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.He threw the pillow.It struck them, knocking them sprawling, then hit the box and knocked it wide open.Insectlike, with a faint, high whirring noise like chiggers, a cloud of miniature helicopters, painted jungle green,rose out of the box.Tiny phut! phut! sounds reached Renshaw's ears and he saw pinprick-sized muzzle flashes coming from the opencopter doors.Needles pricked his belly, his right arm, the side of his neck.He clawed out and got one - suddenpain in his fingers; blood welling.The whirling blades had chopped them to the bone in diagonal scarlet hashmarks.The others whirled out of range, circling him like horseflies.The stricken copter thumped to the rug andlay still.Sudden excruciating pain in his foot made him cry out.One of the foot soldiers was standing on his shoe andbayoneting his ankle.The tiny face looked up, panting and grinning.Renshaw kicked at it and the tiny body flew across the room to splatter on the wall.It did not leave blood but aviscid purple smear.There was a tiny, coughing explosion and blinding agony ripped his thigh.One of the bazooka men had come outfile:///E|/Funny%20&%20Weird%20Shit/75%20-%20Steph.20King%20-%20Night%20Shift%20-%20Battleground.html (3 of 9)7/28/2005 9:03:23 PM BATTLEGROUNDof the footlocker.A small curl of smoke rose lazily from his weapon.Renshaw looked down at his leg and saw ablackened, smoking hole in his pants the size of a quarter.The flesh beneath was charred.The little bastard shot me!He turned and ran into the hall, then into his bedroom.One of the helicopters buzzed past his cheek, bladeswhirring busily.The small stutter of a BAR.Then it darted away.The gun beneath his pillow was a.44 Magnum, big enough to put a hole the size of two fists through anything ithit.Renshaw turned, holding the pistol in both hands.He realized coolly that he would be shooting at a movingtarget not much bigger than a flying light bulb.Two of the copters whirred in.Sitting on the bed, Renshaw fired once.One of the helicopters exploded intonothingness.That's two, he thought.He drew a bead on the second.squeezed the trigger.It jigged! Goddamnit, it jigged!The helicopter swooped at him in a sudden deadly arc, fore and aft overhead props whirring with blinding speed.Renshaw caught a glimpse of one of the BAR men crouched at the open bay door, firing his weapon in short,deadly bursts, and then he threw himself to the floor and rolled.My eyes, the bastard was going for my eyes!He came up on his back at the far wall, the gun held at chest level.But the copter was retreating.It seemed topause for a moment, and dip in recognition of Renshaw's superior firepower.Then it was gone, back towards theliving room.Renshaw got up, wincing as his weight came down on the wounded leg.It was bleeding freely.And why not? hethought grimly.It's not everybody who gets hit point-blank with a bazooka shell and lives to tell about it.So Mom was his number-one idea girl, was she? She was all that and a bit more.He shook a pillowcase free of the tick and ripped it into a bandage for his leg, then took his shaving mirror fromthe bureau and went to the hallway door.Kneeling, he shoved it out on to the carpet at an angle and peered in.They were bivouacking by the footlocker, damned if they weren't.Miniature soldiers ran hither and thither,setting up tents.Jeeps two inches high raced about importantly.A medic was working over the soldier Renshawhad kicked.The remaining eight copters flew in a protective swarm overhead, at coffee-table level.Suddenly they became aware of the mirror, and three of the foot soldiers dropped to one knee and began firing.Seconds later the mirror was shattered in four places.Okay, okay, then.Renshaw went back to the bureau and got the heavy mahogany odds-and-ends box Linda had given him forChristmas.He hefted it once, nodded, and went to the doorway and lunged through.He wound up and fired like afile:///E|/Funny%20&%20Weird%20Shit/75%20-%20Steph.20King%20-%20Night%20Shift%20-%20Battleground.html (4 of 9)7/28/2005 9:03:23 PM BATTLEGROUNDpitcher throwing a fast ball.The box described a swift, true vector and smashed little men like ninepins.One ofthe jeeps rolled over twice.Renshaw advanced to the doorway of the living room, sighted on one of thesprawling soldiers, and gave it to him.Several of the others had recovered.Some were kneeling and firing formally.Others had taken cover.Still othershad retreated back into the footlocker.The bee stings began to pepper his legs and torso, but none reached higher than his rib cage.Perhaps the rangewas too great [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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