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.Showing four "W" cards and four "O" cards, you place three Oil cards facedown on the table, and the last Oil card face up on top.Spreading the fourWater cards face down in your hand, you pick up one of the Oil cards place itface down into the centre of the fan then close it.You give the cards a wobbleand the Oil card floats to the top of the Water.This card is placed on the tableface up, then you count the Water cards face-up in your hand to prove you stillhave four cards.You now repeat this effect with the remaining two face down Oil cards, eachtime the cards mysteriously float to the top of the Water and you clearly showthat you only have four Water cards throughout.RequirementsEight blank faced cards.Either use a marker pen, or letter stickers, place alarge letter O on the faces of four of the cards, and a large letter W on thefaces of the other four cards.Working1.To begin: turn the cards face up and place the four Oil cards on top of thefour Water cards.Spread the packet to show four OIL and four WATER cards, as you square upthe fan hold a pinkie break under the first WATER card (5th card from face ofspread).Close the spread picking up the first WATER card under the OILcards, move your hands slightly apart so it can be seen that you have twopackets of cards, one in your left hand and one in your right.Using the packetin your right hand flip over the WATER cards, then flip over the OIL cards on Val Le-Valtop.At this point you should have from top to bottom face down - 1 WATER / 4OIL / 3 WATER.2.Deal the first three cards, one at a time, onto the table face down withoutflashing the first one, and deal the last card face up as shown below.Keep the other four cards in your hand, (which should be face down from thetop 1 OIL, and 3 WATER).Main Sequence1.Fan the four face down cards in your hand then pick up the top face up OILcard from the table.Turn it face down and place this card in the centre of thefan in the hand, then close the fan.Give a little wobble of the hand then flipover the top card - Oil floats to the top.Deal the top card onto the table face up beside the other face up OIL card.Turn the remaining cards in your hand face up and Elmsley Count to showyou still only have four water cards.2.Repeat step 1 with the next card.3.Pick up the last card (be careful not to flash this one as it is a WATERcard, ) and repeat the same sequence, including the Elmsley Count tomaintain uniformity.Finally deal the four WATER cards face up on the table to finish. David WalshWalkaroundDavid WalshThis four-minute routine requires a normal deck of cards, a marker pen, a card to walletand a jacket with a left inside and a right outside pocket.At the end I'll add some notesabout how I do this without a jacket on.The wallet is in the left inside jacket pocket and set in position to be loaded from theright palm, the pen is also in the same pocket.Easy access is needed to the pen, so it'snice if it is clipped on where you know exactly where to find it when need be.The cardsare in hand.WorkingIf I'm working a banquet, or party, I tend to have enough (plus more) red spot cards inmy breast jacket pocket to do the night.This way when I go to a table, or group, I cangive one out to be signed for use and have a full deck to work with all night.I picked upthis useful tip from Paul Green.1.On approaching the table, or group, the person to your immediate left is given a cardfrom the breast pocket (if not they can choose a card from the deck), before anyonecan make any comment about it not coming from the deck they are handed the pen tosign the face of the card.They are asked to sign as big as they can so as the people atthe other side of the table can see it.They are also told that it comes from a differentpack and that there is another in the deck exactly the same.This justifies them signingfor you and them signing justifies that the card from the pocket is being fairly used.The next action should be carried out depending on the person's signing actions.Sometimes they go straight into signing and have it done by the time you have said it,sometimes they give you every attention and wait the few seconds for you to finishexplaining first.If they wait, you don't want any dead time, as they start to sign it spreadthrough the cards and show the matching card from the deck (to everyone else)illustrating what you just told them.It is played by ear depending on the time taken, ifit's really quick it's still nice to spread the cards to offer a bit of action to illustrate thepoint, it adds in making sure it is clear from the start that it isn't an issue.The pen is retrieved and replaced in the inside pocket.As this is done the person whosigned is asked to show the card to everyone, if there is anyone in conversation at theother side of the table I always ask them to show these people in particular, itcompletes the beginning of gaining attention that is about to be reinforced.2.The card is retrieved and an action of multiple purpose is used.The card is takenback as you announce that you are about to tell the audience what you mean to dobefore you do it, additions such as doing something no other magician has done beforecan also be added if character permits.Whatever is said should be enough to ensurefull attention from everyone, care was taken to get it, this ensures keeping it.They are told that you are going to put the card deep down into the deck, the deck isheld up at shoulder height, the card in the right hand is pushed in from the top (frontshort end) for half its length.The right hand now mimes pushing the card down squareto illustrate.It then points to the right jacket pocket (don't show it empty just yet) as you David Walshcontinue to tell that you will then pull it from the pocket, signature and all.People's eyes light up here, they get alert and comprehensive.You ask them if they willbe impressed, then build their expectations up a little by telling them they have topromise that they will be impressed.When they are satisfied (don't push it for heavyconfirmation or anything) that they would be impressed by this feat make it clear youare about to do it - turn around facing away from them, then take the card out and placeit under the top two cards of the deck and get a little finger break under it as you do.Mimicking the action of possibly being up to a different piece of foolery; let your handmove down to your right jacket pocket; place it inside as you start to turn around to facethem, removing it as you face the front.Some may prefer to act up the sneakiness of this action, some could stand up straightand casual as they turn around pleasantly smug and cheekily with an air of "and I gotyou to promise you'd be impressed with this." It's catching them out, or foolingthem if you like - it's used light heartedly and if it's played right they find it funny.I've used both, and other ruses, I tend to play it as I feel at the time.3.Turn the top three cards over as one showing the signed card [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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