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.She d never been with anyone with Sam Coble s sexual confidence.Her bodyresponded to his physical dominance like she was spoils of war and he was theconquering general.Her heart was opening to his gentle touch, his smile.Her soul wasterrified of being so out of control.All three parts wanted this Christmas Eve never toend.If she d been in her clothes, she would have sat down on the couch, settled a hipcomfortably so she was facing her guest, her elbow along the head rest, forming acomfortable position for conversation, but in her current state of undress and thecurrent mood, something else seemed more appropriate.When Sam sat down, she folded her legs beneath her and sat down on the carpetbetween his knees.She put the mugs on the table, and then put her back against thebrace of his calf and thigh so she could look up at his face, bathed in the soft lightthrown from the Christmas tree.She liked things that moved, so her tree had a varietyof little electronic ornaments that made soft clicks and slides, whirs as angels turned injoyous celebration.A tiny train ran the gamut around and around to the base of the tree,and then back up again.She found him studying her with an unreadable expression. What?He lifted a shoulder. Tracy and I were combatants, in a way.It sounds strange, butshe never would have sat this way.She flushed. I like feeling protected and safe, and you like making a woman feelthat way, she said simply. The way you acted in the kitchen, taking control, I can tellyou like it.25 Joey W.Hill And what about you? Tell me the truth, Constance.It won t change my desire foryou either way. I like it, she admitted. I mean, I m not saying I d like a man ordering me about,but for this& this way, I like it. I like it, too. He touched her hair, curled a lock back behind her ear, offered asmile that didn t quite reach his eyes. I m fairly alpha when it comes to sex.Achauvinist pig down to the bone.I like to overpower a woman until she s screamingwith pleasure, begging me to fuck her.I like her to obey me in the bedroom, accept andsubmit to me for our mutual pleasure.Do you understand what I m talking about? Hewound the lock around his fingers, taking a firmer grip on her hair, tilting back herhead so their eyes met.He leaned forward, bringing his energy closer to hers. Tell meif you like what you re hearing, Constance.She d respond if she could breathe.She did know what he was talking about,though no man had ever cared about her enough to want to overwhelm her, be hermaster in the bedroom.It took a level of caring and possession no one had ever beenwilling to offer her, even if it was just for a night. Yes.I like it, she whispered. I thought so, the minute I took you over in the bathroom.I could sense it in you.Ithink that helped me make the move I did. He leaned down further, resting his handalong the side of her throat, and reached with his other hand.She parted her thighs andhe passed his finger over her clit, testing her wetness, making them both aware of howaroused she was.His expression reflected how her actions were affecting him.Shecould feel the heat building around him, drawing her into it. I ve been a remiss Santa, he straightened, turned his attention to the mostlyempty skirt beneath her tree. A pretty little thing like you deserves more gifts. Herose, swinging his leg over her head, making her giggle. It s not this pitiful.I ve got gifts the children gave me, I just prefer putting themout on Christmas morning.26 Snow Angel Well, we have one more gift to wrap.You. He had zeroed in on the canister onher fireplace, whose half open top revealed tools and materials for decorating the treeand the room.Extra tinsel, ribbon, scissors.Multi-colored satin nylon cords for hangingChristmas cards over her valances.Sam removed a spool of gold cord and one of deep pine green.He measured out alength of each over twenty feet, withdrew a pocket knife from his jeans and made aclean cut with the sharp blade [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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