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.I climbed out.Saw my physical body laying on my bed.Went outside.Flew upwards.Lost vision.Woke up.Relaxed.Climbed back out.Went out through my bedroom door.It was nice and sunny outside.I remember noticing that I was naked.Climbed up onto the roof like Spiderman, I thought.When I got on the roof over my bedroom, I looked out across the street (which does not exist on the physical plane).There was a row of very quaint houses of a typically American design.One in particular had a very bright blue roof that caught my attention.I remember now that if I tried to proceed too quickly I lost my lock mold.So I slowly jumped off the roof and slowly walked across the street.It was "topsey turvey" when I moved like there were little hills where there were none in sight.This made it difficult to move and my movements felt slow and sluggish.Still, I just plodded on very carefully and slowly.I made it across the street and I went up the driveway of the above mentioned house."6>(Another example of the wind force.Note here also some things we will discuss ahead:first, where I go, and second how I make some mischief.Where I went here was, I believe, aplace where people go when they die.I will discuss this ahead.I will also discuss making mischief ahead.)".I flew through the wall into a second room and this room was darker but there was a neon purple color filling the room.I landed on the floor and there was someone there.A woman and a dwarf (or a child), if I recall correctly.I spoke with them for a few moments but I don't remember what was said.All of a sudden, a strong astral current grabbed me and started pulling me along backwards.I went passive and let it pull me.I wondered if maybe it would take me to Joey.But I knew she was inCalifornia and I didn't really think the force would pull me that far.I wanted to try to turn myself around to try to see what was pulling me, then I thought better of doing this cause I figured I'd wake myself up.The force was pulling me backwards and I was in a sitting position facing the opposite direction in which I was being pulled.Soon I saw that I was passing through walls, one after another, very quickly.From what glimpses I could catch, it seemed like I was passing through apartments, as if I was being pulled along through an apartment building.I passed through many apartments and saw many people doing many things.I recall in particular zipping through a kitchen and a man and woman were there either preparing food or putting away groceries.As I zipped by, they both saw me and had startled looks on their faces and the guy dropped whatever he was holding on to.I thought this was funny.Soon, the images of apartments stopped though I was still being dragged along.I went through a big wall and it now seemed that I was in a dormitory.The force pulling me was weakening and I suspected that I was reaching my destination, whatever that might be.The dorm rooms I was being pulled through were very big, like gymnasiums and there were giant bunk-beds, a few in each room.There were young people about my age (22) all about, some lying reading on their huge beds, others involved in other activities.The force was weak enough now that I could turn around.I saw two guys sitting on a bed eating candy.I yelled out to them, "Hey, watch this!", and I swooped down, as I was still being pulled along, and grabbed a handful or their candy.They seemed very miffed about this, but I quickly disappeared through a wall and was out of their sight.I remember that all of the young people I saw looked very avante garde with punk rock haircuts, wearing "trendy" clothes, like the New York art scene or something.Finally, I felt the current really weaken and it stopped pulling me along, and I glided to the ground.I was standing in a smaller room and there was another room off to my side with big picture windows along the wall, looking outside."(END OF ENTRIES)So, those are some examples of locomotion during an OOBE.Now, as I said above, ifyou find it hard to move, just go slowly.Also, if you find it difficult to fly, that is, say you go to fly away but instead only drift up a couple of feet, here is what you can do; PRETEND YOU ARE WALKING UP STAIRS.I have found that this works for me.If I take big steps upward, I will continue to ascend.This works good when you can fly a little bit, but not very well.2.Moving Through wallsNext of course, is the well known trick of passing through walls.Often during your OOBEs you do not need to use doors to exit from a place, you can pass right through the wall.However, just like with flying, this only works sometimes.Again, I don't know why it only works sometimes, but that is what I have discovered [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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