalition.You give himthe same respect you gave me.But don't let him bully youinto anything against your conscience.I'll have thisridiculous decision reversed.Hold fast.""Admiral, I believe you no longer have jurisdictionhere," Admiral Ranulf said with a little smile, one that evenTurk could see was not meant as a friendly gesture.Armed security suddenly flanked the doorway.Admiral Uchechi glowered until they gave ground, but stillhe departed, leaving Turk lost and fearful.Not that he projected any of his fears.Calm, polite,that would be the only face the huchtik saw.When theenemy has captured you, give them nothing, his mentor hadalways said.Nothing.No hint of anxiety, no cry of pain, nounderstanding of what would cause anguish.Not thatAdmiral Ranulf was an enemy in the strictest sense, but hisambitions rendered him just as dangerous.Ranulf leaned forward, hands clasped on the table."Is there anything you need, Turk? Anything at all?Different food, sleeping arrangements, someone we couldbring here to make your stay more comfortable?""No, sir.I'm quite comfortable.""All right after your run in with the chuff? Feel likeyou might need some time with a counselor?""No, sir.I'm quite well." He cringed inwardly at the107 Gravitational Attraction Angel Martinezlie, but he was much improved.The little show of kindnesswas most likely to put him off his guard, so he calmly wenton the offensive."Sir, you are aware that I refuse to testwith live subjects.""I didn't ask that question, but yes, I'm aware." Theadmiral's pleasant expression never cracked."Your answersshould reflect what your superior has asked and nothingmore, crewman.""Yes, sir [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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