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.People make that mistake a lot."Helen smiled nervously, but continued without Jace havingto encourage her."There is a home site and a homestead.It's an easy thing to confuse.This here is the original homesite but the homestead that claimed the land is within theforest boundaries.The Winchells lost that first thing."Jace wanted to bang his head on something, an easy146 A Broken Light Diane Adamsmistake that could cost more than he wanted to pay."Where is the homestead, do you know?""I do.I love history and I've been out there manytimes.There's hardly anything left but an old ramshacklecabin.I like to go out there to draw.The teens from towngo there a lot, but I doubt they are drawing." She laughed,the sound pleasant and nonjudgmental."It's easy to find.Go out the highway past the bar and& "Jace wrote the instructions as she told him and readthem back.He forgot to maintain his professionaldemeanor, hugging her hard."Thank you." He ran for thedoor."Terry, come on." It frustrated him to head back theway they'd come, but this time Jace had the added securityof knowing they were going to the right place.He couldfeel it in his bones.The snow fell thicker, making driving morehazardous than ever.Unable to fly down the highway theway he wanted to, Jace had to slow even more when theywere far enough out of town the plows didn't bother to keepthe roads clear.Not long after, they turned off the highwayand were slowed to a crawl.Just before they got to the lastturn Jace brought the truck to a stop."I'm walking fromhere.I want you to stay with the truck so we can get away.Can you do that?"147 A Broken Light Diane AdamsTerry nodded, but he looked scared as hell and Jacesympathized completely.Stuck out in the dark, knowinganything could be out there wouldn't be much fun.He feltbad for the kid, but needed him too much to send himhome."Good.We might be in a hurry when we get back,so be ready." Another nod and Jace opened the door."I'mgoing to get some stuff out of the back of the truck, andthen I'm going to get him.""Good Luck."Jace just caught the whisper as he closed the door.I'm gonna need it.Crawling into the back of the pickup, heopened the tool box and started tossing anything he thoughthe'd need into a battered canvas backpack.A bag of rocksalt and a shitload of ammo.He had his.44 tucked into theback waistband of his jeans.He'd carry the sawed off on hisarm, loaded with Wade's special 'spook special', shells he'dpacked with iron filings for those times when salt justwouldn't do the job.It took too much effort to mix the twoin a single shell when salt usually did the trick.Grateful forWade's foresight in packing so many shells with fine ironfilings despite the work it took to make them, Jace touchedhis necklace through his clothes.Thanks bro.I need all thehelp I can get.148 A Broken Light Diane AdamsA sudden sharp pain took him completely bysurprise.Jace hunched over the open tool box clutching hishead.When it passed, Jace opened his eyes slowly, mindfulof the stabbing pain in his temple.Shaken, he closed thebox of weapons and climbed out of the truck.He shut thedoor of the camper shell and winced at the way therepercussion of slamming the tailgate cut through the stillnight air as well as his head.The vision had been unusually brief and focused.Itshowed him what bound the Winchells' spirits to the earthand Jace knew how to undo it.Hope appeared for the firsttime since Elias disappeared.Jace shouldered his canvasbag, and with the sawed off shotgun hanging loosely fromone hand, stumbled around the truck.As short as it hadbeen, the revelation had drained him.Jace ignored hisexhaustion, knocking on the window of the cab.Lookingmiserable, Terry huddled behind the steering wheel.Hejumped in surprise at Jace's knock on the window, butrolled it down immediately."What? Is something wrong?""Not this time, I have something for you to do.It'simportant.There's a necklace in the urn with Winchell'sashes.It has to be burned.You're the only one who can doit.I have to get Elias before it's too late." Jace pressed a149 A Broken Light Diane Adamslighter into Terry's hand."You have to find it.It'll destroythe ghosts that are doing the killing.There's gas in the backof the truck, a smaller can is behind the five gallon ones.Use that one, it's easier to manage." Jace searched Terry'seyes."Can you do it?"Terry's hand closed around the lighter.Eyesnarrowed, the grim smile he gave Jace looked out of placeon his young face, but Jace recognized it as a reflection ofhis own."Kill the piece of shit working with the bitch thatdid that to my sister? You better believe I can handle it.""Good boy, don't forget to come back for us."Terry's solemn nod promised, and Jace bumpedTerry's fist with his own before moving off into the snow.He heard the engine growl to life behind him and though heunderstood the necessity of sending Terry away, he'd neverfelt more alone.* * * *Trudging through the deep snow soaked the legs ofJace's jeans, making the material icy against his legs, butJace barely noticed.Focused on finding Elias, thediscomfort of the wind freezing his ski mask against his150 A Broken Light Diane Adamsface faded into just one more discomfort to be ignored,along with the throbbing pain lingering in his head from thevision.The falling snow turned hard, no longer soft flakesfloating to the ground.Icy pellets driven by the wind beatcontinually against Jace's back as he watched his feet.Hemoved cautiously, the white of the snow the onlyillumination in the black night as he followed theovergrown path between the trees to the point where theystopped, suddenly opening into a clearing nearly over runwith brush and saplings.The cabin stood in the center, littlemore than a dilapidated shadow.No light shone from thewindows.The silence was daunting.The sense of something wrong tinged the air.Theplace felt out of kilter as if it had somehow lost sync withthe rest of the world.Jace hated being around blackmagic the way it made his skin crawl and his hair standon end.This time the dark enchantment poisoning the airfilled Jace with grim satisfaction.Despite appearances, thecabin wasn't deserted.His desperate gamble had paid off.He'd found the right place.The spell he felt was in progressand people, not ghosts, performed magic.Whatever Elias'witch friend wanted with him, she had brought anotherwitch to help.One thing about witches, they weren'tsupernatural, just people.151 A Broken Light Diane AdamsAnd a person could be killed.Easily.Jace forgot his headache and vision inducedexhaustion as he moved around the perimeter of theclearing in an effort to find the best way inside theramshackle building.There were plenty of choices.Theboards making up the shack walls had pulled apart to thepoint he thought the door frames might be the only thingholding the building upright.A shrill scream split the night.Hope and horror flowed through Jace in equal portions.Hethrew caution to the wind and headed across the clearing ata dead run.Jace's feet crunched on the snow as he rushedforward.He slipped into the rickety old cabin through theback door, which hung ajar, blowing in the wind.Hestopped just inside, staring in shock.Packed with ghosts,the interior shimmered with an ethereal light that hadn'tbeen visible from outside.The glowing apparitions turnedtowards him as soon as he came in the door.Jace skiddedto a stop, raising his gun in the same motion.If surpriserendered him helpless he'd have never made it to twenty [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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