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.”My stomach clenched and growled and I nodded.“Good.” He said the word as if it was meant to be comforting.But I knew what he meant—my hunger gave him control over me.“Here’s one of the paranorms like you requested.” A male voice came from the doorway, and I turned to see a middle-aged Doppler female beside a Vampire paranorm.“Excellent.” Volod went to the doorway and took the Doppler by her shoulders.“Wait here,” he said to the Vampire paranorm who had brought in the Doppler female.“Yes, sir.” The Vampire paranorm bowed from his shoulders and stood to the side.“Come here, Nyx,” Volod ordered as he turned the Doppler to face me, holding her shoulders from behind.“Vampires understand instinctively how to feed, just as a suckling baby does with its mother.But I will show you the best way.I want to watch you the first time.”My belly twisted as I looked at the Doppler he was holding.I could smell her fear, more intense than I would have smelled even as Drow.But what called to me more than anything was her blood.My mouth watered.Pain made me wince as my fangs dropped from my gums, where they had retracted.“Hungry, are you not?” Volod said in a soothing tone that I recognized as him manipulating me.Yet I couldn’t take my attention from the Doppler.I imagined how good her how goodblood would be as it entered my mouth …My stomach twisted harder at the thought of drinking a being’s blood.I’d only liked char-burned steaks and super-well-done hamburgers, never anything even slightly pink.And now I was visualizing myself drinking blood, and even eating bloody hunks of meat.My stomach growled again.I felt sick at the thought of what I wanted to do.And sick at the thought of doing without.Volod motioned for me to come closer.I took a step forward.A look of impatience flashed across his face and I hurried to reach him.He ran a finger down the side of the female’s neck.“This is the carotid artery.It is very special.It is what we drink from.”I couldn’t take my eyes from that spot.The Doppler’s fear excited me while I watched the pulse of her blood in the artery.Volod traced the vein with his fingertip.“Feed, Nyx.”“No,” the Doppler female whispered and began a futile struggle as I lowered my face to her neck.“Please, no.”Every word she said and every struggle she made only made me want what she had to offer even more.Like the way prey running from an attacker only heightens the instinct to attack.I wanted to attack.Wanted to jerk her to me and ravage her neck.Instead I moved my head slowly toward the spot and drank in the smell of the sweat of her skin and her lifeblood.I slid my fangs into the vein Volod had shown me.The taste was incredible.Better than anything I had imagined.The Doppler female had gone slack but was making soft, almost erotic whimpers.The power of a Vampire’s bite was not only mesmerizing but sexual, too.“Stop,” Volod said after I had taken only a few long draws from her.The command brought me up short.I didn’t want to stop, but I couldn’t help myself.I had to do as he ordered—it was built into me somehow.“I want you hungry for later,” Volod said.“This is only a dining lesson.”As I drew away I noticed the two spots leaking blood.Hunger made me lick up the blood.The two holes sealed over, like they had never been there.“Very good.” Volod’s tone held a note of approval.He turned to the Vampire paranorm, whom I had forgotten about.“Take her back to the holding cells.”The Vampire paranorm bowed again.“Yes, sir,” he said before guiding the now dreamy-looking Doppler away.“Find Monique,” Volod said to me, his tone dismissive.“She is to start your training at once.”“Yes, Volod.” I bowed my head in acknowledgment.It was as if I had no control over my thoughts or my words or even my actions.“I’ll go to her now.”“Most likely you will find her on the third floor in the bedchambers, the sitting room, or the library.” Volod returned to his seat.“Yes, sir.” I got to my feet and left through the door I came in.I had to pick up my long skirts to make my way up the stairs.As I went I thought about the Doppler female and how good her blood had tasted.Volod had left me hungry, wanting more.When I reached the landing I heard voices down the hallway and paused at their intimate sound.With curiosity, I peered around the corner and saw Monique and Rodán standing in the hallway just outside the door.Monique’s hair was a little messy—it had been perfect when I’d seen her earlier.Rodán looked at her with an expression that was so familiar to me.Sexual and satisfied, in a way that was entirely sensual and always made a woman want to go straight back to bed with him [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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