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.Danny swallowed when he heard himself referred to again as a daddy.He was only gettingused to that. I know you re tired, but just stay awake long enough to say good-night.She lifted Sarah from the changing table and brushed her cheek across the baby s little cheek.Mesmerized, Danny watched.He d forgotten how stirring it was to watch a mother with herbaby. Come on, Grace said, turning to the door.Danny jumped back, out of her line of vision.Thinking fast, he leaped into his room and quickly closed the door.He counted to fifty,hoping that gave her enough time to get downstairs, then opened the door a crack and peeredout into the hall.When he found it empty, he walked downstairs, too.Grace sat on the sofa,Sarah on her lap. Can I hold her before she goes to bed? Sure.She made a move to rise, but Danny stopped her. I ll take her from your lap.Grace nodded and Danny reached down to get Sarah.Lifting her, he let his eyes wander overto Grace and their gazes caught.Except now he knew why he was no longer dealing with thesweet, innocent woman he d slept with at the beach house.Her life had changed so much thateven if she hadn t tricked him, she couldn t be the same woman.She d gotten pregnant to astranger.He d rejected her.She d lost her job and was too sick to get another.She d had herbaby alone.Any of those would have toughened her.Made her cynical.Maybe even made herangry.No.She was no longer the woman he knew from the beach house.CHAPTER SIXDANNY awakened to the sounds of the shower.Grace was up before him and already startedon her day.He waited until the shower stopped, then listened for the sounds of the bathroomdoor opening before he got out of bed, slipped on a robe and grabbed his shaving kit.In the hall he heard the melodious sounds of Grace s voice as she spoke to Sarah and laughedwith her.He stopped.Her soft laughter took him back to their weekend at the beach house.Heshook his head and walked into the bathroom.He had to stop remembering.As he d realizedlast night, that Grace no longer existed.Plus, they had a child.Sarah s future was in theirhands.He didn t take that responsibility lightly anymore.After a quick shower, Danny dressed in a navy suit, ready for a long day of businessmeetings.He jogged down the stairs and was immediately enfolded in the scent of breakfast.Walking to the small dining area, he said,  Good morning. Grace breezed away from the table and strode into the kitchen. Good morning.Sarah grinned up at him toothlessly.He smiled down at her. And how are you today?Sarah giggled.Danny took a seat at the table.Grace set a dish containing an omelet, twoslices of toast and some applesauce in front of him.Suddenly her coolness made sense.He dforced her to have their baby alone, yet she d nonetheless suggested shared custody, allowinghim into her home to give him the opportunity to prove himself.Even if the Grace who dseduced him that night no longer existed, the woman who d taken her place had her sense ofgenerosity.Even to her detriment.She wouldn t cheat him out of time with her daughter.Oruse Sarah as a weapon.She was fair and it cost her.Grace set her dish at the place opposite Danny and sat down.She immediately grabbed hernapkin, opened it on her lap and picked up her fork.Sarah shrieked.Grace shook her head. You already ate.Sarah pounded her teething ring on the high chair tray. A tantrum will do you no good, Grace said to Sarah, but Danny was painfully aware thatshe didn t speak to him.She didn t even look at him.His chest tightened.She d been such a fun, bubbly, lively person.Now she was cautious andwithdrawn.And he had done this to her.Grace all but gobbled her breakfast.She noticed that Danny had become quiet as she drank acup of coffee, but she didn t have time to care.She wasn t entirely sure she would care even ifshe had time.He d basically accused her of lying.He clearly believed she d tricked him.Andif both of those weren t enough, he intended to take her child every other week.She didn twant to be his friend.He was only in her house because she couldn t risk that he d get fullcustody, and she also wouldn t risk her child s happiness with a grouch.So he was here toprove himself.She didn t have to entertain him.He was lucky she d made him breakfast.That was why she was late, and rushing, so if heexpected a little morning chitchat, that was his problem.Having eaten enough food to sustain herself until lunch, Grace rose from her seat and took herdish to the kitchen.To her surprise Danny was right behind her when she turned from thedishwasher [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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