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.I beginwrithing my hips and rubbing against him, but it isn t enough this time and he lets me go ashe shifts away from me, kneeling up between my legs. What are you doing? I pant as I rise up on my elbows.Without saying a word, he flicks the button of my jeans and tugs them down to myknees. Alex. I moan as his fingers trail down the inside of my thighs.He stops at the sound of my voice and meets my eyes.He s not in control anymore I mnot in control anymore.Our emotions are controlling us.And the electricity.And the need tokeep feeling it.Lust is definitely an addiction; like heroin, potent and controlling.His fists clench and I hear a tear in his voice. Gemma, I think, I should stop& I don twant to.You make me& Fuck, you make me feel alive.I don t answer him.I just kick my jeans off, instigating a low growl out of him as he liesdown on top of me again.His hands wander all over my breasts, my hips, my thighs.Ultimately, he takes off my panties and slips his fingers inside me.He feels me until I cryout and then he strips off the rest of his clothes.I lie naked underneath him, my body sweaty and my heart racing, pumping adrenalinethrough my body.All I can feel is the warmth of his skin, the comfort of his body and theoverriding desire to stay away from what the prickle wants me to feel because it s advisingme that I should pull away.Danger.When he slips inside me it hurts more than cutting my wrist open, but I m glad that ithurts.It makes it real, not fake, like everything else is in my life.He closes his eyes andbreathes in through his nose as his head lowers like he s savoring the moment. Are you okay? he whispers against my cheek.I nod, turn my head toward him and our lips connect.He kisses me deeply as he rocksinto me and I respond with an arch of my back.It hurts, but it also feels amazingly goodand I want more.I loosen up the muscles in my legs so he can rock into me more easilyand allow our bodies to move together.His eyes are untamed as he brings my arms abovemy head and even though it hurts my wrist, I let him hold me down.When he kisses me again, I bite at his lip and he lets out a groan.With each thrust, mybody and mind climb higher toward the ceiling, the sky, and the stars.When I feel myselfreaching that highest point, I open my eyes and let my head fall back.I feel myself fix andthen break apart again as I leave my mind and then slowly return.Somewhere along theline, I start to cry for reasons I don t understand.Not wanting him to see, I shut my eyesand turn my head.Seconds later, Alex s movements become less rhythmic and then he stills inside me.Wepant, our sweaty bodies pressed together and our hearts beating violently.He moves awayand gives me a quick kiss on my cheek as he pulls out of me.I feel empty, hollow, like myheart and mind are severed from my body.I roll onto my stomach as he lies down on his back.It s quiet. You were right from the beginning, he says as he stares up at the ceiling with his armstucked under his head. You used to know me and really well.When we were kids.I rest my hand next to my face. I know.He turns his head and meets my gaze. How? I ve started to remember things, I say. Like us running around in a field.His mouth tugs to a small smile. The one with all the flowers?I nod and my voice falters.I don t remember, not really anyway because they re justclips and images to me. We seemed like we were having fun.His smile turns sad as he scoots down onto the pillow and rolls onto his hip. We had alot of fun.You used to pick the flowers and give them to me all the time, even though Iwould tell you time and time again that guys are supposed to give the girl flowers.I remember back in his car and how there was a dried flower hanging from the mirror.Iwonder if that s why he kept it there.Maybe he has thought about me all these years.Icould ask him, but I m not sure I want to know because either answer will hurt.His lips part and it looks like he s going to say something that will change everything. Gemma, I&. He trails off and his throat muscles move to force a lump in his throat down.We don t say anything else as we lay face-to-face with our hands barely touching andstare at each other.It s like a silent good-bye and the moment is flawless because it s real.Part of me wishes that when I fall asleep, I ll die right there on a peaceful note. Chapter 22 Gemma, wake up. Someone kisses my forehead and brings a static zap to my skin.I roll over, griping and moaning. I m too tired. Gemma, please just open your eyes, he pleads.Sighing, I open my eyes.Alex is standing near the edge of the bed, leaning over me.He s put his clothes back on and there s a bag over his shoulder.I sit up, bringing the sheetwith me to keep my naked body covered. What s wrong? I ask and then curl my knees into my chest. It s time, isn t it?He shakes his head, hurries to the foot of the bed and picks my jeans and t-shirt up,tossing them to me. We re leaving.Panic surges through my body as I grab my jeans and quickly slide my legs into them. Did the Death Walkers find us?He shakes his head again as he walks over to the window and peers out.It s darkoutside, but the moon is bright and the stars are vivid. No, I m taking you away from here.I tug my shirt over my head and flip my hair out of the collar. Why? What s wrong?"He moves away from the window and adjusts the handle of the bag higher onto hisshoulder. I can t do it.I thought I could, but I can t.I button my jeans, but pause as shock sets in. You re taking me away so they won tdetach my soul?He nods, stepping in front of me. I just can t do it again& Lose you again.I scratch my head, at a loss for words as I slide to the edge of the bed. But I thought ithas to be done? So the star can stay preserved and save the world& Alex, I don tunderstand? I ve prepared myself for the end and now he s saying it isn t, and I don t knowwhat to do with that.He releases a slow breath and then squats down in front of me.He places his hands onmy knees and keeps his voice low. I know that the world needs to be saved, but right now,I can t do it.Right now, I need you to come with me so that we can at least try to findanother way to save it or get the star out of you. But I He puts his finger over my lips. But I need you to come now, because my father s goingto be here any minute.It s a defining moment in my life; one that I will either look back and regret or cherish [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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