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.133 | Megan Derr  Sword of the King CHAPTER TEN"Dragon, if you don't put that sausage down right now, I willnot feed you again until dinner," Blaze threatened.Erie growledat him and attempted to look innocent and starving to death."You're not fooling anyone.Finish your toast don't whine atme, finish your toast.And you!" He jabbed his spatula in Nev'sdirection."Don't think I don't know how many pieces of baconare supposed to be on that platter.Honestly, you lizards areworse than children.Eat the food on your plate, and stopstealing food meant for other people."Blaze glared at them until they obeyed, absently wonderingwhere Conway had gone.A shame he'd wandered off; he wasolder than the other dragons, calmer and more contained, sothe others tended to behave around him.After one last warning look, Blaze turned back to the stoveto finish with the second round of scrambled eggs.He waspretty certain he'd heard Ken stirring, and given that Leo wouldbe arriving at some point, he was sure Raf and Amr wouldappear shortly as well.He flushed as he thought about what Ken had told him theprevious night, about it being common in the clans.Fuck, hecouldn't even think about it without getting hard.Blaze drew indeep breaths and let them out slowly.He thought about Leo'sstupid, ugly face and the five hundred different ways Rust wasgoing to kill him when he learned about Blaze's backstabbing.Yeah, nothing killed a hard-on quite like death threats.Turning off the stove, Blaze picked up the pan of scrambled eggsand turned to carry it to the bar.Rafael walked in and Blaze stopped in his tracks.Fuckinghell, no one should be allowed to be that good looking,especially first thing in the morning.Blaze shook himself and setthe pan on the counter and dished the eggs out onto waitingplates.134 | Megan Derr  Sword of the King "Good morning," Rafael said, the words overtaken by ayawn."Is there coffee?""Yes, but it's questionable at best," Blaze warned.Rafael smiled at him."I'm sure it's fine.Thank you for takingcare of breakfast." He snagged a piece of bacon on his way tothe coffee machine, making approving noises that did nothingwhatsoever to cool Blaze down.Erie rumbled in amusement, and Blaze shot him a dirty look."You wanna be locked outside all day, dragon? Cause that canbe arranged.""Blaze mean," Erie complained."Well, you're a brat," Blaze shot back."Hmph."Fighting a smile, Blaze snagged his own plate and finally satdown to eat."So what were you and Amr doing outside allnight?" he asked, hoping he sounded casual."What? Oh.Amr burned the bodies and told me more aboutthe clans.When we came in you two were passed out on thecouch."Blaze laughed."Yeah, I guess we were both more tired thanwe realized.Ken never should have been up and about, but thatidiot quite literally cannot hold still to save his own life.I wokeup at ass crack o'clock and put him to bed, then caught a coupleof hours myself before it was time to get up." He yawned.Rafael chuckled, and brought the coffee pot over to refillBlaze's mug."Sounds like we're all going to be crashing earlytonight." He picked up his fork and began eating.Leaving him to it, Blaze made quick work of his own food,suddenly feeling twitchy and restless for no good reason.Hedrained his coffee and started gathering up dirty dishes, pilingeverything up by the sink."I'm fine!" he heard Ken snarl, and turned to watch a too-pale Ken walk into the kitchen and slide into Blaze's vacatedseat.He grimaced, one hand reaching for his side before hestopped the motion and let the hand fall.Amr walked in behind him, scowling."You're white as asheet."135 | Megan Derr  Sword of the King "My sheets are navy blue," Ken snapped, then looked atBlaze."Is there coffee?" He didn't wait for an answer when hesaw the coffee pot, just grabbed Blaze's empty mug and stoodup.At least, he tried to stand."Sit.Down." Amr pushed himback down into his seat and took the mug away.He handed it toBlaze, and then grabbed a clean one.He poured coffee and tookthe mug back to Ken, who glared at it as though the mug wasfilled with poison."I'm not an invalid," Ken said, refusing to take the mug."Even if I was, I wouldn't need you to wait on me."Amr set the mug on the counter and leaned in close."Don'tthink, little Cross, that I won't give you a spanking if that's whatit will take to make you behave."Ken went red, though Blaze honestly couldn't say whether itwas from anger or embarrassment."Fuck you," Ken snapped,and tried to stand again, glaring murder when Amr just shovedhim back down into his seat."Back the fuck off, Mordred.""The name is Amr.Drink your coffee and stop movingaround so much [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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