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." One block later the bus pulled up to the next stop and another passenger got on board.Then something strange happened.The bus pulled away from the bus stop like a bat out of hell! The bus kept accelerating until he was ten miles-per-hour over the speed limit! He drove to Minneapolis at breakneck speeds--speeding the whole way--and passing up half of his bus stops! He even ran through a red light! He pulled up to my Minneapolis bus stop at 10:10pm.That was twenty-five minutes; a new world's record! I got off the bus and it tore off into the distance."Wow!" I thought, "That's incredible!" As I patiently waited for my 10:15pm bus home, I thought to myself again, "Was it a psychic experience?" How many coincidences can pile up before you believe that something extraordinary is happening to you? If someone off the street, or even a respected scientist, were to tell me of a series of psychic experiences like that, I would have laughed in his face.But since they were happening to me, I couldn't laugh."All right," I admitted to myself, "things like that don't just happen 'by coincidence.' That's an excuse I've been using too long." I had asked for Out-of-Body Experiences, not psychic experiences.Somehow I had got them both.Somehow I was becoming psychic, whether I wanted it or not.I absolutely loved the psychic things that were starting to happen, but I started to worry about my sanity: What's next--delusions of grandeur? Psychotic behavior? Paranoia? Just how important are my thoughts anyway? Can this power be abused? "Should I tell anyone what is happening to me?" I asked myself."If the experiences were not mine, I would never have believed them in a million years.So how can I expect anyone to believe they happened to me? No way!" I vowed not to tell anyone.As a skeptic, I didn't want to believe in psychic experiences.I thought it was all a load of rubbish.But in the years ahead, as I kept practicing OBEs, I also kept having psychic experiences.Most days I would have three to five experiences I would classify as "psychic." They happened so often that I couldn't deny they were real.I doubt that the psychic experiences were directly related to the out-of-body experiences.Rather, I think they were more related to the practice, during which I would induce altered states of consciousness.I discovered that when I became too wrapped up in daily life, I would have fewer psychic experiences.And if I took the time to meditate and explore altered states of consciousness, I would have more psychic experiences.I was disappointed in the many OBE books that never mentioned the connection between OBE practice and psychic experiences.People brave enough to try to induce OBEs should be aware of the connection: When you try for OBEs, you may get more than you expect! Some of these psychic experiences can be alarming, unnerving, and sometimes even scary.EXERCISE 7 Hypnogogic PlaySleep is a very complex thing.Each sleep cycle has several stages including the dream stage, or Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep.Most of my out-of-body experiences occur during the hypnogogic and hypnopompic states.The hypnogogic state occurs at the beginning of the sleep cycle when we're just starting to fall asleep.During this state, your conscious mind is normally "letting go" and your subconscious mind is taking over.The hypnopompic state is similar, but it occurs when you are waking up naturally (not awaken by an alarm clock).It's very easy to recognize these states of consciousness: In both states, it is normal and natural to see mixed-up visual images, and to hear voices.Usually the voices and images don't make any sense.For this exercise, I want you to experiment with these states of consciousness.Learn to recognize these hypnogogic images and watch them or listen to them with interest, instead of falling deeper into sleep.Just "play" with these natural altered states to get a feel for this type of experimentation with the "borderland" of consciousness.This kind of play is fun, and can induce OBEs.Since we typically have five or more sleep cycles per night, we have at least ten opportunities to have OBEs every night! That's seventy opportunities for an OBE every week, in addition to your normal practice sessions! As an experiment, try to stay awake or prolong consciousness while you're falling asleep.Try to "walk" the thin line between conscious and unconscious.Try to get closer and closer to sleep while holding onto a thread of consciousness.Learn to hang onto that borderland state for long periods: This is a useful skill in learning OBEs.Late one night I was using a computerized "TALK" program, talking to other programmers.I asked one guy what he was doing up so late.He said always had problems sleeping for as long as he could remember.He had a bad case of insomnia and hadn't slept for days [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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