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.She did feel good.Everyinch of her flesh was aware.It wasoverwhelming for her to be so aware ofher body.Not just her sensitive lips,clinging desperately to Owen s as hecontinued to kiss her.Not just her nipplesand ass which she continued to stimulateintermittently with tugs of the silken ropesin each hand.Not just the maddeningthings Kellen was doing to her pussy.Every inch of her was either aware of theropes or lack of ropes.The braided cordswere exerting enough pressure that she couldn t ignore them.The never wentaway.Kellen suckled her clit and she wenttaut, straining to come.God, she neededrelease, but he pulled away and waiteduntil she went limp before lapping at hercenter again.Okay, she was going to die if shedidn t have an orgasm soon.But she didn tdie.Kellen just continued to pull hercloser to the edge and she was sure she dbreech it the next time.He showed her justhow wrong she was.Owen kissed herleisurely until she became so distraughtthat she couldn t catch her breath.Helifted his head to glare at his friend. For fuck s sake, Kelly, give herone, Owen said as he stroked her heatedcheeks with cool fingertips. Shit, dude, I think she s having another panic attack.She heard Kellen s deep voice fromdown below. I ll let her fly if you rewilling to wait until I can bring her upagain before you fuck her. I ll wait.I m fine.Kellen s mouth latched ontoLindsey s clit and he sucked, working histongue against the sensitive bud until shesobbed, expecting him to pull away at thelast moment.But he didn t.This time.Thistime, he let her shatter.Lindsey screamed as her body quakedwith release.Her ass clenched atsomething small and solid; her pussyclenched at devastating emptiness.Ohhow she wanted filled.Wanted it evenmore than the intense orgasm turning herinto a writhing, bucking creature of instinct.Perhaps the build-up andwithhold orgasm pattern Kellen had beenusing on her had been for the best.Evenafter the waves of release dissipated, herbody continued to quake uncontrollably. Don t cry, Owen whispered to her,kissing the dampness on her cheeks.She wasn t sure why she was crying.It wasn t sadness or fear or anger orfrustration.It wasn t even relief. I m sorry, she sobbed brokenly. Idon t know what s wrong with me. We can cut you loose if it s toomuch, he said, stroking her hair gently. Please don t.I want to continue.I mjust&  Feeling things you never feltbefore, Kellen said. It s okay.Sex is adeeply personal experience. He grinned wickedly. Even when it s with a strangerit touches part of your spirit.Kellen massaged the insteps of herfeet while she pulled herself together.Shegulped for air and reminded herself torelax into the ropes.Fighting them onlyserved to exhaust her, but they did cut intoher flesh in a most delicious manner if shepulled against them just right.Still above her head, Owen kept hisface buried against her neck, holding herloosely just under her breasts. Okay, she said, when she returnedto Earth. I m good now.Kellen licked his lips. I m ready formore too.How are you, Owen?He groaned into Lindsey s neck. Hard as a fucking rock. Hey, you said you were okay, Kellen reminded him. I was until she came.Her facialexpression totally did me in.Lindsey s face flamed.Had she madea stupid O-face? In front of OwenMitchell? How embarrassing. Take her high again, Owenmurmured against her neck. Just, pleasehurry this time.Kellen released Lindsey s feet andstretched out on his belly between herwide open thighs again. You re justgoing to have to suffer a while, buddy.This is the sweetest pussy I ve ever tastedand I m going to take my time making itcream for me again. If you don t hurry, Owen growled, I m going to kick your ass.I ve waitedlong enough. Kellen chuckled at his misery. If you suck on my nipples, it willreally get my juices flowing, Lindseywhispered to Owen.She had no idea if itwas true.She just really wanted thatluscious mouth of his against her tendernipples.The knot on the rope just wasn tcutting it any longer.Even though itflicked over them in a most distractingfashion, she was ready for a differentsensation.Owen inched lower.As his chestcame into view, she couldn t help but pullagainst her bindings so she could kiss thehard-muscled flesh before her.He nudgedthe knotted rope out of his way with hisnose and latched onto her nipple, suckinghard.She caught the glinting barbell in hisnipple between her teeth and tugged.He groaned. I shouldn t have moved, he said.The glorious motion of Kellen stongue against Lindsey s flesh halted as helifted his head. That s not part of ourritual, Owen. Your ritual, Owen said.Hesounded a tad testy.Lindsey tilted her head back andgazed longingly at the hard ridge inOwen s jeans.She could almost feel himinside her, rubbing her inner walls.Stretching her.Filling her.She squirmed excitedly.Kellenlatched onto her clit and sucked inrhythmic pulses.Was he intentionallymatching the pull of Owen s mouth on hernipple? The two were in perfectsynchrony. Lindsey was building again.Shegasped and shuddered, fighting releasethis time.Not wanting to come when shewas empty inside.Kellen lifted his head. She needsyou to do your part now, he said.Owen moved in a flash.He boundedoff the bed, shucked his jeans and wastearing open a condom before Lindseycould comprehend what was happening.Something metallic glinted just beneath therim of Owen s swollen cockhead.Hecarefully unrolled the condom down hislength and moved to the end of the bedbehind Kellen.Lindsey lifted her head to try to tracktheir motions, but it pulled a rope at herback uncomfortably so she closed her eyesand relished in the sensation pulled from her quivering flesh by Kellen s skilledmouth.Without Owen to divide herattention, she was quickly overwhelmedwith sensation, mewing in pleasure asanother orgasm teased her with promise. Yes, she whispered [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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