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.If there is external change, internal change must also come.Externalrenunciation is quite necessary.123 EVIL VRITTIS AND THEIR ERADICATIONThe mind is generally attracted by brilliant light, beauty, intelligence, varied colours andpleasant sounds.Do not be deceived by these paltry things.Enquire within.What is theAdhishthana or background for all these things? There is one Essence at the back of the mind and allobjects of this seeming sense-universe.That Essence is all-full (Paripurna) and self-contained.ThatEssence is the Brahman of the Upanishads.That Essence verily you are  Tat Tvam Asi  mydear readers!PRIDEPride is a feeling of superiority over others.It is of nine kinds: (i) physical pride (pride ofpossessing great physical strength), (ii) intellectual pride (pride of great learning), (iii) moral pride(pride of possessing great moral virtues), (iv) psychic pride (pride of possessing great psychicpowers or Siddhis), (v) spiritual pride, (vi) pride of noble birth, (vii) pride of power, wealth andother possessions, (viii) pride of being handsome and (ix) Rajamada (pride of sovereignty).Allthese varieties of pride should be completely overcome.Get rid of pride through Viveka.Everything is Anitya.Why are you vainly puffed up withpride?Arrogance is a form of pride.It is undue assumption of self-importance.It is claiming toomuch.Darpa is vanity.It is vain display.It is vain show.The man is puffed up even though heactually does not possess anything.A man of pride actually possesses something.That is thedifference between pride and vanity.Vanity is a form of exaggerated pride.Hypocrisy (Dambha) is pretending to be what one is really not.It is feigning.It isconcealment of one s true character.It is the opposite of Adambhitva of the Gita (XIII-7).Ahypocrite pretends to be what he is really not, in order to extract money, honour, fame or somethingelse from others.Hypocrisy, falsehood, cheating, avarice and Trishna (avidity) are very closely related.Theyare members of one family.Hypocrisy is the offspring of avarice.Falsehood is the son of hypocrisy.Hypocrisy co-exists with falsehood.Trishna is the mother of hypocrisy.Hypocrisy cannot live evenfor a moment without falsehood, the son and avarice and Trishna (father and mother).When there isa craving for objects, greed for money comes in.Without money, there can be no enjoyment.Tosatisfy the hunger for money, persons have to put on hypocrisy, tell lies and cheat others.The rootcause of all this is craving for enjoyment.Deceitful diplomacy and falsehood are old allies of greedand hatred.Self-sufficiency is a peculiar modification in the mind.It is the effect of vanity, pride andDambha.It is a Rajoguna Vritti.Remove it by right thinking, Vichara and practice of the oppositevirtue, humility.124 MIND ITS MYSTERIES AND CONTROLJEALOUSY AND ITS MODIFICATIONSJealousy is a form of continuous anger.Irshya is a form of jealousy.It is a form of hatred.Blaming, accusing, mocking, ridiculing, unjust criticism, censure, cavilling, vilifying, tale-bearing,backbiting, scandalmongering, faultfinding, complaining all proceed from jealousy, either subtleor gross, a hatred of various sorts.They all indicate lack of proper mental culture and meanness ofthe person.They should be removed.Taunting is to censure sarcastically.Teasing is to torment or irritate with jests.Sneering is toshow contempt by the expression of the face, as by turning up the nose.Frowning is to wrinkle thebrow as in anger.Mocking is to laugh at in ridicule, to mimic in ridicule.Ridiculing is to make a witexposing one to laughter.It is derision or mockery.It is exposing one to merriment.A joke is aclever insult.You must avoid all these when you move with others, as they cause rupture betweenfriends, heated feelings and a sense of hostility.Words must be soft and arguments hard; if wordsare hard, they will bring discord.A single harsh word will break the friendship of long years in aminute.Word or sound has got tremendous power.It is Sabda Brahman.It is Sakti.There is a world of difference between  Just comments and Ninda (censure). Justcomments is not Ninda.It is permissible [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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