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.It has also been explained that each division serves a greatpurpose in the unfoldment of various forms of life which dwell in each ofthese worlds, and we may note in conclusion, that the lower regions of theDesire World constitute what the Catholic religion calls PURGATORY, aplace where the evil of a past life is transmuted to good, usable by theSpirit as conscience in later lives.The higher regions of the Desire Worldare the FIRST HEAVEN where all the good a man has done is assimilated bythe Spirit as SOUL power.The Region of Concrete Thought is the SECONDHEAVEN, where, as already said, the Spirit prepares its future environmenton Earth, and the Region of Abstract Thought is the THIRD HEAVEN, but asPaul said, it is scarcely lawful to speak about that.Some will ask: Is there then no hell? No! THE MERCY OF GOD tends asgreatly towards the principle of GOOD AS THE INHUMANITY OF MAN towardscru-elty, so that he would consign his brother men to flames of hell duringeternity for the puerile mistakes committed during a few years, or perhapsfor a slight difference in belief.The writer has heard of a minister whowished to impress his "flock" with the reality of an eternity of hellflames, and to demonstrate the fallacy of a heretical notion entertained bysome of his parishioners: that when sinners go to hell they burn to ashesand that is the end.He took with him an alcohol lamp and some asbestos into the pulpit andtold his audience that God would turn their souls into a substance resem-bling asbestos.He showed them that thought the asbestos were heated red hotit did not decompose into ashes.Fortunately, the day of the hell preacherhas gone by, and if we believe the Bible which says that "in God we liveand move and have our being," we can readily understand that A LOST SOULWOULD BE AN IMPOSSIBILITY, for were one single soul (Spirit) lost, thenlogically a part of God Himself would be lost.No matter what our color, ourrace, or our creed, we are all equally the children of God and in ourvarious ways we shall obtain satisfaction.Let us therefore rather look toChrist and forget creed.CREED OR CHRIST?No man loves God who hates his king;Who tramples on his brother's heart and soul,Who seeks to shackle, cloud, or fog the mindBy fears of Hell has not perceived our goal. God-sent are all religions blest;And Christ, the Way, the Truth, the Life,TO Give the heavy-laden rest,And peace from sorrow, sin, and strife.At his request the Universal Spirit cameTO ALL THE CHURCHES, not to one alone;On Pentecostal morn a tongue of flameRound EACH apostle as a halo shone.Since then, as vultures ravenous with greed,We oft have battled for an empty name,And sought by dogma, edict, creed,To send each other to the flame.Is Christ then twain? Was Cephas, PaulTo save the world, nailed to the tree?Then why divisions here at all?Christ's love enfolds both you and me.His pure sweet love is not confinedBy creeds which segregate and raise a wall,His love enfolds, embraces HUMAN KIND,No matter what ourselves of Him we call.Then why not take Him at His word?Why hold to creeds which tear apart?But one thing matters, be it heard,That brother-love fill every heart.There`s but one thing the world has need to know;There`s but one balm for all our human woe.There`s but one way that leads to heaven above--That way is human sympathy and love.CHAPTER IVTHE CONSTITUTION OF MANVITAL BODY--DESIRE BODY--MINDOur chapter head, "The Constitution of Man," may surprise a reader whohas not previously studied the Mystery Teachings, or he may imagine that weintend to give an anatomical dissertation, but such is not our intention.We have spoken of the Earth upon which we live as being composed of se-veral invisible realms in addition to the world we perceive by means of oursenses.We have also spoken of man as being correlated to these variousdivisions in nature, and a little thought upon the subject will quickly con-vince us that in order to function upon the various planes of existence de-scribed, it is necessary that a man should have a body composed of their substance, or at least have specialized for his or her own use, some of thematerial of each of these worlds.We have said that finer matter, called desire-stuff and mind-stuff, per-meates our atmosphere and the solid Earth, even as blood percolates throughall parts of our flesh.But that is not a sufficient explanation to accountfor all facts of life.If that were all, then minerals, which are interpen-etrated by the World of Thought and the World of Desire, would have thoughtsand desires as well as man.This is not the case, so something more thanmere interpenetration must be requisite to acquire the faculties of thoughtand feeling.We know that in order to function in this world, to live as a physicalbeing among other like beings, we must have a physical body all our own,built of the chemical constituents of this visible world.When we lose it atdeath, it profits us nothing that the world is full of just the verychemicals needed to build such a body.We cannot then specialize them, andtherefore we are invisible to all others.Similarly, if we did not possess aspecial body made of ether, we should be unable to grow and to propagate.That is the case with the mineral.Had we no separate individual desirebody, we should be unable to feel desires and emotions, there would be noincentive to move from one place to another.We should then be stationary asplants, and did we not possess a mind, we should be incapable of thought,and act upon impulse and instinct as animals do.Some one may of course object to this last statement, and contend thatanimals do think.So far as our domesticated animals are concerned that ispartially true, but it is not quite in the same way that we think and rea-son.The difference may perhaps best be understood if we take an illu-stration from the electrical field.When an electric current OF HIGH VOLT-AGE is passed through a coiled copper wire, and another wire is placed inthe center of the coils, that wire will become charged with electricity OF ALOWER VOLTAGE; so also the animal, when brought within the sphere of humanthoughts, evolves a mental activity of a lower order.Paul, in his writings, also mentions the NATURAL BODY and the SPIRITUALBODY while the man himself is a Spirit inhabiting those vehicles [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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