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.The heavy canvas cover of the baledcloths gave no clue as to the richness of the stuffs inside, brocades andvelvets, and sheens of golden silk, materials fit to bedeck the consorts ofchieftains.Other men struggled to carry, upon their shoulders, what, wrapped in burlap,appeared to be metal ingots.Many were of iron but there were, too, amongthem, concealed, ingots of gold, from which rings might be formed, fine rings,for the arm and wrist.Groups of men, four men in each group, bent under the weight of single tusksof theThalasian torodont.Boxes passed, which contained plates of copper, and sacks of silver and goldcoins.In other boxes there rattled cameos, and medallions, bearing the visageof the emperor, represented as a bearded, powerful man."Hurry, hurry!" called a mariner.Bundles of furs, and skins, were carried by, even those of the golden vi-cat,though the golden fur was rolled to the inside, that the wealth within mightbe well concealed.Spices, and condiments, and many other foodstuffs, too, were hastily embarked."I smell the pepper of Askalan," marveled a man."Are you sure?" asked another."Yes, I smelled it once in a bazaar on Rachis II," he was informed.It was an exotic trade good, doubtless little known on Tangara.The scent came through the pores of the box of fernwood in which it lay.Too, there were many other spices, and such, though well sealed, from variousworlds, such as nutmegs, gingers, cinnamons, marjorams, frostfruit peel,coriander, thyme, extract of les, cream of kalot, essence of almond, rosemary, mint, siba, chives, mustard, whole cloves, ground cloves, curry powder, mixed herbs,flakes of hineen tel, sauce, minced basbas stalk, sage, paprika, boiled arla leaves, seed of thepinnate fennis and vanilla."But the goods are not quite complete, are they?" asked Julian."No," said the officer.He lifted his hand, to an unseen compatriot."Move!" said a voice, from behind boxes, and machinery."This way, this way!"said another voice.Instantly, there was another rousing cry of delight fromPage 36 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlthe longshoremen, the stevedores, the porters, the drivers, the dock hands,some hooting, the clapping of hands.It was a similar sound to that which had risen upon the quay but momentsearlier."This way," said a voice, that of a young, blond officer.There were cries ofpleasure from many men about, who, it seemed, had come from here and there,from many places about the quay, some descending even from their coigns ofvantage on boxes, from the seats and hoods of vehicles, and such, to crowdabout what was now the center of their attention."This way, this way," said another voice, a severe, impatient voice.Approaching, uncertainly, were several muchly concealed figures.Each was covered, almost entirely, by a large, light, but closely woven,opaque, white, sheetlike cloth, which was thrown over the head and buckledabout the neck, that portion of the cloth constituting then, in effect, anopaque, concealing hood.Below, at the sides, at the shoulders, two aperturesappeared in the cloth, through which bared, fair arms projected.The clothitself, its hem, so to speak, fell midway, in its voluminousness, upon lovelycalves.In this way the lower portion of the well-rounded calves, and the trimankles and the small feet of each figure, these lovely parts all bared fully,as the arms, were visible.The left ankle of each of the figures was encircledby a light, flatish, narrow, but sturdy, steel anklet, which was locked.Afterhaving been unloaded from some vehicle on the quay, which was doubtless theoccasion of the first raucous greeting to which they had been subjected, theyhad assumed, doubtless upon command, a common hand linkage.In this case itwas as follows: The first figure puts its right hand behind it and it is feltfor, and grasped, by the second figure, who then puts its own left hand behindit, which is felt for, and grasped, by the left hand of the figure behind it,who then puts its own right hand behind it, which is felt for, and grasped, bythe right hand of the figure behind it, and so on.To be sure, there areseveral other such linkages, hands on shoulders of the preceding figure, righthand back to left hand forward, repeated and so on.The figures had now been permitted to unclasp hands and had been pushedtogether, crowded together, closely, near the grille ramp leading to thesecond hatch, only a few feet from Julian and Otto."Why are they not chained?" asked Julian."They are not going to escape," said the supply officer.There was laughter from the men about."Forgive me, milord," said the officer."When such merchandise is moved," said Julian, "I prefer for it to besecured [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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