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."Sharon looked worried."I think that's fairly obvious.Annabelle, really, what were youthinking?""It's business!" she exclaimed."Monkey business," Krystal muttered."Heath needed to get away for a while, and I need a chance to figure out why the matchesaren't working.There's nothing more to it than that."Charmaine exchanged a loaded glance with Phoebe, ready to say more, but Molly came toAnnabelle's rescue."We'd better get back before they start running plays."All of them turned toward the end of the dock.file:///C|/Downloads/Susan%20Elizabeth%20Phillips%20-%20Match%20Me%20If%20You%20Can%20(v1.0).html (160 of 329)10/12/2005 17:39:42 SEp Match me if you canAnd came to a dead stop.Phoebe was the first to break the long silence.In her soft, husky voice, she said what all ofthem were thinking."Welcome to the Garden of the Gods, ladies."Sharon spoke quietly over the lapping water."When you're standing right next to them, youdon't get the full impact."Krystal's voice had a dreamy edge."We're getting it now."The men stood by the campfire& all six of them& one more gorgeous than the other.Phoebelicked her bottom lip and pointed to the oldest, a big blond giant with a hand cocked at his hip.On a never-to-be-forgotten day in the Midwest Sports Dome, Dan Calebow had saved her lifewith a perfectly thrown spiral."I pick him," she said softly."Forever and ever."Molly slipped her arm through her sister's and said, just as softly."I'll take the golden boyright next to him.Forever and ever." Kevin Tucker, tan and fit, had hazel eyes and a star-kissed talent that had earned him two Super Bowl rings, but he still told people the night he'dmistaken Molly for a burglar was the luckiest night of his life."I'll take that righteous brother with the soulful eyes and smile that melts my heart." Krystalpointed toward Webster Greer, the second largest of the men standing by the flames."As madas he makes me, I'd marry him again tomorrow."Charmaine gazed toward the largest and most menacing of the gods.Darnell Pruitt had left hissilk shirt unbuttoned to the waist, revealing a brawny chest and a trio of gold chains.As thefirelight turned his skin to polished ebony, he looked like an ancient African king.She pressedher fingertips to the base of her throat."I still don't quite understand it.He should terrify me.""Instead, it's the other way around." Janine's smile held a trace of longing."Somebody lend meone of them.Just for the night.""Not mine," Sharon said.The fact that Ron McDermitt was the smallest man around the fireand a self-proclaimed geek didn't dim his sexual megawattage one bit, not when the right pairof sunglasses turned him into a ringer for Tom Cruise.One by one, the women's gazes fell on Heath.Lithe, square-jawed, his crisp brown hair dustedwith gold from the fire, he stood in the exact center of this elite group of warriors, both one ofthem and somehow set apart.He was younger, and his battle-hardened edges had been honedat the negotiating table instead of on the gridiron, but that didn't make him any lessfile:///C|/Downloads/Susan%20Elizabeth%20Phillips%20-%20Match%20Me%20If%20You%20Can%20(v1.0).html (161 of 329)10/12/2005 17:39:42 SEp Match me if you cancommanding.This was a man to be reckoned with."Spooky how he fits right in," Molly observed."It's the favorite trick of the undead," Phoebe said tartly."Shape-shifters transform themselvesinto whatever people want to see."Annabelle suppressed a powerful urge to defend him."Harvard brains, GQ polish, and country boy charm," Charmaine said."That's why the youngguys want to sign with him."Phoebe tapped the toe of her sneaker against the dock."There's only one good use for a manlike Heath Champion.""Here we go again," Molly muttered.Phoebe's lip curled."Target practice.""Stop it!" Annabelle rounded on her.They all stared.Annabelle unclenched her hands and tried to retrench."What I mean is& Imean& If a man said something like that about a woman, people would throw him in jail.So,I don't& you know& think maybe a woman should say it about a man."Phoebe seemed fascinated by Annabelle's rebuke."The Python has a champion.""I'm just saying," Annabelle murmured."She has a point." Krystal began walking toward the beach."It's hard to raise male children with good self-esteem.That kind of thing doesn't help.""You're right." Phoebe slipped her arm around Annabelle's waist."I'm the mother of a son, andI should know better.I'm just& a little uneasy.I've had so much more experience with Heaththan you."Her concern was genuine, and Annabelle couldn't stay upset."You really don't have to worry.""It's hard not to.I feel guilty.""About what?"Phoebe's steps slowed just enough so they fell behind the others.She patted Annabelle thesame way she patted her children when she was worried."I'm trying to figure out a tactful wayto say this, but I can't.You know, don't you, that he's manipulating you to get to me?"file:///C|/Downloads/Susan%20Elizabeth%20Phillips%20-%20Match%20Me%20If%20You%20Can%20(v1.0).html (162 of 329)10/12/2005 17:39:42 SEp Match me if you can"You can't blame him for trying," Annabelle said quietly."He's a good agent.Everybody saysso.Maybe it's time to let bygones be bygones." She regretted her words the moment she spokethem.She knew nothing about the inner workings of the NFL, and she shouldn't presume totell Phoebe how to run her empire.But Phoebe merely sighed and dropped her hand from Annabelle's waist."There are no goodagents.But at least some of them don't go out of their way to stab you in the back."Heath had scented danger, and he came striding toward her."Ron had his eye on the lastbrownie, Annabelle, but I snagged it first.I've seen how cranky you get if you go too longwithout chocolate."She was more of a caramel person, but she wouldn't contradict him in front of his archenemy,and she took the brownie he extended."Phoebe, do you want to split this?""I'll save my calories for another glass of wine." Without even glancing at Heath, she walkedaway to join the others."So how's your plan working so far?" Annabelle said, studying Phoebe's back."She'll come around.""Not anytime soon.""Attitude, Annabelle.It's all about attitude.""So you've mentioned." She handed him the brownie."You can work this off easier than me."He took a bite.From the beach, she heard Janine say she needed to finish the book beforetomorrow.As everybody told her good night, Webster slipped another CD in the boom box,and a Marc Anthony song came on.Ron and Sharon began to salsa in the sand.Kevin grabbedMolly, and they joined in, executing the steps more gracefully than the McDermitts.Phoebeand Dan looked into each other's eyes, laughed, and began to dance, too.Heath's fingers tightened around Annabelle's elbow."Let's take a walk.""No.They're suspicious enough as it is.And Phoebe knows exactly what you're up to.""Does she now?" He tossed the rest of the brownie in the trash."If you don't want to walk, let'sdance [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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